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Russian eGY Committee in 2007-2008

Russian eGY Committee in 2007-2008. Officially adopted by Russian Academy of Sciences in Earth Sciences Division 26.02.2008 Chair: Alexei Gvishiani, Geophysical Center RAS, http://www.gcras.ru. Russian eGY Committee.

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Russian eGY Committee in 2007-2008

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  1. Russian eGY Committee in2007-2008 Officially adopted by Russian Academy of Sciences in Earth Sciences Division 26.02.2008 Chair: Alexei Gvishiani, Geophysical Center RAS, http://www.gcras.ru

  2. Russian eGY Committee The Committee has been formed in the beginning of 2007 and adopted by division of Earth Sciences of RAS 26.02.2008. It includes actual and potential authors of eGY products and leading scientists in Earth sciences from wide range of Earth disciplines: 28 members from 22 research institutes in Russia Hosted by Geophysical Center RAS Functions in close collaboration with CODATA WG on eGY, Russian National IUGG and CODATA committees

  3. Russian eGY Committee - 1 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  4. Russian eGY Committee - 2 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  5. Russian eGY Committee - 3 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  6. Russian eGY Committee - 4 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  7. Russian eGY Committee - 5 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  8. Russian eGY Committee - 6 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  9. Russian eGY Committee - 7 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  10. Russian eGY Activities in 2007-2008 - A • The committee organized a full size international conference on eGY and 50th anniversary of IGY 16-19 September in Suzdal, Russia. The conference proceedings are available at www.gcras.ru. In result of the conference new efficient people joined eGY and signed its declaration 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  11. МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ 112 participants 50-ЛЕТИЕ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО ГЕОФИЗИЧЕСКОГОГОДА И ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЙ ГЕОФИЗИЧЕСКИЙ ГОД Great Britain Germany Israel INTRNATIONALCONFERENCE Russia 50thANNIVERSARY OF INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR(IGY) AND ELECTRONIC GEOPHYSICAL YEAR (eGY) USA The Ukraine France 16-19 September 2007 г. Suzdal, Russian Federation Суздаль, 16-19 сентября 2007 г. 11 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome www.gcras.ru

  12. Organizers: The Electronic Geophysical Year: 2007-2008 Earth Data Network for Education and Scientific Exchange (EDNES) Российская академия наук ОНЗ Национальный геофизическийкомитет РФ ИФЗ РАН им. О.Ю. Шмидта РФФИ РАН ГЦ РАН Sponsors: Открытое акционерное общество коммерческий инвестиционный банк Евроальянс Группа компаний «Стройтекс» CODATA (ICSU Committee on Data) БлаготворительныйКауффман-фонд Information sponsor: Информационная поддержка: НИА "Природные ресурсы" 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  13. Suzdal Conference Structure - A 17 September, Monday Plenary session 17.1:“IGY scientific results: 50 years later” Plenary session 17.2:“Electronic Geophysical Year”, “International Polar Year”,“International Heliophysical Year” Evening party:Meeting of conference participants, devoted to 50th anniversary of Geophysical center RAS 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  14. Suzdal Conference Structure - B 18 September, Tuesday Parallel session 18.1:“Contemporary problems of geoinformatics in the changing world” Parallel session 18.2:“Russian-French research on geophysics, volcanology and seismic danger” Plenary session 18.3:“Natural disasters and risks in the modern world” 18.4:Posters and computer presentations 19 September, Wednesday Plenary session 19.1:“Global changes and climate” Joint meeting of CODATA WG on Electronic Geophysical Year and Russian eGY Committee 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  15. From conference recommendations Target the RAS scientific program “Electronic Earth” in 2008 towards eGY Expand the list by electronic showcase products in geology and sciences of the ocean and atmosphere Establish, under Russian Academy of Sciences Russian National Committee on eGY, comprising authors of showcase products of eGY and leading scientists in the field Hold in 2009 in Russia international conference on eGY results 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  16. Russian eGY Activities in 2007-2008 - B • eGY has been presented and promoted at a general meetings of Russian Academy of Sciences in December 2007 and February 2008. In result of this presentation RAS took a lead in eGY activities in Russia • Russian eGY Committee functions in close collaboration with CODATA WG on eGY. Joint CODATA WG and Russian eGY Committee meeting has been convened at Suzdal Conference in September 2007 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  17. Russian eGY Activities in 2007-2008 - C • Russian eGY web-site is under development by the eGY Committee. It is planned to be launched in the beginning of April 2008 at the address http://egy.gcras.ru • The site will function as gateway to approach eGY showcase products developed by Russian scientists under national and international projects 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  18. Russian eGY Activities in 2007-2008 - D • On occasions of several international and national conferences and meetings in 2006-2008, eGY has been promoted by Russian eGY Committee in the Ukraine. In result of this promotion and active collaboration of Geophysical Center of RAS, Moscow and National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev, a new World Data Center (the first one in a CIS country other than Russia) is going to be launched in Kiev in October 2008 on the occasion of CODATA bi-annual conference. Ukrainian eGY Committee is under creation. 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  19. Showcase products of Russian eGY committee - 1 Multifunctional system of automated detection of anomalies on time series of geoscience observations. GC RAS - IPGP 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  20. Multifunctional system of automated detection of anomalies on time series DRASglobal level DRAS,FLARS,FCARS locallevel FTS Rectificationof FTS FLARSglobal level FTSAnomalies FCARSglobal level • DRAS(Difference Recognition Algorithm for Signals ) - 2003 • FLARS(FuzzyLogic Algorithm for Recognition of Signals) – 2005 • FCARS (Fuzzy Comparison Algorithm for Recognition of Signals) - 2007 • realize “smooth” modeling (in fuzzy mathematics sense introduced by L. Zade) of interpreter’s logic, that searches for anomalies on FTS. Examples of FTS rectification functionals Length of the fragment, energy of the fragment, difference of the fragment from its regression of order n. 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  21. Showcase products of Russian eGY committee - 1 Multifunctional system of automated detection of anomalies on time series of geoscience observations.GC RAS - IPGP Virtual laboratory of monitoringvolcanoes and regional seismicity (in collaboration with VELM, French committee on eGY). GC RAS - IPE RAS - IPGP - University of Clermont-Ferrand - Greek and Indian research labs 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  22. Virtual Electromagnetic LaboratoryVEML 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  23. Showcase products of Russian eGY committee -2 Distributed network analyticalGIS forspatio-temporal data analysis in geosciences. IPE RAS-IDG RAS-IITP RAS Algorithmic database on global laws of seismicity and long-term prediction of earthquakes. IIEPT (MITPAN) 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

  24. Showcase products of Russian eGY committee - 3 • Internet based Indo-Russian intelligent database of IGY magnetic data (1957-1960). GC RAS Moscow - IIG Bombay - WDC STP/Moscow - WDC STP/Bombay Data from Alibag and Hiderabad stations will be digitized by Indian partners. Data from the stations Moscow, Kazan and Sverdlovsk will be made available by Russian partners. AI algorithmic layer will complete the DB 13-14 March 2008, eGY Summit, Rome

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