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BlueSky is a smoke modeling framework that provides ready access to high-resolution weather predictions, smoke predictions, and fire danger information for the Northwest region. It offers daily emission tracking, real-time smoke predictions, quantitative verification, automated centralized processing, and community model development.

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  1. FireCAMMS Fire Consortia for Advanced Modeling of Meteorology and Smoke www.fs.fed.us/fcamms

  2. Smoke and Fire Weather www.atmos.washington.edu/pnw_environ Weather observations/forecasts, fire danger, and smoke dispersion for the Northwest.

  3. Ready Access to High Resolution Weather Predictions

  4. Ready Access to High Resolution Weather Predictions

  5. Smoke Predictions MM5 36-km MM5 12-km UW Server SFSL “Beowulf” Cluster BlueSky NFSpuff Personal PC

  6. Ready Access to High Resolution Weather Predictions

  7. www.BlueSkyRAINS.org

  8. BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework What can it do? Wildfire Wildland Fire Use - Quartz Complex - Potential 500 ac/day

  9. BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework What can it do? Biscuit Fire

  10. www.BlueSkyRAINS.org

  11. BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework What can it do? Prescribed Fires

  12. BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework What can it do? Prescribed Fires

  13. BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework What can it do? Prescribed Fires

  14. BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework What is it? • Daily Emission tracking • Real-time Smoke predictions • Quantitative Verification • Automated, centralized processing • Community model development

  15. BlueSky Federal Land Managers - USDA Forest Service (PNW, R6, R1, RMRS) - Bureau of Land Management (WA, OR, MT) - National Park Service - Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Air Agencies - NOAA (NWS, ARL) - Environmental Protection Service (R10) Tribal Nations - Colville - Quinault - Nez Perce States - Oregon (ODF, DEQ) - Washington (DNR, DE) - Idaho (DEQ) - Montana (DEQ) Universities - U. of Washington - Washington State U. - U. of Montana Local Air Agencies - Missoula City-County Health Department - Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Private - CH2MHill - Air Sciences - 3-Tier Development Community

  16. BlueSky MM5 FASTRACS CALMM5/CALMET EPM/CONSUME v1.02 MM52ARL CALMET2netCDF EPM2BAEM CALPUFF HYSPLIT CALPUFF2netCDF PAVE Animations CALPUFF/ArcIMS Linkage (netCDF2SHP (?)) Preliminary BlueSky web page BlueSky Linux System Burn Report Display Time Series Display ArcIMS (SDE, SQLserver) TRAJREAD BlueSkyRAINS Windows System Smoke Modeling Framework How does it work? Source Characteristics Weather Emissions Dispersion Output Products

  17. BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework Source Characteristics • Prescribed Fire • Planned for next day • Planned for 2nd day • Accomplished today • Wildfire • MM5-FARSITE-BurnUp • Diurnal-Consume-EPM • Theoretical Scenario

  18. BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework Input Requirements • Date of burn • Location • Time of ignition • Ignition duration • Burn area • Preburn fuel load • Predicted fuel moisture

  19. BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework Input Requirements • MT/ID Airshed Reports • Wash. Ag. Reports • PFIRS • National Event Reports • Remote Sensing • Date of burn • Location • Time of ignition • Ignition duration • Burn area • Preburn fuel load • Predicted fuel moisture a. CRB FCC b. NFDRS-FM + Cond.Class c. LandSum FCC - MM5-NFDRS

  20. BlueSky MODIS Observed Burns 24 April 2002 Wei Min Hao Missoula Fire Lab Accomplished Burns 24 April 2002 Mike Ziolko Oregon Dept. of Forestry

  21. BlueSky& Mesoscale Weather Pretty pictures. So what!

  22. RAINS BlueSky BlueSkyRAINS Real-time smoke modeling Rapid Access INformation System Predicted Smoke Impacts

  23. BlueSkyRAINS

  24. BlueSkyRAINS

  25. BlueSkyRAINS

  26. BlueSkyRAINS Verification Model output matched with observations Tethersonde measurements of particle and gas concentrations in a smoldering plume.

  27. Burn Fast, Clean, and Safe www.BlueSkyRAINS.org GIS www.fs.fed.us/BlueSky Tech www.atmos.washington.edu/pnw_environ Weather www.fs.fed.us/FCAMMS National

  28. Ventilation Index (m2/s) Classification 0-1175 Poor 1175-2350 Marginal 2351-3525 Fair > 3525 Good MixingHeight Wind Ventilation Climate Information System x

  29. www.fs.fed.us/pnw/fera/vent

  30. Maps & Graphs

  31. Mesoscale Weather www.atmos.washington.edu/pnw_environ A “go/no-go/go-slow” operations tool. BlueSkyRAINS www.BlueSkyRAINS.org A “go/no-go/go-slow” operations tool. Ventilation Climate Information System www.fs.fed.us/pnw/fera/vent A probabilistic planning tool. Thank You

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