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Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management. Apply Your Knowledge: Test Your Food Safety Knowledge. True or False: A strong oily odor may indicate the presence of cockroaches

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Integrated Pest Management

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  1. Integrated Pest Management

  2. Apply Your Knowledge: Test Your Food Safety Knowledge • True or False: A strong oily odor may indicate the presence of cockroaches • True or False: The main purpose of an integrated pest management program is to control pests once they have entered the establishment • True or False: Stationary equipment should not be covered before applying pesticides since it gives pests a place to hide • True or False: Glue traps are used to prevent cockroaches from entering the establishment • True or False: Pesticides can be stored in food storage areas if they are closed tightly and properly labeled 13-2

  3. Integrated Pest Management • An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program: • Uses prevention measures to keep pests from entering the establishment • Uses control measures to eliminate any pests that get into the establishment • Will be successful if you work closely with a licensed pest control operator (PCO)

  4. The Three Rules of IPM • The Three Rules of Integrated Pest Management • Deny pests access to the establishment • Deny pests food, water, and shelter • Work with a licensed PCO to eliminate pests that do enter

  5. Denying Pests Access to the Establishment • To keep pests from entering with deliveries: • Use reputable suppliers • Check deliveries before they enter the establishment • Refuse shipments if you find pests or signs of infestation (egg cases, body parts)

  6. Denying Pests Access to the Establishment • To keep pests from entering through openings in the building: • Screen windows and vents • Install self-closing devices, door sweeps, and air curtains on doors • Keep exterior openings closed tightly • Fill holes around pipes • Cover drains with grates • Seal cracks in floors, walls, and around equipment

  7. Denying Pests Food and Shelter • To deny pests food and shelter: • Dispose of garbage quickly • Clean up spills around containers immediately • Keep containers clean and tightly covered • Store recyclables properly • Keep recyclables in pest-proof containers • Keep containers as far away from the building as regulations allow

  8. Denying Pests Food and Shelter • To deny pests food and shelter: continued • Store food and supplies quickly and properly • Keep them away from walls and at least 6” (15 cm) off the floor • Rotate products so pests cannot settle and breed • Clean the establishment thoroughly • Clean up food and beverage spills immediately • Clean break rooms after use • Keep cleaning tools and supplies clean and dry

  9. Grounds and Outdoor Dining Areas • To protect outdoor customers from pests: • Mow grass, pull weeds, remove standing water, and pick up litter • Cover outdoor garbage containers • Remove dirty dishes and uneaten food from tables and clean them quickly • Do not allow people to feed wildlife • Locate electronic insect eliminators (“zappers”) away from food and serving areas • Call the PCO to remove hives and nests

  10. Identifying Pests: Cockroaches • Cockroaches: • Carry bacteria, viruses, and parasite eggs • Live and breed in places that are: • Dark • Moist • Hard-to-clean • If you see them in daylight, you may have a major infestation Illustration courtesy of Orkin Commercial

  11. Identifying Pests: Cockroaches • Signs of a cockroach infestation include: • A strong oily odor • Droppings similar to grains of pepper • Capsule shaped egg cases • Brown, dark red, or black • Leathery, smooth, or shiny Illustration courtesy of Orkin Commercial

  12. Identifying Pests: Rodents • Signs of a rodent infestation include: • Signs of gnawing • Droppings • Shiny and black (fresh) • Gray (old) • Tracks • Nesting materials • Paper, cloth, hair, feathers or grass • Holes • In quiet places • Near food and water • Next to buildings Illustration courtesy of Orkin Commercial

  13. How to Choose a PCO • Before choosing a PCO: • Talk to other foodservice managers • Make sure the PCO is licensed or certified • Ask the PCO if they belong to any professional organizations • Ask for proof of insurance • Weigh all factors, not just price

  14. Working with a Pest Control Operator (PCO) • Your PCO should: • Help you develop an integrated approach to pest management • Stay up-to-date on new equipment and products • Provide prompt service to address problems as they occur • Keep records

  15. Using and Storing Pesticides • When pesticides will be applied: • Wait until you are closed for business and employees are offsite • Remove food and movable food-contact surfaces • Cover equipment and immovable food-contact surfaces • Afterwards: • Wash, rinse, and sanitize food-contact surfaces

  16. Using and Storing Pesticides • If pesticides will be stored on the premises: • Keep them in their original containers • Lock them in cabinets away from areas where food is prepared and stored • Store aerosol or pressurized spray cans in a cool place • Dispose of them as per local regulations • Keep corresponding MSDS on the premises

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