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Digital Imaging & College Records August 10, 2005 Modified 9/25/2006, 7/30/2009, 5/25/2010

Digital Imaging & College Records August 10, 2005 Modified 9/25/2006, 7/30/2009, 5/25/2010. Why Should We Digitize COE Documents?. To allow greater access and visibility of records for all COE faculty & staff To prevent records being lost or “walking off”

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Digital Imaging & College Records August 10, 2005 Modified 9/25/2006, 7/30/2009, 5/25/2010

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  1. Digital Imaging & College RecordsAugust 10, 2005Modified 9/25/2006, 7/30/2009, 5/25/2010

  2. Why Should We Digitize COE Documents? • To allow greater access and visibility of records for all COE faculty & staff • To prevent records being lost or “walking off” • To create a greater understanding and consciousness of the nature, volume and complexity of COE forms & records • To inform future decisions that may reduce the volume and complexity of COE forms & records; streamline them and make them easier to use and understand • To eliminate the necessity of maintaining hardcopy records & reduce the amount of physical space taken up by records

  3. Digital Images of COE Student Records

  4. Source Folder All digital documents will be stored in folders organized by individual student. Folder names will be the student’s UA ID Number. The file location will be: //anc-filesrv01/coe$/databases/source/xxxxxxxx/ Where “xxxxxxxx” is a student’s eight digit UA ID number.

  5. Indices & Search on PETaL There are indices of all students who are currently admitted and enrolled in each program with an indication of whether or not a digital file exists for students in that index. There is also a candidate search page that shows when student files exist. Indices are updated periodically. https://petal.uaa.alaska.edu/programs/ Candidate Search: https://petal.uaa.alaska.edu/profile/search.asp

  6. Catalog of Records A Catalog of Records exists that outlines the letter code and title of frequently used documents in student files. https://petal.uaa.alaska.edu/catalog/

  7. Catalog of Records (2) Letter codes in the catalog are unique and typically four characters long. Here is an example: CMRU = Change of Major: Undergraduate Please contact the Data Manager (Brian Brubaker) whenever information in the Catalog of Records needs to be modified: When a new form or record is created When a form is retired from use When any other type of major modification is made

  8. Scope Our goal is to digitize all records for candidates (UAA COE university students) who have been newly admitted in or after the Fall 2005 semester. If there is a group of candidates who you know will be have lots of interactions, prioritize the scanning of their records. It is not necessary to digitize all records of students who have been admitted and enrolled into COE programs prior to Fall 2005. Many of these records currently reside in the PSB basement storage room.

  9. Access READ-ONLY: In general, COE faculty and staff will have read-only access to the records repository. READ & WRITE: Active contributors will have read-write access. COE faculty and staff may regularly ask primary contributors in their department to add digital documents in the college repository.

  10. Security & Confidentiality COE digital and paper records are subject to the same confidentiality restrictions that pertain to BANNER student information. These include the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Regents’ Policy and University Regulation 09.04, Education Records. Each faculty and staff member, whether a contributor or not, must have filled out, signed and turned in a FERPA Summary and Signature Form to the COE Data Manager (Brian Brubaker) before access will be granted to the records repository. The form is online: http://bannersi.uaa.alaska.edu/Permission_FERPA_Options.htm

  11. Saving Documents Documents are saved according to their letter code detailed in the Catalog of Records and date in the appropriate student source file. For example, Joe Schmoe’s Change of Major: Undergraduate form will be saved as: //anc-filesrv01/coe$/databases/source/ 39999999/CMRU_20050809.pdf 39999999 is Joe Schmoe’s UA ID Number. CMRU is the code for the undergraduate change of major form in the Catalog of Records. August 9, 2005 is the document’s effective date: yyyymmdd.

  12. Special Handling Special instructions may be found in the Catalog of Records. For example, Joe Schmoe’s MAT Interview Screening Form may be saved as: //anc-filesrv01/coe$/databases/source/ 39999999/WSF_2005_09_08_3.pdf In this case, there are three people interviewing Joe Schmoe and the above document is the third interviewer’s screening form.

  13. Equipment The college owns scanners and multifunction printers to assist with scanning. As of June 2009 the college owns six Sharp MX multifunction printers. Documentation on these is on the shared drive. https://petal.uaa.alaska.edu/shared/FYI/Technology%20Documentation/PC%20add%20sharp%20printers.doc The HP Scanjet 7650 has a 12 pages per minute (ppm) automatic document feeder (ADF) with a 50 page capacity. See the specification sheet for more information.

  14. E-Copy The Sharp MX Printer in the Teaching & Learning Department Suite, PSB 224, is equiped with “E-Copy”. E-Copy allows you to login and scan documents directly to the desired shared drive location, as opposed to the usual method of emailing a scanned document to yourself and then opening your inbox and saving the document to a fileshare location. Contact the COE Data Manager and/or UAA ITS Call Center if you need assistance with scanners, Sharp MX multifunction printers, and/or E-Copy.

