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USEPA GIS Workgroup Fall 2004

USEPA GIS Workgroup Fall 2004. Daniel T. Heggem Acting Branch Chief, LEB Research Physical Scientist Environmental Sciences Division Landscape Ecology Branch September 14, 2004. The four letters that strike FEAR into the faint of heart. EMAP-WEST.

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USEPA GIS Workgroup Fall 2004

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  1. USEPAGIS WorkgroupFall 2004 Daniel T. Heggem Acting Branch Chief, LEB Research Physical Scientist Environmental Sciences Division Landscape Ecology Branch September 14, 2004

  2. The four letters that strike FEAR into the faint of heart.

  3. EMAP-WEST The purpose of EMAP-West is to demonstrate the value of the EMAP approach by applying it to environmental problems across a large and diverse geographical region, and to advance the science of ecosystem monitoring. This will be accomplished by applying EMAP designs to urgent and practical problems facing the western EPA Regional Offices.

  4. EMAP-West SW • The purposes of the Surface Waters component are to: • Describe the current ecological condition of flowing waters of the West. • Build a database for the long-term monitoring of the West. • Develop methodologies to advance the science of understanding the ecological function of western ecosystems and the relation of human influence. • Work with the states and others to build a strong program of ecological monitoring that will lead to better management and protection of the waters of the West.

  5. EMAP-West Surface Waters

  6. EMAP-West Coastal

  7. EMAP Home

  8. EMAP - West Recent Additions | Contact Us | Print VersionSearch: EPA Home > EMAP > West > Data Browsers Home Overview Presentations Components Documents Data Browsers Contacts EMAP Home EMAP-West Data Browsers The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) is conducting a pilot study in the western United States. This study will advance the science of ecological monitoring and demonstrate techniques for regional-scale assessment of the condition of aquatic resources in the 14 western states in EPA Regions 8, 9, and 10 (shown below). The EMAP-West Data Browsers are a demonstration of a versatile communication device for our landscape ecological assessment products, reports, assessments, data studies, and analysis tools. The EMAP-West Data Browsers allow the user to view and download the geodata used in the pilot study area landscape assessments, as well as landscape metrics examples created with ATtILA v3.0 (Analytical Tool Interface for Landscape Assessments, ArcView 3.x extension). To view the individual EMAP-West Data Browsers, click on the map pilot study areas or text / thumbnail links below. To return to the EMAP-West Data Browsers page, click on the "EMAP - WEST PILOT STUDY AREA" text in the background image at the top of the Data Browser or use your Internet browser "Back" button. NOTE:The EMAP-West Data Browsers are not within the new EPA template and cannot be displayed as "text only" or within Internet browsers that do not support frames and JavaScript.

  9. The data are available for our stakeholders for: General information landscape condition. TMDL development and implementation Monitoring design and planning Citizen involvement – what is in my backyard?

  10. The download is very easy and fast!

  11. The shape file can go directly into your ARC View Project.

  12. Now you have the data you need to start your landscape analysis.

  13. Association work for the water quality parameter of dissolved solids. Dan Heggem and Anne Neale.

  14. This is the combined data in SAS.

  15. This is a fit analysis in SAS interactive analysis using the square of the mean of the dissolved solid data (transformed) with the Riparian Forest 0 Landscape metric.

  16. This can also be done in MS Excel

  17. Results of the SAS guided analysis for the same data. Log mean instead of square mean.

  18. SAS results from the guided analysis.

  19. Back to ARC View to calculate our regression model. New field: DS_Pred

  20. Dissolved Solids = (19.0414 – (0.1188*Rfor0)) 2 Calculated values.

  21. Show the results here using the reporting units of 10 Digit HUCs.

  22. Exact same approach and method – different area and reporting units = 1 x 1 kilometer Southern California

  23. Predicted Dissolved Solids mg/l 25 - 493

  24. % Forest Riparian 0 to 100 %

  25. Predicted Sediment Dissolved Solids mg/l (22.2056-(0.1717*Rfor0)sqr Rsq = .81

  26. % Rfor0 Stream Grid on Map Unit

  27. % Rfor0

  28. Predicted Sed mg\l 25 - 493 Stream Grid on Map Unit

  29. Predicted Sed mg/l 25 - 493

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