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Runoff Analysis using CommonMP

Sep. 7, 2012. Runoff Analysis using CommonMP. Yoshito KIKUMORI, River Dept. NILIM. NILIM. National Institute for Land and Infrastructure. 1. NILIM. What is CommonMP? What can we do with CommonMP? Configuration of CommonMP Building Simple Simulation Project

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Runoff Analysis using CommonMP

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  1. Sep. 7, 2012 Runoff Analysis using CommonMP Yoshito KIKUMORI, River Dept. NILIM NILIM National Institute for Land and Infrastructure 1

  2. NILIM What is CommonMP? What can we do with CommonMP? Configuration of CommonMP Building Simple Simulation Project River Channel Discharge at Flood Time(Practice) Parameter Sensibility Analysis of Storage Function Runoff Model (Practice) 2

  3. NILIM 1.What is CommonMP? What can we do with CommonMP? ・ CommonMP is the Common Platform on which various hydraulic and hydrology models run simultaneously in cooperate with each other. ・ Element Models is various hydraulic and hydrology models which run on CommonMP. Element Model CommonMP Element Model 流出 計算 Runoff ○○ 計算 inundation 氾濫 計算 River • We can make simulation of hole river basin utilizing CommonMP 3

  4. NILIM 1.What is CommonMP? What can we do with CommonMP? • Simulation Project and Element Models have high portablity. B From A to B Element Model Building Simulation Project Element Model 降雨 予測 CommonMP ○○ 計算 河道 計算 A Building Element Model From B to A Simulation Project 4

  5. NILIM 1.What is CommonMP? What can we do with CommonMP? • Frequently used Element models are already built by NILIM 5

  6. NILIM 1. What is CommonMP? What can we do with CommonMP? • Using element models building by NILIM etc. you can conduct hydraulic and hydrology. 6

  7. NILIM 2. Configuration of CommonMP 7

  8. 国土技術政策総合研究所 2. Directories and Files for CommonMP ●CommonMP\Execute\bin for Executable files ●CommonMP\Execute\conf for Configuration flies ●CommonMP\CommonMPData for Simulation Projecto Files ●CommonMP\Source\HYMCO\OptionImpl Source of Element Model 8

  9. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) 9

  10. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Boot of CommonMP Double Click Icon of CommonMP Double Click 10

  11. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Bulid New Project Choose Menu [File →Project → New] 11

  12. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Input of Projct Info Project Group and Project Name are necessary. Project Gr: AAA_Basin Project Name:Sample 12

  13. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Data Copy Rain.csv in Input Dir of Project Dir. 13

  14. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Placement of Element Model Input User Difinition Basin 接続要素 Partical Gr Marge Output Channel Convergence Gr 14

  15. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Sample Project Storage Function Monitor Output CSV Input 河道貯留関数(S-Q関係) 15

  16. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Placement of Element Model Choose Input Element , and the place it. 16

  17. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Placement of Element Model Input the time series CSV 17

  18. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Setting Parameters Double click Input Element and click advanced setting for pramenter setting. 入力要素モデルをダブルクリックします クリックします 18

  19. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Setting Parameter Data File(Rain.csv) 観測所地点数(5)を入力 地点指定(1)を入力 Click “Configuration” ※:..\..\CommonMPData\AAAグループ\InputData\Rain.csv 19

  20. 国土技術政策総合研究所 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Placement of Element Basin Element 20

  21. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Placement of Element Sample Storage Function 21

  22. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Setting Parameter Double Click Time Step:360sec Basin Area:50km2 Parameter K:43.1 Parameter P:0.31 Delay Time:0.3hr F1:0.5 Rsa:80mm Base Flow:4.8m3/sec Input parameters 22

  23. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Placement of Element Stream Element 23

  24. 国土技術政策総合研究所 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Placement of Element (S-Q関係) (S-Q関係) 24

  25. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Setting Parameter 各パラメータに任意の値を入力します ダブルクリックします K: 11.8 P: 0.6 Tl: 0.3hr Tlz:0.3hr 25

  26. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Placement of Element Output Element 26

  27. 国土技術政策総合研究所 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Placement of Element 27

  28. NLIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Conneting Element 28

  29. 国土技術政策総合研究所 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Conneting Element 接続要素を選択した状態で、 「1次元配列時系列情報」を選択し、ダブルクリックします 29

  30. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Conneting Element 30

  31. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Connecting Element 31

  32. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Connecting Element 32

  33. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Connecting Element 33

  34. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Monitor Output 34

  35. NILIM 3.Building Simple Project (Practice) Model Check Click Model check Errot 35

  36. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Setting Simulation Period ※2007/7/7 10:00~2007/7/10 23:00 36

  37. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Execution of Project 37

  38. NILIM 3. Building Simple Project (Practice) Save Project 38

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