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21 st Century Standards

Taking It to the Next Level: Using the Common Core and AASL Standards to Develop Lessons, Units and Curriculum NJASL Conference – December 1, 2012 Amy Rominiecki and Nina Kemps NJ L4L Coordinators. 21 st Century Standards. What!. Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). How!.

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21 st Century Standards

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  1. Taking It to the Next Level:Using the Common Core and AASL Standards to Develop Lessons, Units and Curriculum NJASL Conference – December 1, 2012 Amy Rominiecki and Nina Kemps NJ L4L Coordinators

  2. 21st Century Standards What! Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) How! Standards for the 21st-Century Learner 2009 Core Curriculum Content Standards Technology Standards Partnership for 21st Century Skills

  3. COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS INITIATIVE www.corestandards.org/ What!

  4. Literacy Across Subjects The Natural and Best Connector English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Librarian

  5. College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards What should students understand and be able to do by the end of high school?

  6. College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading • Key Ideas and Details • Read closely • Determine central ideas or themes • Analyze how and why … • Craft and Structure • Interpret words and phrases • Analyze the structure • Assess how point of view or purpose shapes… • Integration of Knowledge and Ideas • Integrate and evaluate content … diverse formats • Delineate and evaluate the argument • Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes • Range of Reading • Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently Sample readings per grade level in Appendix B

  7. College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing • Text Types and Purposes • Write arguments • Write informative/explanatory texts • Write narratives • Production and Distribution of Writing • Produce clear and coherent writing • Develop and strengthen writing • Use technology… to produce and publish • Research to Build and Present Knowledge • Conduct short ….sustained research • Gather relevant information …multiple sources • Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research • Range of Writing • Write routinely over extended time frames …. • for a range of tasks, purposes and audiences

  8. College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing • Text Types and Purposes • Write arguments • Write informative/explanatory texts • Write narratives • Production and Distribution of Writing • Produce clear and coherent writing • Develop and strengthen writing • Use technology… to produce and publish • Research to Build and Present Knowledge • Conduct short ….sustained research • Gather relevant information …multiple sources • Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research • Range of Writing • Write routinely over extended time frames …. • for a range of tasks, purposes and audiences

  9. College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening • Comprehension and Collaboration • 1. Participate in conversations /collaborations with diverse partners • 2. Integrate and evaluate information in diverse media • 3. Evaluate speaker’s point of view, reasoning, use of evidence and rhetoric • Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas • 4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence that listeners can follow(reasoning, organization, development, appropriate to task, purpose, audience) • 5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays • 6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts/communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English

  10. Common Core Shifts ELA/Literacy • Complexity: The standards require regular practice with complex text and its academic language • Evidence: The standards emphasize reading and writing grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational • Knowledge: The standards require building knowledge through content rich non-fiction K - 2 – 50% Informational Text 5 - 8 – 55% Informational Text 9 -12 –70% informational Text

  11. Reading Standards • Progressive development of reading comprehension • Text-Based Answers - evidence • Academic Vocabulary Read with a purpose. Read like a detective. Pg. 1

  12. Writing Standards Pg. 3 • Argument • An reasoned, logical way to demonstrate the writer’s position, belief, or conclusion • Change the reader’s point of view or ask the reader to accept writer’s evaluation of an issue • Informational/Explanatory Writing • Conveys information accurately • Increase readers’ knowledge or understand a process • Narrative Writing • Narrative writing conveys experience, real or imaginary • Can be used to inform, instruct, persuade, or entertain • Sample writings of each per grade level in Appendix C

  13. Writing Standards Access Who? What? When? Where? Analyze/ Synthesize What does this mean? Why is this important? So what? What if? Why? How? Write like a reporter

  14. NJ ASSESSMENT Pilot – NOW Test - 2014-15 http://www.parcconline.org/

  15. NJ ASSESSMENT SAMPLE QUESTIONS http://www.parcconline.org/samples/english-language-artsliteracy/grade-7-elaliteracy

  16. SELF ASSESSMENT • Think of a lesson that you taught within the last month • Look at the Common Core State Standards for Reading or Writing and identify up to 3 indicators that you have addressed in the lesson Pg. 10

  17. Share in your groupChoose one lesson to share with the group

  18. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner How!

