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Anestis Antoniadis

Anestis Antoniadis. A life for Statistics. Birth: 1960. First word:. Celebrations for the birth ( original document ). MAYBE. Youth. University - Grenoble. University career. Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics , University of Grenoble I, 1975

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Anestis Antoniadis

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  1. AnestisAntoniadis A life forStatistics

  2. Birth: 1960 First word: Celebrationsfor the birth (originaldocument) MAYBE

  3. Youth

  4. University - Grenoble

  5. University career • Ph.D. in AppliedMathematics, Universityof Grenoble I, 1975 • Abilitation in MathematicalSciences, UniversityScientifiqueetMédiacale de Grenoble, Etude de certains problèmes de décision dans les structures statistiques Gaussiennes infinidimensionnelles, 1983 • Professor “ClassExceptionelle”

  6. Editorialactivity • 1993–: Revue de l'ISUP, Associate Editor • 1998–2007: Journal of the French Statistical Society, Associate Editor • 2000–2004: ESAIM: Probabilty and Statistics, Chief Co-Editor • 2005–2008: ESAIM: Probabilty and Statistics, Associate Editor • 2001–2005: Wiley's Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Associate Editor • 2002–: Statistics and Computing, Associate Editor • 2006–: Journal of Statistical Software, Associate Editor • 2007–2010: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Associated Editor • 2008–2010: Annals of Statistics, Associate Editor

  7. Honors • Elected Member, International Statistical Institute. • Fellow of the American Statistical Association • Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics Recipient of the 2010 French Statistical Society award Pierre Simon de Laplace

  8. Miscellaneous • 4 patents : Methods and apparatesfordetectingatrialfibrillationzones and sleeping disorders • Selection committee for the Lucien Le Cam Conferences. • Research networks: • Belgian, French and German Universities • University of Grenoble and University of Cyprus. • Sensitivity Analysis and Computer Code Output (GDR: MASCOT) • French Schools and Universities • University of Grenoble – CNR Napoli

  9. Publications

  10. Publications

  11. Publications

  12. Publications

  13. Citations h-index: 18 (ISI source) 24 (Google Scholar)

  14. Citations

  15. Collaborators

  16. Collaborators

  17. Collaborators • J.C.Barthelemy9 • J. Berruyer9 • G. Gregoire9 • U. Amato 9 • J.M.Gaspoz8 • I. Gijbels8 • T. Sapatinas8 V. Pichot7 J. Lacour7 J. Bigot6 F. Costes4 S. Lambert-Lacroix3 A. Filhol3 I. De Feis3

  18. Collaborators (Mediterranean)

  19. Ph.D.students

  20. Journals • 4: Comp. Stat. Data Anal., Scand. J. Statist. • 3: Biometrika, Stat. Sinica, Stat. Prob. Lett., J. RoyalStat. Soc. B, Statist. Anal. Données • 2: JASA, Annals IMS, J. Comp. Graph. Stat., Pace-pacingChem. Electrophysiol., Stat. Computing, J. Multivar. Anal., J. Nonparametr. Statist., Arch. Anatom. Cytol. Path, C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris A, Shankya • 1: 40 more Journals • Total: 58 Journals • 36 StatisticsJournals • 22 AppliedJournals

  21. Research interests - Statistics Abstract inference for stochastic problems Nonlinear regression Nonparametric curve estimation Survival analysis and point processes Wavelets and their applications Classification Time series ANOVA Change-point detection Dimension reduction Alignment Hypothesis tests

  22. Research interests - Applications Quality control Cristallography Petrol products Air pollution Meteorology and climatology Microrarrays Remote sensing Mass spectrometry Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

  23. SmoothingNoisy Data withTaperedCoifletsSeries (Scand. J. Statist., 1996) • Regularization • Wavelets • Linear method • Optimalconvergencerates • Data-drivenchoiceof the regularizationparameter

  24. SmoothingNoisy Data withTaperedCoifletsSeries • Regularization • Wavelets In the wavelet domain:

  25. SmoothingNoisy Data withTaperedCoifletsSeries • Linear method • Optimalconvergence rate

  26. SmoothingNoisy Data withTaperedCoifletsSeries • Data-drivenchoiceof the regularizationparameter Plug-in Müller-Stadtmüller estimate ofvariance

  27. RegularizationofWaveletApproximations (with J. Fan, JASA, 2001) • Nonuniformlyspaced data points • Nonlinearregularizedwaveletestimators • Hard and Soft Thresholding are just examples • Necessaryconditionsfor penalty functionstogivethresholding • Oracle inequalities and universalthresholds • Numericalefficientsolution • NonlinearregularizedSobolevinterpolators • Graduatednonconvexityalgorithm

  28. RegularizationofWaveletApproximations • Nonlinearregularizedwaveletestimators • Hard and Soft Thresholding are just examples Many and manywaveletregularizationmethodsfall under thisframework

