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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 海啸是由海底地震、火山爆发等现象而产生的破坏性海浪。. What Is a Tsunami?. Have you ever seen a tsunami on TV? You may feel it looks like a wall of water. The wall is much higher than a building, and it’s moving very fast towards shore. Everything is destroyed in seconds.

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

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  1. 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

  2. 海啸是由海底地震、火山爆发等现象而产生的破坏性海浪。海啸是由海底地震、火山爆发等现象而产生的破坏性海浪。 What Is a Tsunami? Have you ever seen a tsunami on TV? You may feel it looks like a wall of water. The wall is much higher than a building, and it’s moving very fast towards shore. Everything is destroyed in seconds.

  3. The word “tsunami” comes from Japanese (日语). It means seismic sea waves. Sometimes the ground under the sea shakes. If it moves too much, it may result in earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. That will affect the water and bring about a tsunami. A tsunami is not one wave. It’s a series of waves called a wave train. The waves may come again and again. So people must go to higher ground quickly.

  4. 如此梦幻的漩涡手表,你想不想拥有一块呢? Ziiiro Watch This watch shows a different way of reading time. The tip of the inner swirl shows the hour, and the tip of the outer swirl shows the minutes.

  5. Word Bank 超纲词汇 tsunami /tsu:'n1:mI/ n. 海啸 towards /t='w6:dz/ prep.向,朝着 shore /56:/ n.岸 seismic /'saIzmIk/ adj. 由地震引起的 ground /GraUnd/ n. 地面 earthquake /'+:0kweIk/ n.地震 affect /='fekt/ v.影响

  6. hour /'aU=/ n.小时 minute /'mInIt/ n. 分 Everything is destroyed in seconds. 一切在瞬间被摧毁。 result in 导致 volcanic eruption 火山爆发 bring about 导致 a series of 一系列 the tip of the inner/outer swirl 内/外漩涡的末端

  7. 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

  8. 水果谜语。 Guess the Fruit 考考你: 请根据谜面,圈出对应的水果,并写出英文名称。

  9. It is round. It is orange. It has a tough face. • It is a(n) ________. • 2. It has a core. It can be red, green or yellow. • It is used to make cider. It is a(n) ________. orange apple

  10. 3. It is long. It is yellow when ripe. You peel its skin to eat it. It is a(n) ________. 4. It is small. It is round. It has one seed at its core. It is a(n) ________. banana cherry

  11. 外向的托尼爱社交,内向的芭比爱看书。 他们会怎么用自己的零花钱呢? Let’s Go Shopping Tony and Barbie have got their pocket-money. How will they use it? S: Shop assistant T: Tony B: Barbie

  12. >> In the toy shop S:May I help you? T: Yes, I’d like to buy a birthday gift for my cousin. S: What kind of thing? T: A toy. I like this teddy bear. How much is it? S: 300 yuan. T: Is there any discount? S: Sorry, we don’t bargain. How about this smaller one? It’s 150 yuan. T: It’s cute, but I don’t like it.

  13. >> In the bookshop S: What can I do for you? B: Do you have Harry Potter 7 ? S: Yes. Which do you want, the paperback or the hardback? B: How much do they cost? S: The paperback costs 65 yuan, and the hardback is 85 yuan. B: Well, the paperback, please.

  14. 这么多商店,你爱逛哪家呢? Different Shops

  15. Grammar how much 词组 how much 表示“多少”的意思,用于引导特殊疑问句,它的用法如下: 1. 询问不可数名词的数量,如: Q: How much milk is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少牛奶? A: Half of the bottle. 有半瓶。 (请区分: how many 用于询问可数名词的数量)

  16. 2. 询问重量,如: Q: How much does the pig weigh? 这头猪多重? A: Eighty kilos. 八十公斤。 3. 询问价格,如: Q: How much are the carrots? 这些胡萝卜多少钱? A: Two yuan. 两元。 该问句还可以说成: How much do the carrots cost?