  19. Standards for the 21st-Century LearnerOrganization Pg. 11 • Skills • Dispositions in Action • Responsibilities • Self Assessment Strategies

  20. ResponsibilitiesKey Question:Is the student aware that the foundational traits for 21st-century learning requires self-accountability that extends beyond skills and dispositions? Self Assessment StrategiesKey Question:Can the student recognize personal strengths and weaknesses over time and become a stronger, more independent learner?

  21. Benchmarks Common Core by Grade Level Standards in Action Grades 2, 5, 8,10, 12

  22. Standards for the 21st-Century LearnerAction Examples

  23. Standards for the 21st-Century LearnerAction Examples

  24. Standards for the 21st-Century LearnerAction Examples

  25. Standards for the 21st-Century LearnerAction Examples

  26. TEACHING TO THE STANDARDS • Collaborative approach • If you cannot find willing partners, still teach these skills and dispositions • Inquiry-based instruction • Give opportunities for students to construct their own understanding • Empower students to be independent inquirers • The social nature of learning is valuable • Assessment is an important component

  27. RESOURCES http://www.ala.org/aasl/guidelinesandstandards/guidelinesandstandards

  28. CROSSWALK http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/aasl/guidelinesandstandards/commoncorecrosswalk/index.cfm

  29. CROSSWALK http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/aasl/guidelinesandstandards/commoncorecrosswalk/index.cfm

  30. CROSSWALK http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/aasl/guidelinesandstandards/commoncorecrosswalk/index.cfm


  32. RESOURCES http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/aasl/guidelinesandstandards/lessonplandatabase/lessonplandb.cfm

  33. RESOURCES http://aasl.jesandco.org/ Link to database

  34. RESOURCES http://aasl.jesandco.org/ NEW!

  35. Pg. 13


  37. Add the Common Core Standards • Add the Common Core Standards to the AASL Lesson “It’s Debatable” • Use the CCS from pg. 1-9and the lesson from pg. 16 Add

  38. PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and Innovation Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills Communication and Collaboration Skills Information, Media and Technology Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) Literacy Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity and Accountability Leadership and Responsibility CORE SUBJECTS English, reading or language arts World languages Arts Mathematics Economics Science Geography History Government and Civics CORE THEMES Global awareness Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy Civic literacy Health literacy Environmental literacy

  39. P21 Lesson Plans- Combines P21 and the Common Core http://www.p21.org/storage/documents/P21CommonCoreToolkit.pdf

  40. ISTE Student Friendly Standard NamesMatch Them! Creativity and Innovation = Communication & Collaboration = Research and Information Fluency = Critical Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making = Digital Citizenship = Technology Operations & Concepts =

  41. New Jersey Standards - P21 and CCSSI http://www.njcccs.org/Home.aspx

  42. http://www.njcccs.org/ResourcebyContentAreaLink.aspx New Jersey Standards Resources Sample Units Technology Toolbox

  43. NJASL Professional Development Resources Standards Comparison Chart Curriculum Resources http://www.njasl.org

  44. NJASL Professional Development Resources Standards Comparison Chart Pg. 19 or go to http://njschoollibraries.pbworks.com

  45. Other Resources Library Of Congress Other States’ Model Curriculums

  46. http://www.loc.gov/teachers/standards/index.php LIBRARY OF CONGRESS & Common Core

  47. New York City- Common Core/Information Fluency Continuum Alignments to meet Citywide Instructional Expectations (Grade by Grade K-12)

  48. Model School Library Standards for California Public Schools Pg. 20 http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/lb/

  49. Maryland School Library Media Curriculum http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/msde/programs/technology/library_media

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