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Critical literature reading

Critical literature reading. Why ?. An appetizer presentation by. Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde Professor in Clinical Biomechanics , University of Southern Denmark Dept . of Research The Spine Center Hopsital Lillebælt Middelfart. Life is full of ” truths ”.

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Critical literature reading

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Criticalliteraturereading Why?

  2. An appetizerpresentation by Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde Professor in ClinicalBiomechanics, University of Southern Denmark Dept. of Research The Spine Center Hopsital Lillebælt Middelfart

  3. Life is full of ”truths” In clinical science, many of themareuntrue. The question is, howcanyouquickly and efficientlyuncover the truth?

  4. Prevalence of low back painaccording to the literature The prevalence rates in the Nordic literaturerangedbetween 3% and 79%. Theycannot all have been right!

  5. Readingarticles is Time consuming Not fun Oftenconfusing – youcannottake in all the details AND whenyoureadarticle #2 youforgetwhatwasimportant in article #1

  6. An efficientmethod is the criticalsystematicliteraturereview The process is boring But whenyou have assembled all information it becomes FUN because, if done correctly, all relevant information is easilyaccessible and andthere is noneed to rememberanything

  7. The idea Get all relevant information Createthreecheck-lists Look for information in the articleswithhelp of the check-lists Trust onlyquality information Gives you an overview New publicationscan just beadded to the oldchecklistwith minimum effort

  8. Afterwards Read and enjoyonly the highqualityarticles! If youread the poorqualityarticles, youwillsuddenlyseehowuntrustworthytheyare!

  9. 1. Get all relevant information Decidewhatyouneed Speak to a librarian Set up a searchstrategy (searchmachines, search terms, language, years) See whatyouget and do it again, but better Throwawayorkeep? Order/download the relevant stuff Bewellorganized and methodical

  10. 2. Createthreechecklists Description of study Quality of research method Results

  11. Items in thesechecklists Descriptive items to seeif the various studies arecomparable (and relevant to yourneeds) Quality items are all thoseaspectsneeded in yourdiscipline to ensure a truthfulresult (e.g. absence of various types of bias and valid outcomesmeasures) Resultscanbe multiple and confusing. Boil it down to what is relevant for you and try to usecomparableaspects

  12. 3. Read it criticallybut only the methodsection However, do not read the article, look for relevant information Start with the description of study and quality of research methods Search for textbelonging to eachchecklist item this is quick (method and sometimesresultsections) Note whether info thereor not be brief

  13. Using the checklists Filling in data for the checklist is a bit tedious but fairlyquick The poorer the quality of the study the more difficult to find the check list information in the text Interpreting the checklistwhencompleted is: Quick Easy Fun

  14. Trust onlyquality information Set up yourownpre hoc criteria for ”relevant” articles and for ”sufficientlyhigh” quality Irrelevant orpoorquality studies – disregard Mediocre studies – distrust Good studies probably rare – trust

  15. Welcome to the group of Experts Nowyoureallyknowwhatyouaretalking of!

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