  17. 周周练 用how many或how much填空。 1. Q: __________ birds can you see in the picture? A: Eight birds. 2. Q: __________ water do you drink every day? A: Eight glasses. 3. __________ do those books cost? 4. Q: __________ sisters do you have? A: None (没有). How many How much How much How many

  18. Word Bank 超纲词汇 core /k6:/ n. 果核 cider /'saId=/ n. 苹果酒 ripe /raIp/ adj. (水果)成熟的 kind /kaInd/ n.种类 discount /'dIskaUnt/ n. 折扣 bargain /'b1:GIn/ v.讨价还价 paperback /'peIp=b7k/ n. 平装书

  19. hardback /'h1:db7k/ n. 精装本 cost /k^st/ v. 价钱为,花费 make-up /'meIk2p/ n.化妆品 peel one’s skin 剥皮 pocket-money (给孩子的)零花钱 teddy bear 泰迪熊 How/What about...? ……怎么样?

  20. 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

  21. 感恩节将至,我正期待着一顿丰盛大餐! A Thanksgiving Dinner I can’t wait for Thanksgiving! There’ll be so much food for dinner. My favourite is the stuffed turkey. My mum can make nice stuffing, such as bread, nuts and different fruits.

  22. I love those side dishes, too. Cranberry sauce makes my mouth water. Mashed potatoes taste so good. Who doesn’t want a big spoon? At the end of the dinner, I’ll waiting for my Thanksgiving desserts—pumpkin pies and apple pies. They are warm and sweet!

  23. A Big Fat Turkey I am a big, fat turkey. You can’t have my head. I’ll sit with you at dinner. We’ll eat a duck instead!

  24. I (didn’t) mean it. 这句话中的动词 mean 解释为“打算,意欲”。“我正打算这么做”即表示“我是认真的”意思。而当这句话反过来,就成了“我并非如此打算”,即“我不是故意的”意思。如果哪天不小心做错事,你就可以用 “I didn’t mean it.”来向对方道歉和解释。 Susan: Can you turn down (调低音量) the television, please? I can’t focus (集中精神) on my work! Jack: Sorry, I didn’t mean it. I’ll turn it off (关掉).

  25. Word Bank 超纲词汇 turkey /'t+:kI/ n. 火鸡 stuffing /'st2fI9/ n. (烹饪前塞入鸡等膛 内的)填料;填充物 nut /n2t/ n.坚果 dessert /dI'z+:t/ v.(餐后) 甜点 pumpkin /'p2mpkIn/ n.南瓜 instead /In'sted/ adv.代替 stuffed turkey 填陷火鸡

  26. such as 例如 side dish 配菜,小菜 cranberry sauce 蔓越莓酱 make one’s mouth water 令某人垂涎欲滴 mashed potatoes 土豆泥 at the end of ...在……的最后

  27. 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

  28. 从前有一对贫穷的鞋匠夫妇, 他们只剩最后一块皮革用来制鞋了…… The Elves and the Shoemaker (I) A long time ago, there lived a good shoemaker and his wife. They were very poor. One night before going to bed, the shoemaker cut his last piece of leather. He put it on the desk and said, “I will make shoes tomorrow morning.”

  29. The next morning, the shoemaker came to the desk and found a pair of beautiful shoes. “They are so perfect!” he shouted. “But who has made these shoes?” asked his wife. That day, a rich man came into the shop. He tried the shoes on. They fit perfectly. The man was so happy that he paid double the price. Now the shoemaker had money to buy leather for more pairs of shoes.

  30. Word Bank 超纲词汇 elf /elf/ n. 小精灵,elves是elf的复 数形式 shoemaker /'5u:meIk=/ n.鞋匠 wife /waIf/ n.妻子 poor /pU=/ adj.贫穷的;可怜的; 反义词为 rich (富有的) last /l1:st/ adj.最后的 leather /'le8=/ n. 皮革

  31. perfect /'p+:fIkt/ adj. 完美的,副 词形式为perfectly (完美地) fit /fIt/ v.(形状和尺寸)适合,合身 a long time ago 很久以前 pay double the price 付两倍的价格

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