  29. RegularizationofWaveletApproximations • Necessaryconditionsfor penalty functionstogivethresholding

  30. RegularizationofWaveletApproximations • Necessaryconditionsfor penalty functionstogivethresholding Thresholdingsolution

  31. RegularizationofWaveletApproximations • Oracle inequalities and universalthresholds The Riskof the waveletestimatorsattains the same upper boundas DJ estimatorsfor the wholeclassoffunctions: Suggestedvalue: c=16 - Oldvalue: c=1 The newvalueworksbetter in practice

  32. RegularizationofWaveletApproximations • Numericalefficientsolution • NonlinearregularizedSobolevinterpolators • Graduatednonconvexityalgorithm 1) Sobolevwaveletinterpolatorof (unequispaced) data: 2) Interpolate data on anequispacedgrid 3) Choose and applycomponent-wisepenalization “Formaltechnicalderivationsof the statement are beyond the scope ofthisarticle”

  33. Nonparametric Pre-processing Methods and Inference Tools for Analyzing Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Data • (joint with J. Bigot, S. Lambert-Lacroix, F. Letue,Current Analytical Chemsitry, 2007) • De-noising (wavelets) • Baselinecorrection • Normalization • Peak detection • Peakalignment baseline peakedsignal noise

  34. Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Data • De-noising (wavelets) • Hard-thresholding • Leveldependentuniversalthreshold • MAD estimate ofvariance • Baselinecorrection • Penalizedregression quantile splines • Doesnotrequire estimate of the peaks • Normalization • Estimate of the Area Under Curve

  35. Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Data • Peak detection • Multiscalewavelets (smallscales) • Zero-crossingof the continuouswavelettransform • Structuralintensityforestimatingpeak location fromseveralscales • Peakalignment • Warpingfunctiontoalignspectra • Parametricrepresentationofwarpingfunction • Doesnotrequiredefinitionof a template

  36. AnestisAntoniadisgoldenrules • Start from a realproblem • Look at the literature and grab the best • Thinkof a new idea, ifneeded or possible • Make first syntheticpreliminaryexperiments • Ifsuccessfull, developtheory (asmuchaspossible) • Full set ofconsolidated text experiments and comparisonwithcompetitors • Applicationto the originalrealproblem

  37. The Presidentof the UnitedNationsBanKi-Moonapologizesfornothavingbeingpresent at the Conference. “I acknowledge Prof. Antoniadisasoneof the top scientistswhocontributedto the friendshipofdifferentcountriesby the excellentrelationshipsestablishedwithcollegues and friendsof so manycountries. Forthisreason I will propose ProfesorAntoniadisasanAmbassadorof Science on behalfof the UN with a specialmission. Actuallyitisnowadayswellknownthatthere are severalundervelopedcountriesthatneed help fromcitizensof more civilizedcountriestoobtainbetter life conditions and more democracy. Forthisreason the missionof the newAmbassadorwillbetoask people from the civilizedMaghrebwhosuccessfullygotridoftheirdictatorstoteachto the undervelopedEuropeancountries (and notonlyEuropean) howtogetridoftheirhorriblegovernments. Have a goodluck!” Congratulations - I

  38. President Obama issayingthat the American dreamisstillalive. “Nowthat I am the Presidentof the UnitedStates, I ampromotingfundamental and appliedresearchbyfundingresearchesto top levelscientistsallover the world. I acknowledge Professor Antoniadisasoneof the top scientistswhocontributedto the growthof so manyyoungresearchers. On the other side I regretthatuntilnowheshowed a clearpreferenceforEuropeancollaborations. Therefore in orderto motivate Professor Antoniadisto collaborate in the future withour American scientists, I can guaranteehim a full immersion intoouroriginalAmercan style, with free McDonald insteadofNeapolitan pizza. Welcome to US! Congratulations - II

  39. “Dear Professor Antoniadis, itis a pleasureto me to celebrate you on thisspecialoccasion. I amvery happy of the excellentcooperationwith the Italiangroupfrom Napoli, eventhough so doingyoumissed the wonderful atmosphere (bothhuman and meteorological) of the most beautiful town in the world, Milan. Youweremy best student, you are the scientistwho best put intopracticemyideas (in factasyouknow I am in closerelationshipwithGod and forthisreason I knoweverything in anyfield). I willneedyour help in calculatingwhatis the probabilitythat I go intojail. Frommy side I’llinviteyoutomy house in Arcore for a week tohaveaninnocentbunga-bunga party. Please do not take yourwifewithyou”. Congratulations - III

  40. ? “DearAnestis, I addressyou so confidentiallybecauseduringpastyears I wasalwaysclosetoyou in every momento ofyour life, at University and notonly, helpingyouasmuchas I couldwithallmymodesttools I coulduse. I can promise youthatduring the manynextyears I willbeevenclosertoyou, closerthanyourwife, every moment ofyour life with a tight hug, and I promise to help youeven more thanbefore, asmuchas I can.” Yours, NikolasSarkozy Congratulations - IV

  41. Wikipedia

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