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IFB Fundamentals

IFB Fundamentals. Erin Datri , Debbie Boettner , Kate Brenner and Carol DeWolf. IFB Team organizational chart. Donna Cosgrove. Bill Hughes. Paula Shappy. Erin Datri. Joanne Hughes Randy McConnach. Debbie Boettner Kate Brenner Carol DeWolf. Michelle Ko Page Morrison.

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IFB Fundamentals

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  1. IFB Fundamentals Erin Datri, Debbie Boettner, Kate Brenner and Carol DeWolf

  2. IFB Team organizational chart Donna Cosgrove BillHughes Paula Shappy Erin Datri Joanne Hughes Randy McConnach Debbie Boettner Kate Brenner Carol DeWolf Michelle Ko Page Morrison

  3. Bureau of contracts workload statistics 2012 – 2013 State Fiscal Year • - Total BOC Transactions Processed • 7,124 – Total New Contracts Approved by BOC • – Total Value of New Contracts Approved by BOC • – Total Number of IFB Transactions Processed • 1,082 – Total Number of New Contracts Approved by IFB • – Total Value of All Contracts Approved by IFB • – IFB’s Average Processing Time 23,731 $48 Billion 6,045 $5.7 Billion 13 Days

  4. NYS Laws, Regulations, Guidelines and Procedures • NYS Finance Law, Article 7, §112 • NYS Finance Law, Article 11, §160 – 168 • Economic Development Law, Article 4C, §140 – 145 • OSC Guide to Financial Operations • NYS Procurement Council Procurement Guidelines • NYS Division of Budget – Budget Bulletins • SUNY Guidelines, if applicable

  5. Prior Approval thresholds • Pursuant to §112 of the State Finance Law, any contract for the purchases of goods and services exceeding $50,000 and revenue contracts exceeding $10,000 require the approval of OSC • Procurements are subject to a formal competitive process when the value of the annual anticipated procurement will equal or exceed $50,000 based on the date of the first purchase unless it is made in another manner consistent with the procurement methods described in §163 of the State Finance Law

  6. Special note on multiple awards When determining whether or not OSC approval is required on a multiple award contract, the total value of the procurement effort is the deciding factor. For example, assume you are awarding three contracts as follows: Since the total value of the contracts are $180,000, all three would require OSC approval even though All the Rest is under $50,000.

  7. Sfl §163 – purchase of commodities and services Statutory preference is accorded in the following order: 1st Preferred Sources 2nd OGS Centralized Contracts 3rdAgency or Multi-Agency Contracts 4th Procurement Methods Prescribed by SFL

  8. Sfl §162 – preferred sources Services Industries for the Blind NYSID Buy “OMH” Qualified Veterans’ Workshops Commodities 1st Corcraft 2nd Industries for the Blind 3rd NYSID, buy “OMH”, Qualified Veterans’ Workshops

  9. Sfl §163 – method of procurement • Competitive Bids • Invitation for Bid (IFB) • Request for Proposal (RFP) • Sole/Single Source • Piggybacking • Emergency Purchases • Discretionary Purchases

  10. When do you use an ifb? • Typically used when requirements can be translated into exact specifications • Award will be made based on price alone • Must be used for commodity purchases • May be used for the purchase of services and technologies

  11. Step #1 - Formulate the ifb Step #1A – Describe the Commodity/Service Step #1B – Describe the Bidder Qualifications/Requirements Step #1C – General Requirements

  12. Step 1a – describe the commodity/service • Clearly describe the commodity/service needed • Should meet program needs • Be clear, unambiguous and all inclusive • Specify if the commodity must meet certain standards

  13. Step 1a – describe the commodity/service • For commodities only – when referencing a brand name, be sure to include “or equal” in the specifications • Use industry standards where applicable • Specify how the vendor is to bid • Hourly rate • Square foot • Specified size • Etc. • Confirm the specifications with the end user

  14. Step 1b – bidder qualifications/requirements • Specify criteria to provide reasonable assurance the vendor will be able to provide the commodity or service required • Do not use criteria you cannot verify, measure, explain or do not need • Specify if the service requires licensing or certification • Be prepared to justify criteria selected

  15. Step 1c – general requirements • List specific delivery requirements that reflect actual need • FOB Destination • Review records of previous contracts, if possible, to review historical usage (estimates), contract deliverables and problems encountered • Mandatory requirements should be pass/fail • Ensure requirements are not so restrictive that only one vendor meets the criteria

  16. Step 1c – general requirements • Be careful when using words such as “must, shall, may not, minimum, maximum,” etc. to describe requirements • Do not invite vendors to include prices for additional services or to expand upon the requirements without figuring these additions into the method of award and evaluation • Items cannot be awarded if they are not evaluated

  17. example The Contract Reporter advertisement and the bid specifications state the winning vendor must be located within 15 miles of the agency’s location. The agency received three bids:

  18. discussion • Who does the agency have to award to based on the stated requirements? • What could’ve been done to avoid this situation? • What other issues/problems do you see?

