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English for Social Work I Introduction

General info. Lecturer: Mr. sc. Marijana Javornik CubricClasses: Monday11:30 14:00 (A-K) 14:00 16:30 (L-)Office hours: Tuesday 11:30 12:30, Room no. 6, Gunduliceva 10Contact: mjavornik@yahoo.com. Coursebooks. Javornik Cubric M., Vican D. (2005), Englis

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English for Social Work I Introduction

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Presentation Transcript

    1. English for Social Work I Introduction University of Zagreb Faculty of Law Department of Social Work

    2. General info Lecturer: Mr. sc. Marijana Javornik Cubric Classes: Monday 11:30 – 14:00 (A-K) 14:00 – 16:30 (L-Ž) Office hours: Tuesday 11:30 – 12:30, Room no. 6, Gunduliceva 10 Contact: mjavornik@yahoo.com

    3. Coursebooks Javornik Cubric M., Vican D. (2005), English for Social Workers, Zagreb: Pravni fakultet, 2005. Units 1-4 Education, Employment, Social Policy, Demographics Vican M., Pavic Z., Smerdel B. (2005) Engleski za pravnike, Zagreb: Narodne novine Units 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15

    4. Teaching materials Available on the Internet – www.pravo.hr/sj/ Teaching materials

    5. Course outline Part I – English for Law Oct. 4 Introduction Oct. 11 What Is Meant by Law? Sources and Varieties of English Law Oct. 18 Statute Law in Britain (Parliament; Legislative procedure) Legal Aid Oct. 25 A Day in a Civil Court (civil procedure) A Day in a Criminal Court (criminal procedure) Nov. 15 From the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia The Nature and Sources of American Federalism Nov. 22 Mid-term examination

    6. Part II - English for Social Work Nov. 29 Education in Croatia, Great Britain and USA The European Higher Education Area (The Bologna reform) Dec. 13 The European Employment Strategy Gender Equality in Employment Dec. 20 What Is Social Policy? The Scope of Social Policy Jan. 10 Demographics in Croatia Demographics in Britain Jan. 17 End-of-term examination Jan. 24 Final revision and signatures

    7. Presentation guidelines Optional Suggested duration: 10-15 minutes Presenters: 1-3 Sources: at least 2 different sources; one written, one can be from the Internet Draft to be sent a week in advance Questions and discussion or group work

    8. Examination Written part – grammar, legal terms, translation, basic definitions Oral part – presenting a topic using relevant vocabulary Dates: February 2 and 16, 2011

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