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Welcome and Introduction

Welcome and Introduction. Steve Bratt Chief Executive The Electrical Contractors’ Association. Apprenticeship Transformation and the Industry Response. Steve Burley Director Derry Building Services. The Electrotechnical Standard. David Barlow Barlows Electrical Paul McNaughton

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Welcome and Introduction

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  1. Welcome and Introduction Steve Bratt Chief Executive The Electrical Contractors’ Association

  2. Apprenticeship Transformation and the Industry Response Steve Burley Director Derry Building Services

  3. The Electrotechnical Standard David Barlow Barlows Electrical Paul McNaughton Darke and Taylor Keith Marshall Consultant

  4. Richard Review (2012) • Apprenticeships to be based on employer defined, industry recognised, government approved standards • Standards short and easy to understand • One occupation – one standard • Apprenticeship purpose - for 16 + new entrants and will ensure they can perform the occupation effectively • Minimum 12 months duration, include “off the job training” plus English & Maths to Level 2 • Assessment to focus on competence end testing, with introduction of grading. • Encourage Engineering Council registration at EngTech level (Introduction of behaviour assessment to achieve EngTech competence).

  5. Main Aims of the Reforms Employer driven Employers designing apprenticeships to meet their needs and having more control of the funding Simplicity Replacing complex frameworks with short, simple standards written by employers Quality Improving quality through more rigorous testing and grading at end of apprenticeship

  6. What has changed?

  7. Electrotechnical Trailblazer Development Strategy • Develop Standard (employers) • Consult • Gain approval • Develop assessment Plan (Employers + AOs) • Consult • Gain approval • Address delivery (Employers +AOs + Colleges/employer deliverers/private providers ….)

  8. Standard (employers) Process • Assessment (employers/Aos) • Delivery (employers/AOs/Providers)

  9. Assessment • Satisfactorily complete programme before end-test • ‘Stakes in the Ground’ • H&S, Principles, Regulations, AM2 • Grading • Some ‘units’ graded, most pass/fail • overall grade based on performance in expanded AM2

  10. Delivery Issues • Qualification • Level 3 Electrotechnical Qualification, (Installation) or (Maintenance) • Currently offered by C&G and EAL • Highlights behaviours • AM2 • Being reviewed • Expand existing approach – more knowledge testing

  11. Driving Professionalism through Technician Registration Michelle Richmond Membership and Professional Development Director Institution of Engineering and Technology

  12. Working to engineera better world To inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community, supporting technology innovation to meet the needs of society. 167,000 members 65,000 Professionally Registered

  13. Professional Engineering Registration Categories • 4 Categories of Professional Registration • (assessed in accordance with the Engineering Council Registration Code) • CEng • IEng • EngTech • ICTTech ICTTech: The Standard The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC)

  14. UK-SPEC Competency Framework D A C B Ability to work with technology Apply engineering methods Project, process & resource skills Communication & team skills Professional approach Engineering and Technology Discipline Specific Common Skills Electrotechnical Trailblazer Apprenticeship designed to be an exemplifying route to EngTech Professional Registration

  15. Peer Review Process of an individual’s competence and ongoing professional commitment A. Smith TMIET EngTech

  16. Maintaining the Standard for the Industry Steve Brawley Chief Executive Joint Industry Board

  17. The Electrotechnical Skills Partnership (TESP) and IET have formed a partnership to provide governance of the new apprenticeship standard on behalf of the industry • Key activities: • Monitor and respond to queries from employers and providers • Communicate and consult with industry employers on any changes to the standard • Ensure the standard is reviewed and updated as required • Ensure appropriate quality assurance arrangements are in place around the standard and its delivery

  18. Current Status • DEG has held first meeting • Membership draws on employers from the Trailblazer Development Group plus representatives of TESP and IET • Current focus on progress towards delivery of the new standard, clarifying quality assurance arrangements and recommending to BIS switch off of the current framework following consultation with the industry • Update communication for employers and providers will be developed following next meeting in mid May      

  19. Funding of Apprenticeships Vince Webb Funding Policy Implementation Manager Skills Funding Agency

  20. Apprenticeship Funding - 2016 The Apprenticeship Levy - 2017 apprenticeshipfundingenquiries@sfa.bis.gov.uk Vince WebbFunding Policy Implementation Manager

  21. Apprenticeship Funding - 2016

  22. Apprenticeship Pilot Funding Model For Standards Funding Price agreed for Training & Assessment Employer Incentive Payments English & Maths Additional Learner Support Co- Payment Employer 1/3 contribution Government Pays Government 2/3 contribution

  23. Apprenticeship Pilot Funding Caps For Standards 2014/16 *Standards in cap 5 on 31st July 2016 are automatically re-designated to cap 6 on 1st August

  24. Pilot Funding Caps For Standards - August 2016 onwards * Includes Standards automatically re-designated into cap 6 on 1st August

  25. The Apprenticeship Levy

  26. The Levy is part of a broader programme of reforms • The government is committed to significantly increase the quantity and quality of apprenticeships in England to reach 3 million starts in 2020: • New Institute for Apprenticeships led by employers to support quality apprenticeships • Employers at the heart of designing new Apprenticeships Standards through the Trailblazer programme • Apprenticeships will be given equal legal protection to degrees • Abolishing employer NICs for apprentices under the age of 25 from April 2016 • Apprenticeship targets for public sector bodies – consulting on new duty on public sector to have 2.3% of its workforce comprised of apprenticeships • But a step change in the scale and quality of the apprenticeship programme also requires a step change in funding.

  27. The Spending Review set the rate and scope of the levy • The levy will be 0.5% of paybill, paid through PAYE • An allowance of £15,000 • Levy paid on paybill in excess of £3m (2% of UK employers) • Employers in England who pay the levy and are committed to apprenticeship training will be able to get out more than they pay into the levy, through a top-up to their digital accounts

  28. Two worked examples: • Employer of 100 employees, each with a gross salary of £20,000. • Pay bill: 100 x £20,000 = £2,000,000 • Levy sum: 0.5% x £2,000,000 = £10,000 • Allowance: £10,000 - £15,000 = £0 annual levy payment • Employer of 250 employees, each with a gross salary of £20,000. • Pay bill: 250 x £20,000 = £5,000,000 • Levy sum: 0.5% x £5,000,000 = £25,000 • Allowance: £25,000 – £15,000 = £10,000 annual levy payment

  29. How the Levy will work Top up Employ Apprentice Employer has onlineaccount Pay for training with “vouchers” Receive training for apprentice Unused vouchers expire HMRC collect levy (PAYE) Employer Our objectives: Employer control and simplicity Offer apprenticeship training Training Provider Register with SFA(Ofsted) Provide training to apprentice Receive vouchers (Digital Service) Redeem “vouchers” Timely data on training Check training is complete If funding unlocked: Pay provider Pass data on levy payments from HMRC to BIS Government Employer and Provider Identity Assurance Our objectives: Get the machinery right to provide a quality service while protecting public purse


  31. How to Get Involved If you want to advertise an apprenticeship or find out about apprenticeships in your area you can visit https://www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship If you want to provide any feedback on the apprenticeship levy, you can email apprenticeshipslevyconsultation@bis.gsi.gov.uk

  32. Questions to the Panel

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