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A r th r iti s A sth ma B l oo d cl o ts B r e as t c a nc er C h r o n i c b ack p ai n C h r o n i c h e p atiti s

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A r th r iti s A sth ma B l oo d cl o ts B r e as t c a nc er C h r o n i c b ack p ai n C h r o n i c h e p atiti s

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  1. Ifyouhave acondition,suchastheselisted below,seeinsideforhealthprograms designedjustforyou, atnoextracost. Highbloodpressure Highcholesterol HIV Kidneyfailure Leukemia Lungcancer Lupus Lymphoma Migraines Osteoporosis Overweight/obesity Parkinson’sdisease Prostatecancer Seizures Sicklecellanemia Stomach ulcers Stroke Ulcerativecolitis Arthritis Asthma Bloodclots Breastcancer Chronicbackpain ChronichepatitisBorC Chronickidneydisease Chronicneckpain Coloncancer COPD Crohn’sdisease Cysticfibrosis Diabetes Diseaseoflegarteries/ PAD GERD/gastric reflux disease Heartattack andangina Heartfailure Incentive Programs forCOVACareandCOVA HealthAwaremembers. IFYOUHAVEDIABETESyoumaygetcertain diabeticsuppliesanddrugsatnocost. Toqualifyyouneedto: •Participateinaminimumofquarterly coachingcalls. •Follow-upwithyourphysicianeach planyear. •HaveatleastoneHbA1ctesteach planyear. •Takeyourdiabetesmedicationsasprescribedby yourphysician. •Completeaninitialcompliance period of90days. IFYOUAREPREGNANT youcanearna $300co-paywaiverorHRAcontribution. Toqualifyyouneedto: •EnrollintheHealthyBeginningsprogram within yourfirst16weeksofpregnancy. •Activelyparticipateintheprogram. •Completethe28weekhealth assessment. Programsareavailableforchildren andteens with thefollowingconditions: Asthma Diabetes Cysticfibrosis Highbloodpressure Sicklecellanemia Weight management/ obesity Healthcoachingcanmakea differenceinyourlife. Ifyouhavealong-termhealth condition,are pregnant,orifyoujustwant totakebettercare ofyourhealth, nursecoachesandhealth coaches areavailableatnoextracost.Allcoachingis confidential. Learnmore aboutthesemoney-saving incentivesbycalling: 1-866-938-0349 Monday–Friday8:30am–11:00pm ET Saturday9:00am–2:00pm ET July2013

  2. HealthyInsights ifyouhavealong-termcondition You’llhaveyourownnursecoach whoworks with youone-on-one.Thiscloseattention givesyouthe controlandhelpyouneedtofeelyourbest.Here’s howitworks: •Yournursecoach helpsyoubuildapersonal plan forbetterhealth—aplanthatiseasy tofollow andcanworkforyou! •You’lltalkwithyournursecoach (byphoneor Internetchat)wheneveryouhaveaquestionor couldusesomeadvice. •You’lllearnhowtoreduceyourriskofheart disease,strokeandother seriousconditions. •Youmaybeabletoloweryourbloodpressure orcholesterol—evengetyourbloodsugar under control. •You canloseweightormaintain ahealthy weightwithhelpfromaregistereddietician. •It’sanopportunitytoformastrongerpartnership withyourdoctor.(Thisservicedoesnotreplace yourdoctor inanyway.) Youcansignuprightnowandgetstarted. Ifyouhaveachronichealth condition(exampleslisted onthebackofthisbrochure),then youareeligiblefor HealthyInsights.Calltoday, andtakethefirststep towardsfeelingandbeingthebestyoucanbe! HealthyBeginnings ifyouareexpectingababy It’sone-on-onehelpforyouandyourbaby. Regularphonecallsfromapersonalnursewillhelp youstayhealthy duringpregnancyandhelpyouavoid problemsandcomplications. HealthyLifestyles ifyoucareaboutyourhealth Youmayhavetriedotherhealthprogramsand gottennowhere. Ormaybeyou’venevereventhoughtaboutit. Whateveryoursituation,HealthyLifestylescanhelp youreach yourhealth goals. Andit’saloteasierthan you’dthink.You’llhaveyourownpersonal health coach whowillworkwithyouoverthephoneon what’simportanttoyou.Doyouwant to: •Manageyourweight? •Bemore active? •Quitsmoking? •Eathealthier? •Dealwithstress? Whateveryouwant tochange,yourhealth coach andyourownpersonal health site— MyActiveHealth.com/COVA—willhelp yousucceed. Someoneyoucanturntoforadvice. HealthyBeginningsgivesyoudirectaccessto yourownnursewhocanhelpyouwiththechanges youexperienceduringpregnancy.Yournursecan helpyou: •Followahealthy dietandlifestyle. •Understandyourprenataltestsandtheresults. •Findaspecialistifyouneedone. •Feelconfidentabout thesignsofearlylabor. •Takecareofyourselfandyournewborn afterdelivery. •Andmuch more! Signupbefore16 weeksandsave! See the“IncentivePrograms”page inthisflyerfor details about incentivesforparticipation. Helpforyourhealthismobile,too! Checkoutthemobilesite, MyActiveHealth.com/COVA,where youcan: •Viewyourhealthrecords •Usetrackersandtoolstolookup relevantinformation •See yourhealthalerts,andmore! Scan theQR codeintoyour smartphoneand takethefirststep toabetter life. Signuptoday.There’snoextracosttoyou.1-866-938-0349 Monday–Friday8:30am–11:00pm ETSaturday9:00am–2:00pm ETorgoto MyActiveHealth.com/COVA

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