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The Intertestamental Period

The Intertestamental Period. Myron C. Kauk. Chronology at the End of the Old Testament. 722 BC – Assyria Conquers Israel 586 BC – Babylon Conquers Judah 538 BC – Persia Conquers Babylon 536 BC – Exiles Begin to Return 516 BC – Second Temple Completed 480 BC – Esther Queen of Persia

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The Intertestamental Period

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  1. The Intertestamental Period Myron C. Kauk

  2. Chronology at the End of the Old Testament • 722 BC – Assyria Conquers Israel • 586 BC – Babylon Conquers Judah • 538 BC – Persia Conquers Babylon • 536 BC – Exiles Begin to Return • 516 BC – Second Temple Completed • 480 BC – Esther Queen of Persia • 444 BC – Nehemiah Rebuilds Walls • 430 BC – Malachi

  3. Persian Rulers • Cyrus (556-527 BC) • Cambyses (527-521 BC) • Darius Hystaspis (521-586 BC) • Xerxes (486-465 BC) • Artaxerxes Longimanus (465-424 BC) • Xerxes II (424-423 BC) • Darius Nothus (423-404 BC) • Artaxerxes Mnemon (404-358 BC) • Ochus (358-338 BC) • Arsus (338-336 BC) • Darius III (336-331 BC)

  4. Alexander the Great • 336 – Crowned King of Macedonia • 333 – Battle of Isis, Conquers Syria • 332 – Conquers Egypt, Visits Jerusalem • 331 – Battle of Arbela, Conquers Persia • 323 – Dies in Babylon

  5. Ptolemy Soter (323-285) Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-246) Ptolemy Euergetes (246-221) Ptolemy Philopator (221-204) Ptolemy Epiphanes (204-182) Ptolemy Eupator (182-181) Ptolemy Philometor (181-145) Seleucus Nicator (312-280) Antiocus Soter (280-260) Antiocus Theus (260-246) Seleucus Calinicus (246-227) Seleucus Ceraenus (227-223) Antiochus the Great (223-187) Seleucus Philapator (187-176) Antiochus Epiphanes (175-163) Antiochus Eupator (163-162) Demetrius Soter (162-151) Ptolemies and Seleucids

  6. The Hasmoneans • Judas Maccabaeus (166-160) • Jonathan Maccabaeus (160-143) • Simon Maccabaeus (143-135) • John Hyrcanus (135-104) • Aristobulus (104-103) • Alexander Jannaeus (103-76) • Salome Alexandra (76-69) • Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II (69-63)

  7. The Romans • Julius Caesar (49-44 BC) • Mark Antony (44-31 BC) • Augustus (31 BC – AD 14) • Tiberius (AD 14-37) • Caligula (AD 37-41) • Claudius (AD 41-54) • Nero (AD 54-68) • Galba (AD 68-69) • Vitellius (AD 69) • Vespasian (AD 69-79) • Titus (AD 79-81) • Domitian (AD 81-96)

  8. Credits • Maps from Logos Bible Software – www.logos.com • Timelines from Bibleworks – www.bibleworks.com • Geneology from www.bible-history.com • Ptolemies and Seleucids – Bible Knowledge Commentary

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