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Conducting a Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Conducting a Comprehensive Needs Assessment. John Purcell School Improvement Specialist Melissa Blossom Assistant Director of School Improvement. @EducateIN. CNA-SIP Resources Available on Padlet: https://tinyurl.com/ycj725xe. @EducateIN. CNA/SIP Roadshow Objectives.

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Conducting a Comprehensive Needs Assessment

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  1. Conducting a Comprehensive Needs Assessment John Purcell School Improvement Specialist Melissa Blossom Assistant Director of School Improvement @EducateIN

  2. CNA-SIP Resources Available on Padlet: https://tinyurl.com/ycj725xe @EducateIN

  3. CNA/SIP Roadshow Objectives • Locate your school’s federal report card, Moodle Course, CNA-SIPtemplate, and additional resources. • Identify the benefits of a unified approach to school improvement vs. random acts of school improvement. • Utilize the state’s template and resources to conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment. • Understand how to apply aroot cause analysis to identify the deepest underlying causes of school-specific challenges. @EducateIN

  4. Federal Report Card Overall federal grade Subgroup grade with TSI designation CSI and TSI Lists www.doe.in.gov/sig @EducateIN

  5. Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI) Title I served F’s or the lowest performing 5% of all Title I schools High school (Title I or non-Title I) with a graduation rate less than 67% Title I schools with an underperforming subgroup at the same level as the lowest 5% schools for 5 consecutive years • School develops a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) and School Improvement Plan (SIP) using the state’s template. • School administers a culture and climate survey. A survey will be provided by the state at no cost. • The state will provide technical assistance to support the design and implementation of effective school improvement plans. Exit Criteria: Attain a grade of C on the federal accountability model for 2 or more consecutive years; demonstrate a strong plan for sustaining progress. @EducateIN

  6. Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI) Schools (both Title I and non-Title I) with one or more subgroups at or below the lowest performing 5% threshold used to identify CSI schools. • School develops a comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) and school improvement plan (SIP) focused on meeting the needs of students in the identified subgroup(s). • The state will provide technical assistance to support the design and implementation of effective school improvement plans. Exit Criteria: Attain a grade of C for 2 consecutive years within 5 years on the federal accountability system for the identified subgroup(s); demonstrate a strong plan for sustaining progress. @EducateIN

  7. Federal Report Card Overall federal grade Subgroup grade with TSI designation CSI and TSI Lists www.doe.in.gov/sig @EducateIN

  8. Unified Approach: Where Are You? Curriculum Assessments Professional Development Leadership Instructional Strategies Instructional Strategies Data Analysis Professional Development Curriculum Interventions Funding Assessments Scheduling Culture Scheduling Data Analysis Funding Culture Leadership Interventions Random Acts of Improvement Aligned System of Improvement @EducateIN

  9. Unified Approach to a CNA/SIP School Improvement Plan Creates focus, intentionality, and aligns resources and efforts towards the areas identified most in need of improvement by the CNA. Comprehensive Needs Assessment Provides a framework for analyzing school data and performing root cause analysis to identify areas in which improvement is most critical. @EducateIN

  10. To Access Moodle: moodle.doe.in.gov Access Moodle: moodle.doe.in.gov Step 3 Step 1 Step 2 @EducateIN

  11. CNA/SIP Roadshow Objectives • Locate your school’s federal report card, Moodle Course, CNA-SIPtemplate, and additional resources. • Identify the benefits of a unified approach to school improvement vs. random acts of school improvement. • Utilize the state’s template and resources to conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment. • Understand how to apply aroot cause analysis to identify the deepest underlying causes of school-specific challenges. @EducateIN

  12. Comprehensive Needs Assessment Establish a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Planning Team Develop a Vision of Excellence Create a School Profile • 2 • 3 • 1 Collect Additional Data on Focus Areas Identify Focus Areas Analyze Data to Determine Key Findings and Root Causes • 4 • 5 • 6 @EducateIN

  13. CNA Phase 1: Establish A Team • Diversity of stakeholders/experiences • Supplemented with committees with a domain of study (TSI) • Establish a meeting schedule -Agenda -Minutes -Meeting norms -Strategies for active participation • Principal • Teachers • Professional staff • Family members • Community members • Students @EducateIN

  14. CNA Phase 2: Vision of Excellence • Define a vision of excellence • Written in terms of desired student outcomes • Build on strengths • Address areas of growth • Sustainable growth in student outcomes • Purpose of the school • Aspirations/expectations for students • Responsibilities of adults • Partnerships and collaborations • Intents and purposes of schoolwide programs and initiatives • Aspirational measures of success @EducateIN

  15. CNA Phase 3: School Profile • Understanding of the current state • Data-driven descriptions -Vision -Mission -Goals -Programs -Partnerships • Vision, mission, and goals • Demographics • Behavior/academic needs • Improvement strategies • Measures of success • Curricula, assessments, interventions • Recruitment and PD • Coaching/evaluation model • Family engagement and partnerships @EducateIN

  16. CNA Phase 4: Focus Areas • Compare and contrast the following to identify gaps between the school’s vision of excellence and current state: -Vision of Excellence (aspirations) -School Profile (current state) • Identify up to three (3) focus areas • TSI subgroups must be focus areas • May choose to identify additional focus areas • TSI subgroups = focus areas • May choose additional focus areas @EducateIN

  17. CNA Phase 5: Collect Additional Data • Gather and organize data for all focus areas • Identify focus area(s) for further study • Consider collecting additional data • TSI subgroups must be focus areas • May choose to identify additional focus areas • Qualitative: formative/summative assessment, SIS, and Compass • Quantitative: Classroom observations, surveys, interviews, or focus groups @EducateIN

  18. CNA Phase 6: Data Analysis/Root Causes • Analyze data using a well-sequenced process • Conduct a root cause analysis *Five Whys *Fishbone • TSI subgroups must be focus areas • May choose to identify additional focus areas • Conduct a data quality review • Revisit/refine focus areas to investigate • Analyze data in a triangulated manner • Identify key findings and root causes @EducateIN

  19. Phase 6 Continued: “Five Why’s” Root Cause Analysis Why? Data shows that …. Why? Why? If the last answer is something you cannot control, go back to the previous response. Why? Why? @EducateIN

  20. Root Cause Analysis Example • Sample

  21. Root Cause Analysis Example • Sample

  22. Sample • Root Cause Analysis Example

  23. Sample • Exemplars

  24. Thank you! Mr. John Purcell School Improvement Specialist jpurcell@doe.in.gov Ms. Melissa Blossom Assistant Director of School Improvement mblossom@doe.in.gov @MsBlossom_DOE @EducateIN

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