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加强题型研究 提高复习效率

加强题型研究 提高复习效率. 栖霞区教师进修学校 朱光成. 有效复习的作用. 将学生过去三年所学的零碎、松散的知识有机地归纳、综合起来,形成网络,拓宽、深化 促使书本知识向语言运用能力转化 查漏补缺,使知识达到系统、全面化. 一、中考复习建议. 中考复习建议. 1. 认真研究 《 英语课程标准 》 (实验稿),领会新课标精神、明确课标中的 “ 五级目标 ” 要求 2. 认真研读和利用好 《2013 年中考指导书 · 英语 》 3. 研究近年中考试题,了解命题的热点和考点. 复习阶段划分. 第一阶段 夯实语言基础 第二阶段 语法专项复习

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加强题型研究 提高复习效率

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  1. 加强题型研究 提高复习效率 栖霞区教师进修学校 朱光成

  2. 有效复习的作用 将学生过去三年所学的零碎、松散的知识有机地归纳、综合起来,形成网络,拓宽、深化 促使书本知识向语言运用能力转化 查漏补缺,使知识达到系统、全面化

  3. 一、中考复习建议

  4. 中考复习建议 1. 认真研究《英语课程标准》(实验稿),领会新课标精神、明确课标中的“五级目标”要求 2. 认真研读和利用好《2013年中考指导书·英语》 3. 研究近年中考试题,了解命题的热点和考点

  5. 复习阶段划分 第一阶段 夯实语言基础 第二阶段 语法专项复习 第三阶段 查漏补缺

  6. 二、中考命题特点与趋势

  7. 中考命题特点与趋势 突出语篇,强调运用,注重交际 考察学生用英语做事情的能力 突出对学生综合运用能力的考查 体现人文关怀和时代气息 内容贴近学生生活实际,突出语言的交流和运用 符合学生年龄特点和生活实际,呈现鲜明的时代性、教育性和实用性

  8. 三、加强题型研究 提高复习效率

  9. 一、单项填空 • 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  10. 例题解析 2.I think _________ can make Andy change his mind. He is such a person who never gives up easily. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything (2012南京) 15.—My mother says that we won′t go on a trip to Hong Kong Disneyland. I just can′t understand. — ________ You were looking forward to it . A. Never mind. B. Enjoy yourselves! C. What a pity! D. Don′t worry about it (2012南京)

  11. 复习建议及解题思路 引导学生自己归纳总结,将新、旧知识联系起来重新建构条理化的系统的知识网络 指导学生首先要考虑语境,注意句型结构和语序 加强学生思维方法上的指导

  12. 解题技巧 1.重视语境,全面考虑 2.注重背景,了解差异 3.注意应用一些考试技巧: 排除法或筛选法 比较法 逻辑推理法 常识判断法 关键词法 前后照应法

  13. 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 完形填空试题着重考查的是阅读理解能力,而不是语法知识

  14. 例题解析 Self reflection means stopping the mad rush of activity and calming yourself and your mind so your brain can evaluate(评价) the input it has already received. Some people prefer to do __16__ self reflections mentally,while others keep a diary or written notes of some kind. Whether written or purely mental,the __17__ is the same. …… 16. A. our B. your C. their D. its 17. A. promise B. profile C. program D. process (2012南京)

  15. 完形填空题解题技巧 1.定对象,把整篇文章看成一个整体 2.运用整体与部分和部分与部分之间的联系 3.上下连续,前后贯通 4.利用上下文寻找解题信息 5.根据所选答案复读全文,验证答案。

  16. 三、阅读理解 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  17. 2012年南京中考阅读理解材料分析

  18. 考查阅读理解能力的内容 概括主旨 获取具体细节信息 推测词义句意 推断隐含意义 推断结论 判断意图观点及态度

  19. 复习建议 1.不要一味地强调让学生多读几遍,要抓主题,找中心句。 2.避免对生词的恐惧,培养猜测词义的能力 3.忌固有思维模式的障碍 4.忌囫囵定案。 5.细致比较各选项

  20. 四、填空 A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。 B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 C)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确。

  21. 复习建议 • 把单词按语义范畴归类,便于联想,成串记忆 • 利用构词法归纳分类记忆单词, 可取得事半功倍的效果 3.运用所学构词知识与词义和词性结合起来记忆单词

  22. 解题技巧 48. Peter is so imaginative that most students recommend _______ (他) as the chairperson of the Science Club. 52. The first computers were built in the 1940s, They were even ______ (big) than cars. 53. Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are good for your memory to work _____ (proper). (2012南京)

  23. 五、阅读填空 A)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第62-71小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

  24. 例题解析 Fennec Foxes areas • Deserts of North Africa and Saudi Arabia. • Appearance • They are the of all foxes with the largest of ears. • Their thick fur them to survive in the cold desert night. • The hair on their feet protects them from the of the sand during the daytime. • Ability • They have very good and eyesight with big ears and eyes. • They are also good at tracking down dinner with their great sense of. • Character • They live in small communities. • They in their dens most of the day. • At they become active and come out in search of food. • Food • They eat both meat and plants. • Their foods include birds, eggs, insects, snails, fruit and leaves. • They are hunted by caracals, jackals, eagle owls, hyenas and humans. (2012南京)

  25. B)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。B)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 As we know,museums are buildings where many valuable and important objects are kept so that people can go and see them.For example,art museums are places where people can learn about v__72__ cultures.More and more popular “design museums” that are opening today,however,perform quite a different role。U__73__ most art museums,the design museum shows objects that are easily found in our daily life, such as fridges and washing machines. The a__74__ of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits(展品).Being different from the art museum visitors,design museum visitors s__75__ feel frightened or puzzled.This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-products(批量产品)work and look as they do,and how design has i__76__ the quality of our lives.Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something b__77__ their understanding. Several new design museums have opened their doors in r__78__ years. Each of these museums has tried to satisfy(满足)the public’s growing interest in the field with new i__79. London’s Design Museum,for example,shows a collection of mass-produced objects from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins. The choices open to design museums seem f__80__ less strict than those to art museums,and visitors may also sense(感觉到) the humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive toys c__81__ from our everyday life. ( 2011南京)

  26. 六、书面表达 要求考生根据提示的内容(图示),用英语写一篇短文。词数为80个左右。 要求:语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范

  27. 例题解析 上周日在秦淮河便发生了张明救落水小男孩的事情,请根据以下四幅图所描述的事情经过,为校刊的英语园地写一篇题为“A Brave Young Man”的英文稿件。 注意: 1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 3. 词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

  28. 复习建议 积累语言素材,注意关注社会热点问题 练习各类题材、体裁的英语作文。 指导学生规范作答。 帮助学生掌握一些写作技巧 注意书写习惯,增加写作信心 写一篇,会一类

  29. 复习原则 摆正师生关系,以教师为主导,以学生为主体 以课标和中考指导书为基础,以语言应用为目的

  30. 祝圆满成功 欢迎批评指正 2013年3月

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