  19. solution Problems: • The requirement to be located within 15 miles was mandatory • Agency may have restricted competition • Unless the IFB allowed for making no award, the Agency has to award to Zed Unlimited Ways to avoid this: • Conduct an internet search prior to soliciting bids • Conduct a request for information • Scan the document for must, shall, will and decide are they necessary

  20. Step #2 – method of award Step #2A - Determine your Method of Award Step #2B – Weights and Estimated Usage Step #2C - Additions during the Contract Period

  21. Step 2a – determine your method of award • Should be clearly stated • Examples of appropriate Methods of Award • Award by item • Award by lot • Award by grand total • Indicate the potential for multiple awards • Indicate how tie bids will be decided

  22. example “Agency reserves the right to award the bid based on any of the following criteria, whichever is in the best interest of the State: • Total of Item A • Total of Item B • Total of Item A plus Item B”

  23. Discussion • What item(s) is needed by the agency? • What drives the decision on how to award the contract? • Would all vendors be able to determine how the contract will be awarded?

  24. solution “Award will be made by item to the lowest responsive and responsible vendor or vendors. Agency reserves the right to make no award on any individual item.” OR “Award will be made by grand total to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.”

  25. Step 2b – weights and estimated usage • When determining the Method of Award, assign a weight to the cost based on estimated usage • If certain services or commodities will be used more frequently, the associated costs must be weighted accordingly in the evaluation • Should be a reasonable estimate – based on historical usage when possible • Reasonable estimates may be percentages or actual units • Use total weighted cost as the determining factor, not unit prices

  26. example The method of award states: “Award will be made based on the lowest average of the four classes shown below: Service Technician $________________ Foreperson $________________ Journey Level Person $________________ Apprentice $________________ Average $________________

  27. discussion • Does this create an even playing field? • How could this be altered to better reflect the agency’s need? • What problems do you foresee when bids are received?

  28. Vendor a vs. vendor b Vendor A is the low vendor according to the method of award; however, they only send service technicians when work is required and the IFB and contract language does not specify who determines the skill level required for a job.

  29. Suggestions for improvement • Indicate expected usage by category • Indicate the agency will specify the skill level required for each job • Require the per hour amounts must be equal to or greater than prevailing wages • Prevailing wage document or a Prevailing Rate Case (PRC) # must be provided

  30. Step 2C – additions during the contract period If you anticipate additions during the contract term or if you are requesting pricing on options, these must be evaluated in the method of award, or you cannot make an award for the additions.

  31. example An IFB was conducted for lab testing services where vendors were asked to submit a per test price. In addition, the agency requested the vendors provide hourly rates for data review and expert testimony. These additional services are rarely used and no estimated number of hours were provided in the bid document. The method of award states: “Award will be made to the bidder meeting all of the Mandatory bid requirements and submitting the lowest per sample price.”

  32. discussion • Do the vendors have enough information to submit reasonable prices for the additional services? • Does the method of award clearly reflect the agency’s need? • What information may help bidders formulate their bids most appropriately? • What information may help the agency identify the true low bid?

  33. Vendor A vs. vendor b The following represents two bids received: Using the method of award stated, Vendor A would have been awarded the contract; however, Vendor B’s total contract value was lower. Optional/additional items should be incorporated into the method of award to ensure the State is obtaining the best price.

  34. Step #3 – develop your ifb Step #3A – Administrative Process Step #3B – IFB and/or Contract Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to – price adjustment clauses, renewals, termination, site visits, appendices

  35. Step 3A – administrative process • Date, time and place of bid opening • Requirements for submitting electronic, faxed or sealed bids • Timeline for process • Name, phone, fax and email address of the contact person(s) for questions, Lobby Law and debriefings • Timeframe for submitting and responding to written questions relating to the IFB, if applicable • Description of how bidders will be informed of potential addendums to the IFB

  36. Step 3B – Price Adjustment Clauses • Increases for contractors’ costs but also allows for the State to realize savings if costs decrease • Price adjustments will affect bids; therefore, must be included in the solicitation document in order to be included in the contract

  37. Step 3B – Price Adjustment Clauses • Must be clearly defined • Must identify frequency of increases/decreases • Consumer Price Index (CPI) must include the index, region, base period and item • Producer Price Index (PPI) must include the proper series ID • CPI/PPI indices must be relevant to the item/service being procured • May use other items such as prevailing wages, fuel indices, etc. • Contracts utilizing de-escalation/escalation for both services and materials should include a proportional breakdown of the cost in the bid document

  38. Example escalation clause Vendor, or the State, may request a price increase or decrease based on changes in the CPI. CPI to be used is CPI - All Urban Consumers – Northeast All Items for the 12 months ended 90 days prior to the anniversary date of the contract. Requests for changes must be initiated 60 days prior to the anniversary date of the contract. Only one price adjustment per year will be granted on the anniversary date of the contract.

