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PGCE Primary Interview – Group Task 18/01/2012 Select book would use in primary classroom

Prepared by Nicola Stephens. “Under the Weather – Stories About Climate Change” edited by Tony Bradman Year 5/6 (KS2) Book and Curriculum Extensions. PGCE Primary Interview – Group Task 18/01/2012 Select book would use in primary classroom

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PGCE Primary Interview – Group Task 18/01/2012 Select book would use in primary classroom

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  1. Prepared by Nicola Stephens “Under the Weather – Stories About Climate Change” edited by Tony Bradman Year 5/6 (KS2) Book and Curriculum Extensions • PGCE Primary Interview – Group Task 18/01/2012 • Select book would use in primary classroom • Consider how would use it to support learning and teaching in other areas of the curriculum • How might this enhance aspects of social and emotional development?

  2. 1. • How to build the perfect sandcastle • Philippines Island • Sea temp rise and impact on flooding, sand, coral destruction and tourism • LINK to exploring other countries, comparing to UK flooding, water cycle activities • Discuss how narrator uses tips are used as a mechanic in the text, use to assess grammar and word forms • Sea canaries • Beluga whales in Manitoba, Canada and impact of rise in sea temp • Girls dream to be marine biologist to help • Discuss habitat and personal responsibility as well as rel with parents Under the weather – stories of Climate Change • As busy as... • Bees and impact of climate change on pollination and farming • UK, USA, Zambia • Cycle of plant life and development, global link of issues, flooding 4. • Wasters • Future image of world and how look back on 21st Century • Good example of dictionary definitions, can compare to current, can also use to discuss plant growth, devise own vision of the future and own personal responsibility 2. • Tommo and the bike train • UK based flooding, and comparison with Bangladesh • Use with news reports of real UK flooding and compare 3. • Moonlight • Sri Lanka family in poverty, malaria increase due to temp change, death of girl leading family • Stimulate learning about other cultures and ways of life Future dreaming - Australian girl having dreams of floods which prompts her to take small step at her own school • Climate (short) change • Siberia exploration of impact of climate change and the scientists evaluating it on Siberian life • Use to stimulate sample data graphs, pros and cons of intervention and action • Key dates/issues in 2012 • Earth day – April 22nd 2012 – local event registration ‘a billion acts of green before Rio’ • Rio+20 summit (UN) 4th – 6th June - focus likely to be on climate management ‘ecosystem services’ like pollination management, rather than climate change • Areas of Climate Change covered in text: • Sea temperature rise and flooding in Philippines, UK, Bangladesh, Zambia, Australia • Land temperature rise and increase in infectious disease – Sri Lanka • Impact on Arctic and temperature – Siberia • Specific impact on animal food chain – Manitoba • Future view of unchanged world

  3. Under the weather – Stories about Climate Change

  4. How Under the Weather can fit with the National Literacy Units in the Primary Framework Year 5 – Non fiction Unit 3 – Persuasive Writing Read and evaluate letters, for example from newspapers or magazines, intended to inform, protest, complain, persuade, considering (i) how they are set out, and (ii) how language is used (e.g. to gain attention, respect, manipulate). Select, read and evaluate a range of texts, in print and other media, on paper and on screen (e.g. newspaper comment, headlines, adverts, flyers) for persuasiveness, clarity, quality of information, and to compare writing which informs and persuades, considering for example the deliberate use of ambiguity, half-truth, bias; how opinion can be disguised to seem like fact. Infer writers' perspectives from what is written and from what is implied. Collect and investigate use of persuasive devices such as words and phrases (e.g. 'surely', 'it wouldn't be very difficult…') persuasive definitions (e.g. 'no one but a complete idiot…', 'every right-thinking person would…, 'the real truth is…'), rhetorical questions (e.g. 'are we expected to…?', 'where will future audiences come from…?'), pandering, condescension, concession (e.g. 'naturally it takes time for local residents…'), deliberate ambiguities (e.g. 'probably the best…in the world', 'known to cure all…', 'the professional's choice'). Draft and write individual, group or class persuasive letters for real purposes, for example put a point of view, comment on an emotive issue, protest; edit and present to finished state. Write a commentary on an issue on paper or screen, for example as a news editorial or leaflet, setting out and justifying a personal view. Use structures from reading to set out and link points (e.g. numbered lists, bullet points). Construct an argument in note form to persuade others of a point of view, sequencing points logically. Explore how ICT or other use of multimodality might support this (e.g. develop a presentation slideshow). Present as a spoken argument to the class or a group making use of persuasive language. Listen to others doing the same and evaluate own and others' presentations. Understand how persuasive writing can be adapted for different audiences and purposes (e.g. by using formal language where appropriate), and how it can be incorporated into or combined with other text types Year 5 – Narrative Unit 3 – Stories from other cultures Read examples of stories from different cultures and traditions. Include a serialised class novel. Deduce differences in patterns of relationships, customs and attitudes with particular reference to the way characters act and interact. Look at an author's use of language, for example literal and figurative language for descriptions; to create a comic or dramatic effect.Identify point of view from which a story is told. Select a character and use improvisation and role-play to explore the story from their point of view. Write in role, for example a letter from one character to another. Plan and retell a whole story from an alternative point of view. Discuss and make decisions about how to portray characters and incidents, what detail to include. Vary pace by using direct and reported speech.

