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How to cut words ?

How to cut words ?. Cut after a vowel (except the final syllable) calorie = imiter = cumuler =. Cut after a vowel (except the final syllable) calorie = ca / lo / rie [ ka lo ri ] imiter = cumuler =. Cut after a vowel (except the final syllable) calorie = ca / lo / rie [ ka lo ri ]

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How to cut words ?

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  1. How to cut words ?

  2. Cut after a vowel (except the final syllable) calorie = imiter = cumuler =

  3. Cut after a vowel (except the final syllable) calorie = ca/lo/rie [ka lo ri] imiter = cumuler =

  4. Cut after a vowel (except the final syllable) calorie = ca/lo/rie [ka lo ri] imiter = i/mi/ter [i mi té] cumuler =

  5. Cut after a vowel (except the final syllable) calorie = ca/lo/rie [ka lo ri] imiter = i/mi/ter [i mi té] cumuler = cu/mu/ler [ku mu lé]

  6. Cut between 2 separable vowels océan = chaos = zoologie =

  7. Cut between 2 separable vowels océan = o/cé/an [o sé ã] chaos = zoologie =

  8. Cut between 2 separable vowels océan = o/cé/an [o sé ã] chaos = cha/os [ka o] zoologie =

  9. Cut between 2 separable vowels océan = o/cé/an [o sé ã] chaos = cha/os [ka o] zoologie = zo/o/lo/gie [zo o lo ji]

  10. Beware inseparable vowels! au [o] ai [è] eu [eu] ei [è] ou [ou] oi [wa] automobile = boulevard =

  11. Beware inseparable vowels! au [o] ai [è] eu [eu] ei [è] ou [ou] oi [wa] automobile = au/to/mo/bile [o to mo bil] boulevard =

  12. Beware inseparable vowels! au [o] ai [è] eu [eu] ei [è] ou [ou] oi [wa] automobile = au/to/mo/bile [o to mo bil] boulevard = bou/le/vard [bou le var]

  13. Beware the 3 semi-vowels! i+v = [y] / bière = piano = ou+v =[w] / ouest = Louisiane = u+v =[ɥ] / fruit = cuisine =

  14. Beware the 3 semi-vowels! i+v = [y] / bière = [byèr] piano = ou+v =[w] / ouest = Louisiane = u+v =[ɥ] / fruit = cuisine =

  15. Beware the 3 semi-vowels! i+v = [y] / bière = [byèr] piano = pia/no [pya no] ou+v =[w] / ouest = Louisiane = u+v =[ɥ] / fruit = cuisine =

  16. Beware the 3 semi-vowels! i+v = [y] / bière = [byèr] piano = pia/no [pya no] ou+v =[w] / ouest = [wèst] Louisiane = u+v =[ɥ] / fruit = cuisine =

  17. Beware the 3 semi-vowels! i+v = [y] / bière = [byèr] piano = pia/no [pya no] ou+v =[w] / ouest = [wèst] Louisiane = Loui/siane [lwi zyan] u+v =[ɥ] / fruit = cuisine =

  18. Beware the 3 semi-vowels! i+v = [y] / bière = [byèr] piano = pia/no [pya no] ou+v =[w] / ouest = [wèst] Louisiane = Loui/siane [lwi zyan] u+v =[ɥ] / fruit = [frɥi] cuisine =

  19. Beware the 3 semi-vowels! i+v = [y] / bière = [byèr] piano = pia/no [pya no] ou+v =[w] / ouest = [wèst] Louisiane = Loui/siane [lwi zyan] u+v =[ɥ] / fruit = [frɥi] cuisine = cui/sine [cɥi zin]

  20. Cut between 2 consonants (except final syllable) admire = merci = culturel =

  21. Cut between 2 consonants (except final syllable) admire = ad/mire [ad mir] merci = culturel =

  22. Cut between 2 consonants (except final syllable) admire = ad/mire [ad mir] merci = mer/ci [mèr si] culturel =

  23. Cut between 2 consonants (except final syllable) admire = ad/mire [ad mir] merci = mer/ci [mèr si] culturel = cul/tu/rel [kul tu rèl]

  24. Nasalisations occur only followed by a consonant français = important = bonjour =   antilope = animal = bonus =

  25. Nasalisations occur only followed by a consonant français = fran/çais [frã sè] important = bonjour =  antilope = animal = bonus =

  26. Nasalisations occur only followed by a consonant français = fran/çais [frã sè] important = im/por/tant [ĩ por tã] bonjour =  antilope = animal = bonus =

  27. Nasalisations occur only followed by a consonant français = fran/çais [frã sè] important = im/por/tant [ĩ por tã] bonjour = bon/jour [bõ jour]  antilope = animal = bonus =

