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Community services, a specific way to match supply and demand

Community services, a specific way to match supply and demand. Avelgem Wensday 20 mars 2013. Community services ? 3 goals in 1 concept. Create jobs for people who do not find/have access to the regular labour market

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Community services, a specific way to match supply and demand

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  1. Community services, a specific way to match supply and demand Avelgem Wensday20 mars 2013

  2. Community services ? 3 goals in 1 concept • Create jobs for people who do not find/have access to the regular labour market • Deliver services that are currently not (sufficiently) provided by the market or not (sufficiently) accessible • Services at home, ‘individualised’ e.g. domestic tasks, cleaning, ironing, painting & papering, do shopping… • Services for the neighbourhood, ‘collective’ e.g. organising activities for children or senior people, remove street litter, social restaurant, transportation service… • Improve the quality of life of the residents and in the neighbourhood

  3. DEMAND What are the needs, demands of the community and its residents? Which needs are not or insufficiently met by the market or regular service providers? SUPPLY Which long-term unemployed or inactive people can we reach / do we want to reach? What can or would these people like to do? On which conditions can they be activated? Start community service ! Matching supply and demand in the neighbourhood SUPPLY + DEMAND Exploring ideas about new (care) service provision Feasibility study + business plan

  4. Community services ? The case of BIK • Kuurne = Belgian municipality of ca. 13.000 inhabitants • Focus = neighbourhood “Spijker & Schardauw” • Social housing district, rented appartements • 60% immigrants (24 various nationalities) • Various “risk groups” : one-parent families, single seniors, long-term unemployed, disabled people, people with allowances… • High turnover, negative image • Structural problems (location, buildings…)

  5. The case of BIK analysing demand-side • Research of the quality of life in the neighbourhood Spijker & Schardauw • On initiative of municipality, social welfare • Executed by external organisation active in the field of community work • November 1998 – march 1999 • Central questions • What are your personal problems and needs? What are the problems of the neighbourhood? What should be done to make your life + community life more pleasant? • What can you do about it yourself? Which initiatives can you take or support?

  6. The case of BIK analysing demand-side • Methodology • Discussion with professionals and “key persons” • Representative sample of ca. 30 persons • Door-to-door interviews (ca. 2,5 hours) • Group session and discussion • Results • E.g. (immigrant) children ‘hanging around’ and having problems at school, flats not adapted to senior people, street litter, etc. -> Bottom-up, participative analysis of individual and community needs

  7. The case of BIK analysing supply-side • Starting points • Labour is an important lever for social integration • Even in a tight labour market, there is a group which is not easily employable, if at all. Always rest group, majority low educational level • Local policy wanted to do something with the rest group • “The unemployed from Kuurne speak : in search of creative solutions for unemployment problems” • Target group = all long-term unemployed (> 2 years) from Kuurne + people with allowances • Executed by external organisation in period November ‘99 – March ‘00 • Research with the target group

  8. The case of BIK analysing supply-side • Methodology: “Purposeful intervention planning (DIP method)” • Target group has experience (‘experts by experience’) • Focus on competencies and preferences instead of lack of formal degrees • Focus on removing traditional obstacles / barriers to work • Participation in group : 4 group sessions • Process-wise (preparation, analysis, choice of priorities, planning, execution) • Visualisation techniques

  9. The case of BIK analysing supply-side • Results • Target group : 98 persons • After first selection : 77 persons • Reacted the first time : 67 persons • Active participation : 43 persons • Till the end : 21 persons or 27% of the selection • 12 started working in community service • Two courses of action • Services in the immediate living environment -> developped into BIK • Training and education with a view to regular employment

  10. Matching supply anddemand: the case of BIK DEMAND Research of liveability Nov. ’98 – March ‘99 SUPPLY Research of latent labour Potential (DIP) Nov. ’99 – March ‘00 Start community service BIK Sept. 2000, with 12 persons from DIP, limited service offer SUPPLY + DEMAND Investigating possibilities, feasibility, preparing service provision, informing community…: March ‘00 – Sept. ‘00 Further development and growth of BIK Januari 2011: ca. 85 persons, extended offer of (care) services

  11. Collectiveservices 1) Children’swork -daily: flexible, occasionalkindergarten (0 – 3 year) - Baloe -after school: help forhomework+ neighbourhood youthwork

  12. Collective services in ‘Spijker en Schardauw’ 5) Community restaurant + kitchen (e.g. receptions) 6) Meeting, PC-corner + enter-tainment in community centre

  13. Collective services in ‘Spijker en Schardauw’ 2) Elderly work -entertainment and meeting -shopping, transportation (e.g. to market, day care centre) -meal provision 3) Sewing & ironing workshop + mending service 4) Maintenance of common parts of the living complex(e.g. removing litter)

  14. Individual services for all inhabitants of Kuurne • Help in the householdbymeans of service cheques – system • Regularhousekeepingsuch as cleaning, doinglaundry, cooking… • NOT odd-jobssuch as gardering, painting & papering… • Clientpays8,5 € / hour per cheque • Service provider receives22 € fromgovernment • BIK : 250 clients / households • 40 employees via service cheques

  15. Less mobile services Help people with mobility problems and to offer people with a low-income means of transportation.. It concerns people with a handicap, retired people or people with some kind of social needs who want to visit their family, need to see a doctor or have to go to the shop.

  16. Handy man service In association with a regular eldery service. Gardening, odd jobs in and around the house

  17. Fair trade shop – 3 Wijzen Shop with products from institutions for disabled persons

  18. Leiaarde Leiaarde focuses on intercultural dialogue and on living together in diversity. Through several services Leiaarde wants to give migrants the opportunity to use their personal experiences (on diversity) in an educational context (e.g. as a guest speaker). Leiaarde organizes the following projects: -Intercultural meeting place for schools and socio-cultural associations-Intercultural and interreligious walks in the city centre of Kortrijk-Trainings for guest speakers or workshop leaders-Several events about live cycle rituals and marriage migration In order to realize this Leiaarde works together with the city council of Kortrijk and the Flemish Community.

  19. Results • Job creation • november 2012 : 100 employees • Ca. 66 FTE’s • Average duration of unemployment : 2years • Average education = lower (secundary) education • Service provision • 2010 : 91.000 hours of service provision • Ca. 60/40 individual services (service cheques) + collective services (neighbourhood)

  20. Mixed financing for mixed goals Financial resources Flemish & federal Min. of Employment + social economy limited client revenues service cheques “sector”, e.g. child care, home care ?? Local government (munici- pality, social welfare) ??? Goals / added value • Jobs for risk groups • Service provision • Clients • “Marketable” services • “Non-marketable” services • Neighbourhood development

  21. Conclusions • Community services make the link between • The activation of so-called residual groups for the labour market (= SUPPLY) • The creation of new types of services in the fields of care and welfare (= DEMAND) • They are community/neighbourhood orientated, because • The demand and supply of new services lies, as it were ‘around the corner’ • The match is best made as locally as possible • The neighbourhood approach generates positive effects in the areas of social cohesion and community development

  22. Conclusions • “Lateral viewing” on neighbourhoods • Complex, interrelated problems require an integrated approach • Community services pay simultanious attention to: unemployment, care, housing, welfare, integration, community development… • Difficulty: need of “lateral financing” • Participative way of working, bottom-up approach • “If you want to reach people who are not reached by classic channels, you have to work in a non-classic, alternative way” • Community services give the responsibility to solve problems as much as possible to the people of the neighbourhood themselves • Bottom-up approach increases support and chance of success • It is a critical success factor allowing to activate a latent labour reserve for delivering (care) service

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