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Disease prevention through a vegetarian or vegan diet

Disease prevention through a vegetarian or vegan diet. Objective: l earn how a well-balanced vegetarian or vegan diet can help to prevent certain chronic diseases. STARTER – Disease animation.

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Disease prevention through a vegetarian or vegan diet

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  1. Disease prevention through a vegetarian or vegan diet Objective: learn how a well-balanced vegetarian or vegan diet can help to prevent certain chronic diseases

  2. STARTER – Disease animation • As a class, let’s explore this animation about diet, disease and veggie health http://www.teachvegetarian.com/disease-prevention-diet-lifestyle. • As you can see, a plant-based diet can be packed full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to protect your health.

  3. Sugar, Fat and Disease Normal function of sugar = provides us with short-term energy. Normal function of fats = to provide certain essential fatty acids and vitamins plus act as a secondary source of energy.

  4. Sugar and Tooth Decay

  5. Sugar, Fat and Obesity

  6. Sugar, Fat and Diabetes

  7. Sugar, Fat and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:RCA_atherosclerosis.jpg

  8. Salt and Diseases Normal function of salt = maintains water balance within cells and is involved in proper functioning of both nerve impulses and muscles. Also aids blood pressure regulation.

  9. Diseases caused by excessive salt consumption • Too much salt is linked to high blood pressure • This can lead to strokes and heart disease later in life • Too much salt can also lead to kidney disease and demineralisationof bones How can a plant-based diet avoid these? • Processed animal products often contain higher levels of artificially added salt. A plant-based diet rich in whole foods contains a healthier level of salt.

  10. Fibre – it’s a very good thing!

  11. Fibre and the digestive system • The body cannot digest fibre – it forms the bulk to help bowel movement • It absorbs water – keeps the faeces soft/prevents constipation • Soft faeces easily pass through the digestive system – so fibre helps the flow in the digestive system • Small hard faeces do not pass easily through the colon, which causes ruptures in the intestine. The inner lining of the colon is pushed and distorted, causing diverticular disease • Fibre helps to prevent various bowel disorders/bowel cancer/appendicitis/piles

  12. Now show what you have learned… …by answering this past paper exam question! You will mark your partner’s answer at the end.

  13. Check your knowledge - DISEASE WORDSEARCH • Find all the 9 terms associated with diet-related disease • At the bottom of the page write how each one either a) can cause disease, b) prevents disease or c) is a disease caused by excessive consumption of one or more particular nutrient

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