  39. Step 3b – renewals and termination provisions • Contract term and subsequent renewals • Cannot exceed five years total • Termination Provisions • Unilateral termination by the vendor is unacceptable (Guide to Financial Operations (GFO), Chapter XI, Section 2. I. – Unilateral Termination Provisions) • Consequences of Default (i.e. liquidated damages) • Lobby Law Violations • Agency’s convenience • Cause • ST220 violations • Iran Divestment Act violations

  40. Step 3b – site visits • If the site visit is mandatory, it cannot be waived for any vendor • Provide OSC with a sign-in sheet for verification • Bids received from vendors who did not attend the mandatory site visit must be rejected • Site visits should be conducted on one day at one time so all vendors have the same information • Questions and answers generated as a result of the site visit must be distributed to all attendees

  41. Step 3b – IFB and/or contract terms and conditions • Prevailing wage schedules, if applicable • Mandatory requirements • Order of Precedence clause • Vendor Responsibility documentation • Tax Department Certification • Procurement Lobbying documentation • Appendix A • Iran Divestment Act language • Proof of Workers’ Compensation and Disability coverage

  42. Step #4 - advertising Step #4A – Contract Reporter Advertisement Step #4B – Discretionary Advertising Step #4C – Exemptions Step #4D – Single/Sole Source

  43. Step 4a – contract reporter advertisement • Must appear in the Contract Reporter at least 15 business days prior to the proposal due date • NYS Agencies are required to publish: • Bid solicitations over $50,000 • Annual anticipated procurements up to $50,000 based on date of first purchase (SFL §163 (6)(b)) • Contract Reporter exemptions must be approved by OSC prior to publishing the exemption • Make sure to include an “or equal” in your advertisement to avoid restricting competition • Agencies must use due diligence to identify potential bidders GFO Chapter XI, Section 14.A. – Publication of Procurement Opportunities

  44. Step 4b – discretionary advertisingDiscretionary purchases under $50,000 SFL §163 (6)(b) • Obligates state agencies to aggregate expected purchases for the same commodities or services within twelve months from the date of purchase to determine whether the procurement falls within the discretionary threshold • Expressly prohibits split ordering • A change to or a renewal of a discretionary purchase shall not be permitted if the change or renewal would bring the aggregate amount of all purchases of the same commodity or service from the same provider within the twelve month period over the discretionary threshold and should have been reasonably expected prior to the date of first purchase

  45. Step 4b – discretionary advertisingDiscretionary purchases between $50,000 and $200,000 • Best Practices Language #1 • [Agency x] intends to purchase [1,000 widgets] pursuant to its discretionary authority under State Finance Law Section 163 (6). Interested parties should contact [agency contact person] to discuss this opportunity. • Best Practices Language #2 • [Agency x] intends to purchase [1,000 widgets] pursuant to its discretionary authority under State Finance Law Section 163 (6), which authorizes purchases without a formal competitive process in certain circumstances, including purchases from New York State small businesses, from businesses certified pursuant to Article 15-A of the New York State Executive Law and, if applicable, from businesses selling commodities or technology that are recycled or remanufactured. Interested parties should contact [agency contact] to discuss this opportunity.

  46. Step 4b – discretionary advertisingDiscretionary purchases between $50,000 and $200,000 • Best Practices Language #3 • [Agency x] intends to purchase [1,000 widgets] pursuant to its discretionary purchasing authority under State Finance Law Section 163. This procurement opportunity is limited to NYS Small Businesses, businesses certified pursuant to Article 15-A of the NYS Executive Law and, if applicable, businesses selling commodities or technology that are recycled or remanufactured. This language can only be used when no formal solicitation has been made using an IFB or RFP.

  47. Step 4c - exemptions • Exemption requests must be submitted to and approved by OSC prior to entering into a contract • Request must include: • Justification of need • Justification for the selection of the vendor • Justification for reasonableness of price

  48. Step 4c - exemptions • State agencies shall conduct formal competitive procurements to the maximum extent practicable • Shall be used only when a formal competitive process is not feasible • Shall minimize the use of single source procurements • Shall only be made under unusual circumstances • Shall include a determination that the specifications have been designed in a fair and equitable manner

  49. Step 4d – single/sole source exemptions Subparagraph ii was added to Section 163 (10)(b) to limit the use of single source procurements to circumstances where a formal competitive process is not feasible and provide that the term of the single source contract shall only be for a period of time until such circumstances are ameliorated. Furthermore, state agencies must document in the Procurement Record why competition is not feasible and publish these reasons on its website within 30 days of awarding a single source contract. This is in addition to the requirement that single source contracts be let only in unusual circumstances where material and substantial reasons exist.

  50. Step #5 – Bid tabulations Bid Opening Submission to OSC

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