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Equations of Motion in Physical Oceanography

Learn about the basic equations of motion in physical oceanography, including the dominant forces, coordinate systems, types of flow, and conservation laws. This chapter discusses topics such as viscosity, vorticity, and the response of a fluid to internal and external forces.

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Equations of Motion in Physical Oceanography

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  1. Chapter 7 Some Mathematics: The Equations of Motion Physical oceanography Instructor: Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu Department of Earth Sciences National Cheng Kung University Last updated: 24October 2003

  2. Introduction • Response of a fluid to • Internal force • External force •  basic equations of ocean dynamics • Chapter 8: viscosity • Chapter 12: vorticity • Table 7.1 • Conservation laws  basic equations

  3. Dominant Forces for Ocean Dynamics • Gravity Fg • WwaterP(x)  P • Revolution and rotation  DFg  tides, tidal current, tidal mixing • Buoyancy FB • DT  Dr  FB (vertical direction)  upward or sink • Wind Fw • Wind blows  momentum transfer  turbulence  ML • Wind blows  P(x)  P  waves

  4. Dominant Forces for Ocean Dynamics (cont.) • Pseudo-forces •  motion in curvilinear or rotating coordinate systems • a body moving at constant velocity seems to change direction when viewed from a rotating coordinate system  the Coriolis force • Coriolis Force • The dominant pseudo-force influencing currents • Other forces: Table 7.2 • Atmospheric pressure • Seismic

  5. Coordinate System • Coordinate System  find location • Cartesian Coordinate System • Most commonly use • Simpler  spherical coordinates • Convention: • x is to the east, y is to the north, and z is up. • f-plane • Fcor = const (a Cartesian coordinate system) • Describing flow in small regions

  6. Coordinate System (cont.) • b-plane • Fcor  latitude (a Cartesian coordinate system) • Describing flow over areas as large as ocean basins • Spherical coordinates • (r, q, f) • Describe flows that extend over large distances and in numerical calculations of basin and global scale flows

  7. Types of Flow in the Ocean • Flow due to currents • General Circulation • The permanent, time-averaged circulation • Meridional Overturning Circulation • The sinking and spreading of cold water • Also known as the Thermohaline Circulation • the vertical movements of ocean water masses  Dr DTandDS • The circulation in meridional plane driven by mixing • Wind-Driven Circulation • The circulation in the upper kilometer  wind • Gyres • Wind-driven cyclonic or anti-cyclonic currents with dimensions nearly that of ocean basins.

  8. Types of Flow in the Ocean (cont.) • Flow due to currents (cont.) • Boundary Currents • Currents owing parallel to coasts • Western boundary currents  fast, narrow jets • e.g. the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio • Eastern boundary currents  weak • e.g. the California Current • Squirts or Jets • Long narrow currents • with dimensions of a few hundred kilometers • Nearly  west coasts • Mesoscale Eddies • Turbulent or spinning flows on scales of a few hundred kilometers

  9. Types of Flow in the Ocean (cont.) • Oscillatory flows due to waves • Planetary Waves • The rotation of the Earth  restoring force • Including Rossby, Kelvin, Equatorial, and Yanai waves • Surface Waves (gravity waves) • The waves that eventually break on the beach • The large Dr between air and water  restoring force • Internal Waves • Subsea wave ~ surface waves • r = r (D)  restoring force • Tsunamis • Surface waves with periods near 15 minutes generated by earthquakes

  10. Types of Flow in the Ocean (cont.) • Oscillatory flows due to waves (cont.) • Tidal Currents •  tidal potential • Shelf Waves • Periods  a few minutes • Confined to shallow regions near shore • The amplitude of the waves drops off exponentially with distance from shore

  11. Conservation of Mass and Salt • Dm = 0 & DS = 0  net fresh water loss  minimum flushing time • Net fresh water loss = R + P – E • QL  bulk formula  large amount of ship measurements (T, q, …)  impossible • Dm = 0  Vi + R + P = Vo + E • DS = 0  ri Vi Si = ro Vo So • Measure Viassume ri ro • Estimate the minimum flushing time • Example • Fig 7.2: Box model  qout = q/t dt + q/x dx + qin

