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31st May 2008

31st May 2008. 2. The MP Team. Dr. Abha Sahu, GoMPDr. Jayashree Chandra, GoMPMs. Anne Philpott, DFIDMr. PN Shukla, MP-TASTMr. GS Sachdev, MP-TASTSupported by Tamil Nadu TeamDr. T Sathis KumarDr. Bharathi BMs. V. Jaisee Suvetha. 31st May 2008. 3. Salient Features of MP. Large StateThe tota

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31st May 2008

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 31st May 2008 1

    2. 31st May 2008 2 The MP Team Dr. Abha Sahu, GoMP Dr. Jayashree Chandra, GoMP Ms. Anne Philpott, DFID Mr. PN Shukla, MP-TAST Mr. GS Sachdev, MP-TAST Supported by Tamil Nadu Team Dr. T Sathis Kumar Dr. Bharathi B Ms. V. Jaisee Suvetha

    3. 31st May 2008 3 Salient Features of MP Large State The total area of the State is 3,08,144 sq. km. rendering a population density of 196 Total population 60.4 Million Population density in rural areas is 116 37% population below poverty line SC and ST comprise 15.2% and 20.3% of the population respectively Literacy continues to be a challenge.

    4. 31st May 2008 4 Current Scenario of HR for Health in MP

    5. 31st May 2008 5 Simplistic Population based Projections of Health System Configuration

    6. 31st May 2008 6

    7. 31st May 2008 7 Foundations of Change Thrust on equity, effectiveness and efficiency Communitization and decentralization Increasingly stewardship role of the State Government Promotion of symbiotic relationship with PRIs, NGOs and Private Service Providers for allocative efficiency in resource optimization Synergy amongst key stakeholders – accent on inclusive planning Thrust on under- served and inaccessible areas

    8. 31st May 2008 8 Broad Vision and Changes in the Scenario in the Next 2 to 5 Years Overall Vision Adequate availability of doctors, nurses and para medical staff for meeting preventive, promotive and curative health needs of the community, especially of those in under-served areas. 5 Year Plan Adequacy of staff to ensure priority operationalisation of CEmONC and BEmONC facilities, particularly in poor-performing 10 districts.

    9. 31st May 2008 9 Major Challenges Shortage of qualified medical officers (particularly the complement of specialists-Gynecology, Pediatrics and Anesthesia-), nurses and and para-medical staff Inadequate output from medical and paramedical education institutions Lack of enabling environment for retention of doctors and paramedical staff Gaps in skills and motivation of existing staff (including that of programme management) Lack of autonomy for technical professionals

    10. 31st May 2008 10 Major Challenges contd.. Poor inter-sectoral convergence Structural issues at district, block and village level The Transfer Policy and its implementation: It is not transparent Lacks rationality; and It is not consistent.

    11. 31st May 2008 11 Innovations Required/Underway in Education for HR in MP Upgrade the existing 5 State medical colleges as per MCI norms Opening of new medical college at Sagar Allowing more private parties to open new medical colleges Upgradation of 2 nursing schools to B Sc Nursing Colleges Upgrade the existing undergraduate nursing college in to M Sc Nursing College Allow private sector/NGOs to establish ANMTCs as per INC norms Career progression of AWWs in to ANMs Swavlamban Yojana Sahbhagita Yojana

    12. 31st May 2008 12 Innovations Called For/Underway in HR in MP Promote all PGMOs as specialists and post them at CHCs Difficult Area Allowance to Medical Officers for rural postings Performance-based incentive to specialists (OB-GY, Paed and Anesthetist)

    13. 31st May 2008 13 Major Changes in Leadership and Implementation Transformation of Anganwadi Centers in to Village Health Centers for central and lead role for ANMs in rendering village based health care services Concept note on design of Village Health Center to be finalized in consultation with W & CD

    14. 31st May 2008 14 Major Changes in Leadership and Implementation BMOs to be empowered as a separate cadre Endow CM&HOs to be the head of district health functions Separate cadre for BMOs, empowered with financial and administrative power At present, Civil Surgeon is incharge of district hospital and CM&HO is incharge of rural areas. It is proposed that CM&HOs will be incharge urban as well as rural institutions.

    15. 31st May 2008 15 Major Changes in Leadership and Implementation Equipping medical officers and specialists at different levels with management and leadership skills Review management structures at various levels so as to mitigate the situations of conflicts Implementing training in association with IIM Ahmedabad and Indore, and NIHFW. Setting up a Task Force comprising senior officials of the DHS for this purpose.

    16. 31st May 2008 16 Major Changes in Leadership and Implementation Establish a process of consultation with all the Directors on HR issues The existing establishment section be empowered to look at all HR issues including training in an integrated manner The committee of Directors of DHS to be constituted to deliberate on HR issues of the Department. Integrate the establishment sections pertaining to doctors, nurses and para medicals.

    17. 31st May 2008 17 Major Changes in Leadership and Implementation Implementation of training policy. Strengthening of SIHMC and RHFWTCs and District Training Centers in respect of infrastructure, faculty and equipments. Strengthen the training system with a defined training needs identification and integrating the role transition needs of health staff with programme managers and appropriate training support. Instituting a system of training effectiveness evaluation. Modalities to be worked out in consultation with NIHFW

    18. 31st May 2008 18 Financial Implications Financials to be determined for additional recruitments and their projections

    19. 31st May 2008 19 Supervision and Monitoring HMIS/HRIS/HFIS to be reviewed and integrated. Put to use select data sets from integrated data base for unit and individual performance.

    20. 31st May 2008 20

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    22. 31st May 2008 22 Monitoring Mechanism Sub committee of the State Health Society under the chairmanship of PS, Health will monitor implementation of HR strategic plan % Facilities are fully functional as an indicator

    23. 31st May 2008 23 Aligning Policy Makers Advocacy programmes for legislators/parliamentarians Periodic updation of policy makers with progress on reforms Support in communication design required from NIHFW/WBI

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