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My Family Ma Faimlie Mo Theaghlach Moja Rodzina Mera Khandaan

My Family Ma Faimlie Mo Theaghlach Moja Rodzina Mera Khandaan. English Scots Gaelic Polish Urdu. We are learning family vocabulary in:. English Scots Gaelic Polish Urdu. Do you know any words in these languages already? Make a list with your shoulder partner.

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My Family Ma Faimlie Mo Theaghlach Moja Rodzina Mera Khandaan

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  1. My FamilyMa FaimlieMo TheaghlachMoja RodzinaMera Khandaan EnglishScotsGaelicPolishUrdu

  2. We are learning family vocabulary in: • English • Scots • Gaelic • Polish • Urdu Do you know any words in these languages already? Make a list with your shoulder partner. Now share your words with the rest of the class.

  3. Father Mother Brother Sister Draw a picture of your family. Label it in English like this picture. Grandmother Grandfather

  4. Can you match these words with their English meaning?Work with a partner. (The next 3 slides should help!) dziadek babcia siostra ojciec brat matka mither faither grandfaither grandmither sister brither athair bràthair màthair seanmhair seanair piuthar maan bhai waalid behn daadi daadaa mother father brother sister grandmother grandfather

  5. Father Faither Athair Ojciec Bhai Mother Mither Màthair Matka Maan EnglishScotsGaelicPolishUrdu

  6. Brother Brither Bràthair Brat Wallid Sister Sister Piuthar Siostra Behn EnglishScotsGaelicPolishUrdu

  7. Grandmother Grandmither Seanmhair Babcia Daadi Grandfather Grandfaither Seanair Dziadek Daadaa EnglishScotsGaelicPolishUrdu

  8. Do you notice anything interesting about these family words?Which language would you like to learn more about?Why would you like to learn more about this language? EnglishScotsGaelicPolishUrdu

  9. Choose another two languages to add to your family picture.(If you need help with spelling, ask your teacher to show slides 5,6 and 7 again.)Show your picture to your shoulder partner.Explain which languages you have chosen and why. EnglishScotsGaelicPolishUrdu

  10. Now make a set of flashcards for your new family words. You can use them to teach your own family at home! Here is an example! father faither athair ojciec waalid EnglishScotsGaelicPolishUrdu

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