  28. Nasalisations occur only followed by a consonant français = fran/çais [frã sè] important = im/por/tant [ĩ por tã] bonjour = bon/jour [bõ jour]  antilope = an/ti/lope [ã ti lop] animal = bonus =

  29. Nasalisations occur only followed by a consonant français = fran/çais [frã sè] important = im/por/tant [ĩ por tã] bonjour = bon/jour [bõ jour]  antilope = an/ti/lope [ã ti lop] animal = a/ni/mal [a ni mal] bonus =

  30. Nasalisations occur only followed by a consonant français = fran/çais [frã sè] important = im/por/tant [ĩ por tã] bonjour = bon/jour [bõ jour]  antilope = an/ti/lope [ã ti lop] animal = a/ni/mal [a ni mal] bonus = bo/nus [bo nus]

  31. Beware inseparable consonants! tr- pl – ch – gn - ng or gu - qu trésor = enchanté = qualité = signal =

  32. Beware inseparable consonants! tr- pl – ch – gn - ng or gu - qu trésor = tré/sor [trè zor] enchanté = qualité = signal =

  33. Beware inseparable consonants! tr- pl – ch – gn - ng or gu - qu trésor = tré/sor [trè zor] enchanté = en/chan/té [ã chã té] qualité = signal =

  34. Beware inseparable consonants! tr- pl – ch – gn - ng or gu - qu trésor = tré/sor [trè zor] enchanté = en/chan/té [ã chã té] qualité = qua/li/té [ka li té] signal =

  35. Beware inseparable consonants! tr- pl – ch – gn - ng or gu - qu trésor = tré/sor [trè zor] enchanté = en/chan/té [ã chã té] qualité = qua/li/té [ka li té] signal = si/gnal [si njal]

  36. Double consonants ss =[s] / tt =[t]/ ll =[l] / mm =[m] /rr =[r] ... je m’appelle = attitude = buffet =

  37. Double consonants ss =[s] / tt =[t]/ ll =[l] / mm =[m] /rr =[r] ... je m’appelle = je/m’a/ppelle [je ma pèl] attitude = buffet =

  38. Double consonants ss =[s] / tt =[t]/ ll =[l] / mm =[m] /rr =[r] ... je m’appelle = je/m’a/ppelle [je ma pèl] attitude = a/tti/tude [a ti tud] buffet =

  39. Double consonants ss =[s] / tt =[t]/ ll =[l] / mm =[m] /rr =[r] ... je m’appelle = je/m’a/ppelle [je ma pèl] attitude = a/tti/tude [a ti tud] buffet = bu/ffet [bu fè]

  40. Except Double C = [k+s] = 2 sounds accident = Double L : V+ill=[y] = 1 consonant a + ill travaille = travailler =

  41. Except Double C = [k+s] = 2 sounds accident = ac/ci/dent [aksi dã] Double L : V+ill = [y] = 1 consonant a + ill travaille = travailler =

  42. Except Double C = [k+s] = 2 sounds accident = ac/ci/dent [aksi dã] Double L : V+ill = [y] = 1 consonant a + ill travaille = tra/vaille [tra vay] travailler =

  43. Except Double C = [k+s] = 2 sounds accident = ac/ci/dent [aksi dã] Double L : V+ill = [y] = 1 consonant a + ill travaille = tra/vaille [tra vay] travailler = tra/va/iller [tra va ye]

  44. 1 letter = 2 sounds X = [g+z] or [k+s] exercice = exite = Y = [i+y] voyage = payer =

  45. 1 letter = 2 sounds X = [g+z] or [k+s] exercice = ex/xer/cice [ègzèr sis] exite = Y = [i+y] voyage = payer =

  46. 1 letter = 2 sounds X = [g+z] or [k+s] exercice = ex/xer/cice [ègzèr sis] exite = ex/xite [èk sit] Y = [i+y] voyage = payer =

  47. 1 letter = 2 sounds X = [g+z] or [k+s] exercice = ex/xer/cice [ègzèr sis] exite = ex/xite [èk sit] Y = [i+y] voyage = voi/yage [vwayaj] payer =

  48. 1 letter = 2 sounds X = [g+z] or [k+s] exercice = ex/xer/cice [ègzèr sis] exite = ex/xite [èk sit] Y = [i+y] voyage = voi/yage [vwayaj] payer = pai/yer [pè yé]

  49. Exercice agriculture absence acceptation admiration adoption album alphabet ambassade ambition

  50. Exercice [a gri kul tur] a/gri/cul/ture agriculture absence acceptation admiration adoption album alphabet ambassade ambition

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