  15. Necessary Software Contributors will need: For Documents: Adobe Acrobat Professional For Images: Adobe Photoshop

  16. Obtaining Software Download and install the necessary software (Photoshop &/or Acrobat) on your workstation. You will need the UA serial numbers are listed on the website. Go to: http://www.alaska.edu/keys/ - Make sure you have installed the KeyClient on your workstation If you are using wireless internet or working off campus you need VPN (Virtual Private Networking) running. This and other software at UAA ITS website: http://technology.uaa.alaska.edu/computer/Software/downloads.cfm Contact the COE Data Manager and/or UAA ITS Call Center if you need assistance

  17. Connecting to the File Server Instructions on how to connect to the shared drive are available. https://petal.uaa.alaska.edu/shared/FYI/Technology%20Documentation/PC%20connect%20to%20server.doc https://petal.uaa.alaska.edu/shared/FYI/Technology%20Documentation/Mac%20connect%20to%20server.doc Authenticated read-only access to the shared drive is available over the internet at https://petal.uaa.alaska.edu/shared/ Contact the COE Data Manager and/or UAA ITS Call Center (786-4646) if you need assistance

  18. Looking Up UA IDs To look up a student’s UA ID Number, log on to BANNER Production and use SPAIDEN. Instructions are on the BANNER Student website at: http://bannersi.uaa.alaska.edu/SPAIDEN.PDF Or you can use the PETaL website candidate search page. https://petal.uaa.alaska.edu/profile/search.asp

  19. Retrieving Records Access to records in the college repository (databases folder) is limited to only COE Faculty and Staff who have signed and returned a UAA FERPA Signature Form to the Data Manager. Train faculty and staff in your department to retrieve documents from the college repository for themselves. You will cut down on document requests directed to you and you will save time for other duties.

  20. Retrieving Records (2) To access college repository records, an employee must: send an email message to the Data Manager (Brian Brubaker, anbb2@uaa.alaska.edu) requesting access fill out, sign, and deliver to the Data Manager a FERPA signature form Have Adobe Acrobat Reader on their computer “map a drive” to the college’s shared drive (X) at: //anc-filesrv01.uaa.alaska.edu/coe$ Contact the COE Data Manager (Brian Brubaker) and/or the UAA ITS Call Center if assistance is needed.

  21. Paper Do not destroy paper documents once you have scanned them and saved them electronically on the shared drive. Instead: Stamp the upper right corner of each page of the document to indicate that the document has been scanned File the paper copy in the physical files If there is a desire to destroy paper records, please check with the COE Data Manager (Brian Brubaker) before doing so.

  22. Electronic Sources If a document requires few or no signatures and is entirely digital, there is no need to scan it. Print it to Adobe Acrobat PDF from the application it was created in and save it accordingly. Some forms you may want to make editable with Adobe Acrobat with form tools. Then you may simply edit the form in Acrobat and save it into the appropriate student’s folder. You may save documents from UAA Enrollment Service’s ONBASE system directly to a student’s folder on the COE shared drive.

  23. UAA Enrollment Services Docs- ONBASE - Many forms come to us from UAA Enrollment Services. They have a list of common forms online at: http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/admissions/forms.cfm You may access many of the UAA Enrollment Services documents online using their ONBASE system and simply copy them into our records repository. For access to ONBASE, contact Charese Gearhart-Dekreon at UAA Enrollment Services for an account and instructions. Be sure to request print capability (it is not indicated on the permission form). http://bannersi.uaa.alaska.edu

  24. Next Steps Begin contributing documents as soon as possible. Encourage and assist the faculty and staff in your department to access student records via PETaL. Please send us any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the Catalog of Records. Contact the Data Manager (Brian Brubaker) if you have an questions or problems.

  25. References FERPA Information Links http://bannersi.uaa.alaska.edu/ferpa.htm Keyed Software Website http://www.alaska.edu/keys/ Regents Policy and University Regulation 09.04; Education Records http://www.alaska.edu/bor/policy/09-04.doc SPAIDEN Instructions to look up UA ID numbers http://bannersi.uaa.alaska.edu/SPAIDEN.PDF

  26. References (2) UAA Enrollment Services Forms http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/admissions/forms.cfm UAA FERPA Summary and Signature Form http://bannersi.uaa.alaska.edu/Permission_FERPA_Options.htm University of Alaska Controller: Document Imaging Site http://www.alaska.edu/controller/projects/doc_imaging.html UA Online FERPA Training http://distance.uaf.edu/ferpa/ferpa.html

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