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Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web

Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web. Information for continuing Undergraduate students. Choosing Optional Units via SAMIS on the Web: Where to start.

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Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web

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  1. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web Information for continuing Undergraduate students

  2. Choosing Optional Units via SAMIS on the Web: Where to start • Have a look at the programme catalogue for your programme year (http://www.bath.ac.uk/catalogues/). This will give you details of which optional units (if any) are available to you. You can also access a printable guide to on-line unit selection (in pdf format) from these pages. • Check that you have the appropriate pre-requisites for any optional units you want to choose. If in doubt please consult your Director of Studies. • Your department/Director of Studies may provide additional guidance on which units to choose. • Once you have decided which options you wish to take you will need to log in to SAMIS on the Web…

  3. Choosing Optional Units via SAMIS on the Web: Logging in to SAMIS on the Web The SAMIS on the Web log in page can be found at https://www.bath.ac.uk/samis/. You can also access this page by clicking on the SAMIS logo in the programme and unit catalogues or using the SAMIS link on the University’s homepage. Log in using your University User-name and Password If you have problems logging in, use the ‘SAMIS Help’ link to access advice and contact support

  4. Choosing Optional Units via SAMIS on the Web: SAMIS on the Web Homepage Make sure you are in the ‘Student Home’ tab The ‘Student tasks’ container If you get stuck, use the ‘Contact Support’ button to ask for help. Click on ‘Choose optional modules/view compulsory modules’ to access lists of optional units to choose fromand to see any compulsory units on which you have been automatically enrolled.

  5. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:Navigating the main screen This section shows a count of the units you have already selected (including any compulsory units/DEUs) and may include additional information relating to the entire year. Details about you and the programme on which you are registered. This section shows any compulsory units/DEUs on which you have been automatically registered. This section shows any lists of options which are available for you to choose from, with details of how many units should be selected from each list and any additional information to help you with your selections.

  6. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:Making a selection To make a selection from a list, click on the ‘Select’ button. See the next slide for details of what to do next Make sure you have checked to see if there are any additional rules for your programme before making any selections.

  7. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:Using the ‘Choose optional modules’ screens 1 This text tells you how many units you should choose from the list, and may also include some additional information to help you make your choice. These fields show the details of the units available in this list of options. Clicking on a unit title will take you to the unit’s description in the module database Click in the ‘Select’ box next to the unit(s) you want to choose Once you have selected all of the units you want to take from the list, click on ‘Submit Selections’ to save your choice and return to the main screen. The ‘Clear Selections’ button allows you to return to the main screen without saving a selection.

  8. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:Invalid Selections If you try to submit a selection of units which does not comply with the rules given then an error message will appear The reason for the error message will appear in the selection list (in this case too many units have been selected from the list). Correct your error and click on the ‘Submit Selections’ button again

  9. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:Modules selected 1 The selections section at the top of the page will show a summary of how many units have been selected (including any compulsory units) and the total number of credits this adds up to. The module(s) you have selected will now appear in the ‘Selections’ column. • You must choose units from all lists other than those which allow you to choose a minimum of 0 (you only need to make a selection from these lists if you want to choose one of the units they include). • If you make a mistake, click on the ‘Clear’ button next to the list you want to change, or use the ‘Clear All Selections’ button to delete all of your selections and start again.

  10. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:Modules selected 2 Once you have made all of your selections, check that you have chosen the correct number of credits (the total credits should be 60 unless you will be progressing to the final year of a Modern Languages & European Studies, Language & Politics or IMML programme) When you are happy that you have chosen the correct units, click on the ‘Submit Selections’ button to save them (note that if you exit this screen without submitting your selections, your unit choices will not be saved in SAMIS). You can use the ‘Clear All Selections’ button to clear the screen and start again.

  11. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:‘Submit Selections’ error messages 1 There are several different error messages which may appear when you try to submit selections in SAMIS on the Web… If you get the following message… Look in the ‘State’ column for the two asterisks (**) which indicate where there has been a problem. If the problem is with a list which is part of an overarching rule (as can be seen here) then your selections do not comply with the overarching rule (here the rule states that at least 3 units must be chosen across the 2 lists but the student has only selected 2 units). Change your unit selections as appropriate and submit them again. If the problem is with a list of options from which you have not made a selection then you have failed to comply with a rule which states that you must select one or more units from the relevant list. Click on the ‘Select’ button next to the list of units where there is a problem and correct your error (see slides 8 – 10 for help on the select screen)

  12. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:‘Submit Selections’ error messages 2 If you get a message similar to the following… …then you have failed to comply with one or more rules attached to your programme. Read the instructions in the error message and correct your selections as appropriate. Here the student is required to choose a total of 30 credits from the combination of lists marked ‘A’ but only 24 credits have been selected. The student needs to select PL50686 in addition to those units already selected.

  13. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:Module Choice Complete Once you have made an appropriate selection from each list of options and clicked on the ‘Submit Selections’ button, the ‘Module choice now complete’ screen will appear… • This screen shows both the compulsory/designated essential units (with statuses ending ‘C’ and ‘D’ respectively) on which you are enrolled and any optional units (status ending ‘O’ or ‘X’) which you have selected. Check the list to make sure that: • The optional units you have selected are correct. • You have a total of 60 credits from the combination of compulsory and optional units (unless you are on IMML, Modern Languages & European Studies or Language & Politics programmes where you will select additional preferences). If you change your mind about the optional units you have selected click on the ‘Undo Any Selection’ button. This will return you to the main screen where you can change the units you have selected.

  14. Choosing Optional Units via SAMIS on the Web: Director of Studies approved units • If you have selected a ZZ coded Director of Studies approved option via the ‘Choose optional modules’ screens you must contact your Director of Studies as soon as possible to request permission to take the unit you wish to study. You will not be able to add this unit to your records yourself. Instead, your Director of Studies should contact SREO (sreo@bath.ac.uk) to confirm that they have approved your choice. The unit will then be added to your records centrally. • Please note that: • your choice of unit is subject to the approval of your Director of Studies/Director of Teaching; • where you would like to take a unit from outside your department, your choice of unit will also be subject to the approval of the Director of Studies/Director of Teaching of the relevant department; • units are only available to you subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes. • You may only request to take a unit as a ‘Director of Studies approved option’ if this option is available within your programme.

  15. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:Help! • You can find answers to some frequently asked questions online at http://www.bath.ac.uk/catalogues/information/students/choosing-units-faqs-continuing-students.html. • If you need help at any point whilst choosing your units, please use the ‘Contact Support’ button in SAMIS on the Web to ask us for advice. • If you are not sure which units to choose, your Director of Studies will be able to help you with this.

  16. Choosing units via SAMIS on the Web:What happens next? • The online unit selection facility will be open until 5pm on Tuesday 29 April 2014. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you choose your optional units (if any are available on your programme) before this deadline.  Once the facility is closed you will only be allowed to change your choice of units under very exceptional circumstances. • Once online unit selection has closed, a central process will be carried out to confirm your unit choices. We will email you when this has been completed. • Once your unit choices have been confirmed you will be able to view these in the ‘Current Modules’ screen in SAMIS on the Web. Please note that… …your Director of Studies will receive a list of the units you have chosen. In some circumstances you may be required to change your options if your Director of Studies feels that your choices are not appropriate. If this is the case you will be contacted to discuss your options further. …programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.

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