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SABBATH SCHOOL REVITALIZATION Through Small Groups. Why do our Sabbath Schools need revitalization ?. Sabbath School Problems. Decline in Sabbath School attendance in many places.

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  2. Why do our Sabbath Schools need revitalization?

  3. Sabbath School Problems • Decline in Sabbath School attendance in many places. • Nearly 20% of those who have been Adventists from four to ten years never study their Sabbath School lesson. • The comparison between church books and Sabbath School attendance shows a large number of missing members. • The majority of teachers have never had any training.

  4. Institute of Church MinistrySDA Theological SeminaryAndrews University (2002) • Only 57% attend weekly corporate worship on a regular basis, and only about half take part in any group Bible study, including Sabbath School. • 30% range: items such as nurturing members of all ages according to their diverse talents and needs, training for discipleship, witnessing, and involvement in local church activity.

  5. Barna Study on Religious Practices • A. Attend B. Read C. Pray D. Church Church Bible to God Volunteer _______________________________________ • SDA 47 49 79 16 • Assembly of God 69 66 93 30 • Baptist 50 55 92 19 • Catholic 48 23 88 19 • Church of Christ 58 53 92 22 • Episcopal 30 30 85 19 • Lutheran 43 32 84 19 • Methodist 49 43 90 19 • Mormon 71 67 95 40 • Chr.non Den. 61 66 94 22 • Pentecostal 66 75 97 25 • Presbyterian 49 48 89 26

  6. Barna Study on Religious PracticesJuly, 2001 ADVENTISTS Attend Church # 10 Bible Study # 7 Prayer # 12 Voluntary work # 12

  7. Sabbath School Problems Generally, only 15% of Sabbath School members study their Sabbath School lessons regularly.

  8. A New World Church Right now only about 20% of world church members have any Adventist heritage. The rest are all new. By 2020 only about 12% will have any Adventist heritage.

  9. Why don’t people come to Sabbath School?

  10. Sabbath School Problems • The majority of Sabbath School teachers have never had any training. • The program is boring • Not enough participation in the class • Felt needs are not met • Some do not study their lesson

  11. We have a problem with Sabbath School teaching Too many Sabbath School teachers: Don’t study Talk too much Just read from the Quarterly Have little or no discussion Are not adequately trained

  12. What Are the Major Problems? • Formalism • A Mini-Church Service • Need for Change

  13. Lack of Fellowship

  14. The Expected Outcome - A Revitalized Church

  15. Divine Plan “The Sabbath school is an important branch of the missionary work, not only because it gives to young and old a knowledge of God’s Word, but also because it awakens in them a love for its sacred truth, and a desire to study them for themselves; above all, it teaches them to regulate their lives by its holy teachings.” -Counsels on Sabbath School Work, pp. 10,11

  16. Divine Plan The Sabbath school, if rightly conducted, is one of God’s great instrumentality to bring souls to a knowledge of the truth.” -Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p. 115

  17. The Need for Sabbath School Revitalization “There is much to be done in the Sabbath School work also in bringing the people to realize their obligation and to act their part. God calls them to work for Him, and the ministers should guide their effort.” -Testimonies for the Church vol. 5 p. 256

  18. The Need For Revitalization Meeting the objectives of Sabbath School 1. Bible Study 2. Fellowship 3. Community outreach 4. World mission

  19. Sabbath School Programming Sabbath School Action Units

  20. The Formation of Small Groups “The formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort is a plan that has been presented before me by One who cannot err. If there is a large number in the church, let the members be formed into small companies, to work not only for the church members but for unbelievers also.” -Evangelism, p. 115

  21. Sabbath School Action Unit Plan Classes of six to eight Outreach Leaders - Care Coordinator Outreach Plan Class Time - One Hour Time for Missing Class Members Time for Outreach Lesson Discussion Application Monthly Corporate Sharing Monthly Home Fellowship/Evaluation Weekly, then Monthly Leader Consultation

