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The Church: To God Be The Glory (Ephesians 3)

The Church: To God Be The Glory (Ephesians 3). To Him be glory in the church…Eph. 3:21 Eph. 1: The church is the fullness of Christ Eph. 2: The church is alive in Christ Eph. 3: The church is the wisdom and glory of God. 2.

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The Church: To God Be The Glory (Ephesians 3)

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  1. The Church: To God Be The Glory (Ephesians 3)

  2. To Him be glory in the church…Eph. 3:21 Eph. 1: The church is the fullness of Christ Eph. 2: The church is alive in Christ Eph. 3: The church is the wisdom and glory of God 2

  3. The Church Glorifies God for the Revelation of God’s Mystery, 3:1-9 The mystery of Christ is revealed, 3:1-3 Dispensation, Stewardship to preach, 3:2; Acts 26:16-18 Revelation, 3:2; Gal. 1:11-12; 1 Cor. 2:10-12; Jno. 16:13 3

  4. The Church Glorifies God for the Revelation of God’s Mystery, 3:1-9 The mystery of Christ is written, 3:3 Preceding discussion of salvation of the Gentiles (2:11-18) Authoritative, 1 Cor. 14:37; 2 Ths. 2:15 4

  5. The Church Glorifies God for the Revelation of God’s Mystery, 3:1-9 The mystery of Christ is understand- able, 3:4 “When you read”, Rom. 10:17; Jno. 17:17; 8:32 (teaching, Acts 8:30-31; 2 Tim. 2:2) Full assurance of understanding, Col. 2:2 5

  6. The Church Glorifies God for the Revelation of God’s Mystery, 3:1-9 The mystery of Christ is defined, 3:6 Once hidden but now fully revealed, 3:5, 9; Col. 1:26-27 Gentiles fully participate in promise, 3:6 One body (church)–All nations, all blessings (Eph. 1:3, 23; 2:14-16) 6

  7. The Church Glorifies God for the Revelation of God’s Mystery, 3:1-9 The mystery of Christ is preached, 3:7-9 Riches of Christ, 3:8; Col. 1:27-29 God be glorified – All may be saved! 7

  8. The Church Glorifies God for His Wisdom Eph. 3:10-13 The church reveals the nature of God’swisdom, 3:10 Manifold: “Much varied”, many-colored God took disorder and chaos between Jews and Gentiles and produced unity and peace (Redemption), 2:11-12 8

  9. The Church Glorifies God for His Wisdom Eph. 3:10-13 The importance of the church, 3:10-11 Used to show God’s wisdom Part of God’s eternal purpose Cannot separate Christ from His church 9

  10. The Church Glorifies God for His Wisdom Eph. 3:10-13 We have boldness in Christ, 3:12-13 Gentiles needed to be assured of their access to God through faith, 2:8, 18 God be glorified – We can go to God! 10

  11. The Church Glorifies God for His Powerful Blessings, Eph. 3:14-19 Strengthened with power through the Holy Spirit, 3:16 Led by the Spirit to be spiritually strong, Gal. 5:16, 22-24 God’s power at work in you 11

  12. The Church Glorifies God for His Powerful Blessings, Eph. 3:14-19 Christ may dwell in your hearts, 3:17-18 By faith, Jno. 14:23 Effect: Rooted and grounded in love, 3:17 Power of God: Strong to comprehend (lay hold of) it, 3:18 (16), 8 (1:18-19), 20 12

  13. The Church Glorifies God for His Powerful Blessings, Eph. 3:14-19 Know the love of Christ, 3:19 Experience, transformed by it (1 Jno. 4:7-21) Filled with all the fullness of God, 3:19 Made full in Christ, Col. 2:10 All blessings are in Him--His church (1:3, 23) 13

  14. The church’s purpose is to glorify God, Eph. 3:21 • The church is: • Sustained by God’s power, 3:20 • Assured by revelation, 3:19 • Made bold through faith in Christ, 3:11-12 Ephesians 3 15

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