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Limits on the Power of Cryptographic Cheap Talk

Limits on the Power of Cryptographic Cheap Talk. Pavel Hubáček * Jesper Buus Nielsen Alon Rosen *Produced all the good slides. NE, Nash 1950. 14/3. 14/3. 1/10. CE, Aumann 1974. Correlated equilibria can pick up more utility!. Play right!. 4. 5 >14/3. 7. Play top!. 2/10.

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Limits on the Power of Cryptographic Cheap Talk

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Limits on the Power of Cryptographic Cheap Talk PavelHubáček* Jesper Buus NielsenAlon Rosen *Produced all the good slides

  2. NE, Nash 1950 14/3 14/3 1/10

  3. CE, Aumann 1974 Correlated equilibria can pick up more utility! Play right! 4 5>14/3 7 Play top! 2/10

  4. Dodis-Halevi-Rabin 2000 For any CE, a computational NE achieving the same utility! Cheap Talk Bad advice, I abort! Top! Right! MiniMax 3/10

  5. Gradwohl-Livne-Rosen 2010 • MiniMax might be an empty threat • First explicit model of empty threat-free (ETF) strategy for a cryptographic cheap-talk game • Gives an ETFstrategy for large sub-class of CE 4/10

  6. The grey region is the convex hull of the utility profiles of the NEThis is what GLR10achieves Can crypto helpus pick up the green utility? 5/10

  7. Def. 1: NES⊂CE • A CE is called NE-Safe (NES) iffthe residual utility given any advise is at least the utility in the worst NE for the same player 4 7 6/10

  8. Def. 2: ETF⊂CE • A CE S for a matrix game M is called ETF if there exist an ETF strategy for the corresponding cryptographic cheap-talk game for M which has the same utility profile as S • “The utility which we can pick up using cryptographic cheap-talk” 7/10

  9. Hubáček-N-Rosen 2013 • We identify and define NES • The NE safe correlated equilibrium • We prove: • ETF ⊂ NES • CE  NES • If OT exists then ETF = NES • If ETF = NES then OT exists 8/10

  10. ETF • A strategy is ETFif it is a computational NE and neither player has an empty threat • Empty threat of Rabin in strategy S=(SR,SC) : A non-negligible event E observable by Canetti and a deviation D for Canetti such that: if Canetti switch to D when observing E, then in all ETF continuations, following the switch, Canetti gets non-negligibly more utility than if he had stuck to S 9/10

  11. ETF ⊂ NES • Assume a strategy is not NES for Rabin • Event E: Rabin receives an advice with residual utility lower than her worst NE • Deviation D: Rabin sends her advice + entire view of the protocol to Canetti and then plays according to her worst NE • Analysis: After Rabin reveals her view to Canetti, they essentially only have common randomness, so if the continuation is stable, it is a (convex combination of) NE 10/10

  12. CE  NES 11/10

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