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Chapter 4 Joining Multiple Tables

Chapter 4 Joining Multiple Tables. Chapter Objectives. Create a Cartesian join Create an equality join using the WHERE clause Create an equality join using the JOIN keyword Create a non-equality join using the WHERE clause Create a non-equality join using the JOIN…ON approach.

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Chapter 4 Joining Multiple Tables

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  1. Chapter 4Joining Multiple Tables Oracle9i: SQL

  2. Chapter Objectives • Create a Cartesian join • Create an equality join using the WHERE clause • Create an equality join using the JOIN keyword • Create a non-equality join using the WHERE clause • Create a non-equality join using the JOIN…ON approach Oracle9i: SQL

  3. Chapter Objectives • Create a self-join • Distinguish an inner join from an outer join • Create an outer join using the WHERE clause • Create an outer join using the OUTER keyword • Use set operators to combine the results of multiple queries • Join three or more tables Oracle9i: SQL

  4. Purpose of Joins • Joins are used to link tables and reconstruct data in a relational database • Joins can be created through: • Conditions in a WHERE clause • Use of JOIN keywords in FROM clause Oracle9i: SQL

  5. Cartesian Join • Created by omitting joining condition in the WHERE clause or through CROSS JOIN keywords in the FROM clause • Results in every possible row combination (m * n) Oracle9i: SQL

  6. Cartesian Join Example:Omitted Condition Oracle9i: SQL

  7. Cartesian Join Example:CROSS JOIN Keywords Oracle9i: SQL

  8. Equality Join • Links rows through equivalent data that exists in both tables • Created by: • Creating equivalency condition in the WHERE clause • Using NATURAL JOIN, JOIN…USING, or JOIN…ON keywords in the FROM clause Oracle9i: SQL

  9. Equality Join: WHERE Clause Example Oracle9i: SQL

  10. Equality Join: NATURAL JOIN Syntax: tablename NATURAL JOIN tablename Oracle9i: SQL

  11. Equality Join: JOIN…USING Syntax: tablename JOIN tablename USING (columnname) Oracle9i: SQL

  12. Equality Join: JOIN…ON Syntax: tablename JOIN tablename ON condition Oracle9i: SQL

  13. JOIN Keyword Overview • Use NATURAL JOIN when tables have one column in common • Use JOIN…USING when tables have more than one column in common • Use JOIN…ON when a condition is needed to specify a relationship other than equivalency • Using JOIN keyword frees the WHERE clause for exclusive use in restricting rows Oracle9i: SQL

  14. Non-Equality Joins • In WHERE clause, use any comparison operator other than equal sign • In FROM clause, use JOIN…ON keywords with non-equivalent condition Oracle9i: SQL

  15. Non-Equality Join: WHERE Clause Example Oracle9i: SQL

  16. Non-Equality Join: JOIN…ON Example Oracle9i: SQL

  17. Self-Joins • Used to link a table to itself • Requires use of column qualifier Oracle9i: SQL

  18. Self-Join: WHERE Clause Example Oracle9i: SQL

  19. Self-Join: JOIN…ON Example Oracle9i: SQL

  20. Outer Joins • Use to include rows that do not have a match in the other table • In WHERE clause, include outer join operator (+) next to table with missing rows to add NULL rows • In FROM clause, use FULL, LEFT, or RIGHT with OUTER JOIN keywords Oracle9i: SQL

  21. Outer Join: WHERE Clause Example Oracle9i: SQL

  22. Outer Join: OUTER JOIN Keyword Example Oracle9i: SQL

  23. Set Operators Used to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements Oracle9i: SQL

  24. Set Operator Example Oracle9i: SQL

  25. Joining Three or More Tables • Same procedure as joining two tables • Will always results in one less join than the number of tables being joined Oracle9i: SQL

  26. Joining Three or More Tables: Example Oracle9i: SQL

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