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Accreditation. August 2012. Doing Math. 62 x 0.5 Discuss your strategies……. Recognize any of the following?. Lifelong Learners, Engaged Citizens Sense of self, community and Place Developing thinking, identity, interdependence, social responsibility, and literacies

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  1. Accreditation August 2012

  2. Doing Math 62 x 0.5 Discuss your strategies……

  3. Recognize any of the following? Lifelong Learners, Engaged Citizens Sense of self, community and Place Developing thinking, identity, interdependence, social responsibility, and literacies Logical Thinking, Number Sense, Spatial Sense, Mathematics as a Human Endeavour

  4. Communication, connections, visualization, technology, problem solving, reasoning, mental math and estimation

  5. http://education.gov.sk.ca/curr/math/secondary-math-faqs

  6. Group Discussion Items

  7. Trigonometry List the key big ideas for trigonometry. Have a discussion about why they are the key concepts.

  8. Where is the Dot? • http://nrich.maths.org/5615

  9. Developing Conceptual Understanding Allow students to wrestle with key ideas Attend to mathematical relationships An idea that is fully understood is easily extended

  10. Simple Harmonic Motion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVkdfJ9PkRQ&feature=player_embedded#!

  11. What Is Inquiry? “Inquiry is a way of looking at the world, a questioning stance we take when we seek to learn something we don’t yet know.” (Diane Parker, Planning for Inquiry: It’s Not an Oxymoron! Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2007, p. 1).

  12. How do I get started?

  13. How do I assess?

  14. Logical Thinking Question 1. Use the two balance scale diagrams below to answer the question that follows.

  15. What will balance ? Explain your reasoning. Can there be another answer? Explain your reasoning.

  16. 7 kg 9 kg 12 kg How much does each shape weigh? Explain the process you used to find your answers.

  17. The following tile pattern uses a white tile border around a gray interior.

  18. 1. Complete the following table:

  19. Describe the patterns you found: • # White Tiles: • # Gray Tiles: • # Tiles in Total:

  20. Assessing Logical Thinking • What could be improved. • What positive points do you see. • Discuss building an assessment piece around the four goals of mathematics. • How will the results of this assessment piece inform instructional practice?

  21. Read the blog posting, discuss one thing you have an opinion on with someone next to you.

  22. Blogs http://mathforum.org/blogs/max/technology-context-and-abstraction/ http://blog.mrmeyer.com/ http://function-of-time.blogspot.ca/ http://musingmathematically.blogspot.ca/

  23. http://www.jamestanton.com/ http://www.greatmathsteachingideas.com/2010/08/25/probably-the-best-blogs-by-maths-teachers-around-the-world/ http://lisaebe.wikispaces.com/

  24. sites http://www.nctm.org/ http://figurethis.org/index.html http://www.galileo.org/math/MathProblems.html http://www.yummymath.com/ Stella stunners

  25. Ted Talks http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/hans_roslin_reveals_new_insights_on_poverty.html http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/hans_rosling_religions_and_babies.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GkY-ZXnx4w

  26. technology www.geogebra.org/ http://www.mathgv.com/ http://sitescontent.google.com/google-sketchup-for-educators/Home

  27. “You wonder about something and you want to know it—in fact, you’re driven to know it because it’s intriguing, puzzling, fascinating, and/or personally meaningful to you.” (Diane Parker (2007) Planning for Inquiry: It’s Not an Oxymoron! Urbana, IL: NCTE, p. 3)

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