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Contributor success vision

Contributor success vision. Contributor……????. Stay Hungry….!!! Stay Foolish…..!!!!. Category…….!!. World Level Nation level Country level Society level In its oneself. Categories……!!!!. Nation Level . Country Level. Anna Hazzare. Mahatma Gandhi. Categories……!!!!. Society Level.

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Contributor success vision

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Contributor success vision

  2. Contributor……???? Stay Hungry….!!! Stay Foolish…..!!!!

  3. Category…….!! • World Level • Nation level • Country level • Society level • In its oneself

  4. Categories……!!!! Nation Level Country Level Anna Hazzare • Mahatma Gandhi

  5. Categories……!!!! Society Level World Level Mark Zuckerberg • Dr. Kiran Bedi

  6. Stand up for champions…..

  7. Now, let see an intro to some living legends or the well known contributors and their success vision.

  8. DhirubahiAmbani - “Guru Bhai..”Founder of Relience.. In the indian economical market.. DhirajlalHirachandAmbani was an Indianindustrialist who founded Reliance Industries, a petrochemicals, communications, power, and textiles conglomerate and one of the 3 privately owned Indian companies in the Fortune 500.

  9. Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam – “Wings of fire”Ex.President Of India • He achieved successes though an innocent, polite, kind, curious, and with a heart full of humanity and the Contributor ship towards the nation and society…

  10. KiranBedi - “Retired IPS Officer” • KiranBedi is an Indian social activist and a retired Indian Police Service (IPS) officer.Bedi joined the police service in 1972 and became the first woman officer in the IPS

  11. Thank You…

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