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The Secret of Motivation and Gatka

The Secret of Motivation and Gatka. Gatka. Definition: Martial Art Way of life Based on the Sikh Religion and Values. Motivation. Intrinsic. Extrinsic. Feedback. Money. G A T K A. Training. Benefits. Empowered. Bonus. Perks. Respect. Maslow to gatka. Best for the World.

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The Secret of Motivation and Gatka

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Secret of Motivation and Gatka

  2. Gatka • Definition: • Martial Art • Way of life • Based on the Sikh Religion and Values

  3. Motivation Intrinsic Extrinsic Feedback Money G A T K A Training Benefits Empowered Bonus Perks Respect

  4. Maslow togatka Best forthe World Self-actualisation Personal growthandfulfilment Esteemneeds achievment, status, responsibility, reputation, etc. Belongingnessand Love needs family, affection, ralationship, workgroup, etc. Safteyneeds protection, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. Biological and Physiological needs Basic lifeneeds – air , food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep etc. Best in the World

  5. Motivation and Gatka = Motivation Gatka Discipline Conviction Selfconfidence Skills Respect Identification Personality Culture Goals Training

  6. Personal impacts Respect to others Going beyond personal limits Reflecting on our lives Teamwork Motivation for ourselves Self discipline Self control Focus on life goals Self belief

  7. Gatka & Motivation Thank you for your Attention! For more Information, please join http://www.gatkaonline.com

  8. WAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA (the Khalsa is of God) WAHEGURU JI KI FATEH (victory to God)

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