  22. Sabbath School Action Unit Small classes – 6 to 8 persons Sabbath School Teacher: Group Discussion leader Outreach leader: Care Coordinator Class time: 60 minutes Introduction: 5 minutes Care Coordinator time: 20 minutes Lesson study: 35 minutes

  23. Triangle of Learning A child remembers: 10 20 30 50 70 90 Based on research by the University of Texas 10% of what he reads 20% of what he hears 30% of what he sees 50% of what he hears & sees 70% of what he says 90% of what he says & does


  25. Recognize the Role of Sabbath School Teachers A teacher is more than an instructor A teacher shepherds a class A teacher is the pastor’s extension A teacher is a leader A teacher is a feeder A teacher is a protector

  26. Set Attendance Goals Educate the members Advertise the attendance goal Have SMART goals S pecific goals M issionary goals A ttainable goals R eachable goals T imetable goals

  27. Ways to Raise Attendance 1. Publish a monthly calendar of Sabbath School events. 2. Invite Sabbath School classes or other groups such as seniors, youth or children to present programs. 3. Plan special music presentation or other special featured early. 4. Gift certificates at the end of the quarter for perfect attendance, daily study and involvement. 5. Recap the morning activities….

  28. Ways and Means of Promoting Fellowship • Develop a program of fellowship • Outdoor and indoor ministry • Create a follow-up program to bond visitors to church • Conduct a guest day campaign to motivate church members to reach out

  29. Ways of Evangelism for Sabbath School Members Use front a door evangelism

  30. PHASE1: Driveway/Parking Lot Ministry Your Church Building Sanctuary Doors Welcome Desk Your Church’s Main Door Your Driveway/Parking Lot

  31. PHASE 2: Church Door Ministry Your Church Building Sanctuary Doors Welcome Desk Your Church’s Main Door The key word in door ministry is courtesy.

  32. PHASE 3: Welcome Desk Ministry Your Church Building Sanctuary Doors Welcome Desk Your Church’s Main Door Develop a welcome pack . Point out . . . Ask questions.

  33. PHASE4: Sanctuary Door Ministry Your Church Building Sanctuary Doors Welcome Desk Your Church’s Main Door Sanctuary doors are often formidable obstacles. OPEN THE DOOR.

  34. PHASE 5: SeatingMinistry Your Church Building Sanctuary Doors Welcome Desk Your Church’s Main Door Have certain church members seated in the congregation acting as receptionists.

  35. Ways of Evangelism for Sabbath School Members • Use front a door evangelism • Use saturation evangelism • Use the media for evangelism • Be super-aggressive in outreach • Use fellowship evangelism • Use service evangelism • Use side door evangelism (reach friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors) • Use lifestyle evangelism • Share testimonies and experience • Organize special “Guest Day.” • Follow up visitors

  36. Ways and Means of Integrating Soul Winning with Sabbath School Small Group Activities • Begin Sabbath School classes, small groups • Sabbath School class functions as a cell group on a week day. • Sabbath School class serves as an action unit • Reaching people going through transitions

  37. The Law of Seven Touches • First touch - phone call • Second touch - write a letter • Third touch - the secretary's phone call • Fourth touch - appointment letter • Fifth touch - the visit • Sixth touch - follow up - letter • Seventh touch -Saturday night friendly call

  38. Prayer Prayer for growth Pray for specific goals Pray for converts Pray for eternal spiritual growth

  39. Planning You get what you work for Know your base Feed the flock Assess needs Discover talents/spiritual gifts Set goals Goal indicators Action plans Evaluation

  40. Take Challenging Steps Have class names Have class prayer meetings Have class projects Begin a class newsletter Include statistics Names of visitors in newsletters Include a message from the teachers in the newsletter

  41. Maintain Sabbath School Growth • Be number conscious • Be willing to start new classes • New members join a class when joining the church • All Sabbath School teachers act as pastor/evangelists • Develop a program of fellowship

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