  5. Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) development: • Theme 1 – New beginnings • Understanding other cultures and viewpoints (and showing empathy) • Discussing rights and responsibilities • Theme 2 – Getting on and falling out • Working together on set tasks and exploration • Learning how to deliver and receive feedback from peers • Debating and accepting other viewpoints • Theme 4 – Going for goals • Exploring the idea of personal responsibility and how to develop own ideas about future and personal impact • Engagement with a global issue at a local level, leading to further co-operation and responsibility • – e.g. Green Club • Theme 5 – Good to be me • Assertiveness and standing up for own viewpoint, personal pride at own pledges • Theme 6 – Relationships • Illustration of loss in Moonlight, discussion around feelings of Chandrika and her brothers • Assessment for Learning ideas • Group discussion using whiteboards to explore current understanding of Climate Change before read text extract • Plenary – thumbs up or down for understanding of topic • Plenary – ask class to summarise what they have learnt in 1 min • Peer assessment – evaluate poems, news stories and use peer smiley face system on posters for personal pledges • Self assessment of learning – either through adding a red, amber or green dot to own work in book to show whether feel understood, or (as some children de-motivated by red dot) use individual whiteboard slider to show learning at start of class, then move line to show learning by end of task – so looking for progression rather than absolute statement of learning. • Homework and G&T ideas: • Discuss synopsis of a story with parents and gain their views on Climate Change • Identify a house energy audit to see where could save energy • Draw a design for a poster showing your personal pledge • Use virtual learning environment (e.g. at Old Basing Wizz Kids) to post links to games, or energy audits, and ask children to complete online from home • Question time – generate questions in plenary that children still want answered about CC and post on virtual learning environment - research for homework then present back • Working as a group design and produce a leaflet to explain Climate Change to KS1 class

  6. Sample differentiation • Group work activity to produce a leaflet explaining Climate Change to a KS1 class – could be done in Jigsaw pattern with groups assigning tasks of story synopsis, images, graphs and overview research to different parts of team and coming back together to collate ideas • Pair less and more able children to discuss feelings towards story and personal pledges • Pair less and more able children to research data for charts as ICT task • Extension activities – how link stories to specific areas of water cycle, write list of how stories are different to your experience – narrator’s lives, ways of life, culture, temperature, weather, how would you teach another child about the issues raised in the story? What did you like/dislike about the story itself, the way it was told? • Different learning styles • Variety of activities to draw on written skills, oral and listening skills, imagery and ICT to draw in children with skills/preference for different styles • Activities try to use kinaesthetic principles (e.g. Persuasion Alley) to get children up and moving, as well as using visual aids and cues (e.g. whiteboards) and oral debate again to draw on different learning styles and experiences. • Breadth across subjects helps to use different children’s strengths in different activities • Links to United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNHRC – 1991) • Article 6 – right of life (discuss in context of ‘Moonlight’ chapter) • Article 12 – right to say what you think should happen and opinions taken into account (discuss in relation to setting up own Green Club, personal pledges) • Article 13 – Children have a right to find out things and share what they think with others (discuss in relation to persuasion alley, talking through own opinions, setting own pledges) • Article 24 – right to good quality health care and to clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment to stay healthy (class discussion in context of different characters in story and if these rights are in place) • Article 28 – right to education (Class discussion in relation to ‘Moonlight’ and ‘Perfect Sandcastle’) • Article 32 – right to protection from work that is dangerous to health or education (Class discussion in relation to ‘Moonlight’) • REFER TO SAMPLE SESSION PLANNING

  7. Websites to support Climate Change topics: http://www.geography.org.uk/resources/flooding/carlisle/mapsdata/ Very thorough resources to review Carlisle Floods in 2005. http://www.teachfind.com/teachers-tv/understanding-water-cornish-floods www.globalgang.org www.switchonswitchoff.org/play www.wdm.org.uk/resources www.energysavingtrust.org.uk http://www.ncb.org.uk/osow/resources/children-and-young-people National Children’s Bureau – lots of resources and links to other sites on climate change http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/629/629/7074601.stm Arguments for and against climate change from the BBC http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/arctic/wildlife/polar_bear/kids_zone/ Games associated with food chain and impact of climate change http://www.oxfam.org.uk/education/resources/category.htm?9 Oxfam resources on many topics including Climate Change, poverty, children’s rights and global citizenship http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/specials/climate_change/default.stm http://www.climatechoices.org.uk/pages/activities0.htm Inc curriculum links and downloadable teachers guides http://www.powerdown.actionaid.org.uk

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