  12. The Total Derivative (D/Dt) • D/Dt = ∂/dt + u·( ) • A simple example of acceleration of flow in a small box of fluid • qout = q/t dt + q/x dx + qin • Dq/Dt = q/t + u q/x • 3D case: D/Dt = /t + u/x + v/y + w/z • The simple transformation of coordinates from one following a particle to one fixed in space converts a simple linear derivative into a non-linear partial derivative

  13. Conservation of Momentum: Navier-Stokes equation • Newton’s 2nd law • F = D(mv)/Dt • Dv/Dt = F/m = fm = fp+ fc+ fg + fr • Pressure gradient fp = -p/r • Coriolis force fc = -2W v • W = 7.292  10-5radians/s • Gravity fg = g • Friction fr • Dv/Dt = -p/r -2W v + g + fr • W = 7.292  10-5 radians/s

  14. Conservation of Momentum: Navier-Stokes equation (cont.) • Pressure term • ax = -(1/r) (p/x) • dFx = pdy dz-(p + dp) dy dz = -dpdydz Source:http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/ocng_textbook/chapter07/chapter07_06.htm

  15. Conservation of Momentum: Navier-Stokes equation (cont.) • Gravity term • g = gf - W (W R) Source:http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/ocng_textbook/chapter07/chapter07_06.htm

  16. Conservation of Momentum: Navier-Stokes equation (cont.) • The Coriolis term

  17. Conservation of Momentum: Navier-Stokes equation (cont.) • Momentum Equation in Cartesian Coordinates

  18. Conservation of mass: the continuity equation • For compressible fluid Source:http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/ocng_textbook/chapter07/chapter07_06.htm

  19. Conservation of mass: the continuity equation (cont.) • Oceanic flows are incompressible • Boussinesq's assumption • v << c (sound speed) • When v  c, Dv Dr • Phase speed of waves << c • c   in incompressible flows • Vertical scale of the motion << c2/g • The increase in pressure produces only small changes in density • r  const, except the pressure term (rg)

  20. Conservation of mass: the continuity equation (cont.) • For incompressible flow • The coefficient of compressibility b • b = 0 for incompressible flows

  21. Solutions to the Equations of Motion • Solvable in principle • Four equations • 3 momentum equations • 1 continuity equation • Four unknowns • 3 velocity components: u, v, w • 1 pressure p • Boundary conditions • No slip condition: v//(boundary) = 0 • No penetration condition: v(boundary) = 0

  22. Solutions to the Equations of Motion (cont.) • Difficult to solve in practice • Exact solution • No exact solutions for the equations with friction • Very few exact solutions for the equations without friction • Analytic solution • For much simplified forms of the equations of motion • Numerical solution • Solutions for oceanic flows with realistic coasts and bathymetric features must be obtained from numerical solutions (Chapter 15)

  23. Important concepts • Gravity, buoyancy, and wind are the dominant forces acting on the ocean • Earth's rotation produces a pseudo force, the Coriolis force • Conservation laws applied to flow in the ocean lead to equations of motion; conservation of salt, volume and other quantities can lead to deep insights into oceanic flow

  24. Important concepts (cont.) • The transformation from equations of motion applied to fluid parcels to equations applied at a fixed point in space greatly complicates the equations of motion. The linear, first-order, ordinary differential equations describing Newtonian dynamics of a mass accelerated by a force become nonlinear, partial differential equations of fluid mechanics. • Flow in the ocean can be assumed to be incompressible except when de-scribing sound. Density can be assumed to be constant except when density is multiplied by gravity g. The assumption is called the Boussinesq approximation

  25. Important concepts (cont.) • Conservation of mass leads to the continuity equation, which has an especially simple form for an incompressible fluid.

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