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Carnivore Evolution & Systematics MARE 390 Dr. Turner

Carnivore Evolution & Systematics MARE 390 Dr. Turner. }. Order Carnivora. 5 Families of Marine Mammals Mustelidae – Sea otter Ursidae – Polar bear Phocidae – Seals (true seal) Otariidae – Sea lions (eared seals) Odobenidae - Walrus. Pinnipeds. Order Carnivora.

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Carnivore Evolution & Systematics MARE 390 Dr. Turner

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  1. Carnivore Evolution & Systematics MARE 390 Dr. Turner

  2. } Order Carnivora 5 Families of Marine Mammals Mustelidae – Sea otter Ursidae – Polar bear Phocidae – Seals (true seal) Otariidae – Sea lions (eared seals) Odobenidae - Walrus Pinnipeds

  3. Order Carnivora Alternative hypotheses for relationships among carnivores

  4. Order Carnivora Most debate centers around walrus

  5. Order Carnivora Relationship among carnivores

  6. Family Mustelidae Enhydra lutris Lutra lutra Molecular Morhpological

  7. Family Ursidae

  8. Suborder Pinnipedia “feather-footed” 34-36 species – (25% of marine mammals) 19 Phocids 14-16 Otariids 1 Odobenid }

  9. Do the Evolution Adapted to an aquatic existence: 1. Large infraorbital foramen 2. Shortened & robust humerus/femur 3. Flattened ulna & radius, tibia & fibula 4. Elongate digits (I-hand) (I&V-foot) 5. Heterodont progressing toward homodont

  10. Early Pinnipeds Pinnipedimorph - Fore & hind flippers modified for swimming Spent more time on land than extant pinnipeds

  11. Early Pinnipeds Odobenids – evolved in the North Pacific during early Miocene – 18 mya Otariids – evolved in eastern North Pacific during middle Miocene – 11-12 mya Phocids – evolved in North Pacific during late Miocene – 18 mya

  12. Continents in Early Miocene (20mya) 1- Early pinnipeds 4- Early pinnipeds

  13. Continents in Middle Miocene (12mya) 1- Early phocids, 2 – Monachines & Odobenids, 3-4 - Phocines

  14. Early Pinnipeds Monachine seals – evolved in the North Atlantic (Mediterranean); 1st dispersal to Caribbean, then Hawaii Phocine seals – evolved in North Atlantic; many in arctic Ribbon seals evolved in North Pacific, later separated by sister taxa (harp) in the North Atlantic

  15. Meet the Pinnipeds Bear Otariid Odobenid Phocid Pinnipedimorph

  16. Meet the Pinnipeds Otariid Odobenid Phocid

  17. Meet the Pinnipeds Phocid Otariid Odobenid

  18. Family Otariidae “eared seals” – external ear flaps (pinnae) Hawaiian monk seal (P) California sea lion (O)

  19. Family Otariidae Turn hindflippers forward to walk on land

  20. Family Otariidae Otariids smaller than most phocids Northern elephant seal (P) Steller’s seal lion (O)

  21. Family Otariidae Shallower divers than phocids Harbor seal (P) California seal lion (O)

  22. Family Otariidae Divided into 2 subfamilies: Otariinae (sea lions) & Arctocephalinae (fur seals) Otariinae (5 genera) Eumetopias, Neophoca, Otaria, Zalophus, Phocarctos Arctocephalinae (2 genera) Arctocephalus, Callorhinus

  23. Extinct Genera Fur Seals Sea Lions Family Otariidae

  24. Family Otariidae Subfamily Otariinae – Sea Lions - Pelage sparse Subfamily Arctocephalinae – Fur seals - Dense pelage

  25. Subfamily Otariinae Eumetopias jubatus - Steller’s sea lion Neophoca cinerea - Australian sealion

  26. Subfamily Otariinae Otaris byronis - Southern sea lion Otaria flavescens – South American sea lion Phocartos hookeri - New Zealand sea lion Zalophus californianus - California sea lion

  27. Subfamily Arctocephalinae Arctocephalus australis - South American fur seal Arctocephalus forsteri - New Zealand fur seal Arctocephalus galapagoensis - Galapagos fur seal

  28. Subfamily Arctocephalinae Arctocephalus gazella - Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus philippi - Juan Fernandez fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus - Cape-Australian fur seal two subspecies: Cape fur seal - A. pusillus pusillus Australian fur seal - A. pusillus doriferus

  29. Subfamily Arctocephalinae Arctocephalus townsendi - Guadelupe fur seal Arctocephalus tropicalis - Subantarctic fur seal Callorhinus ursinus - Northern fur seal

  30. Family Odobenidae 1 species – Odobenus rosmarus - 2 subspecies* Odobenus r. rosmarus – N. Atlantic Odobenus r. divergens – N. Pacific (Odobenus r. laptevi – Laptev Sea)

  31. Odobenid Classification Although tusks (elongate canines) are the most distinguishing trait – evolved from a single line Otariid Odobenid

  32. Odobenid Classification Archaic walruses had enlarged canines and narrow premolars – indicative of piscivory rather than specialized mollusk diet today - more similar to Otariids & Phocids

  33. Odobenid Classification

  34. Family Phocidae Divided into 2 subfamilies: Monachinae (monk, elephant, Antarctic) Phocinae (remaining N. Hemisphere seals) Monachinae (6 genera) Monachus, Mirounga, Lobodon, Ommatophoca, Hydrurga, Leptonychotes Phocinae (6 genera) Phoca, Histriophoca, Halichoerus, Erignathus, Pagophilus, Cystophora

  35. Family Phocidae

  36. Subfamily Monachinae Lobodon carcinophagus - crabeater seal Ommatophoca rossii - Ross seal Hydrurga leptonyx - leopard seal Leptonychotes weddellii - Weddell seal

  37. Subfamily Monachinae Monachus monachus - Mediterranean monk seal Monachus schauinslandi - Hawaiian monk seal Monachus tropicalis - Caribbean (West Indian) monk seal

  38. Subfamily Monachinae Mirounga leonina - southern elephant seal Mirounga angustirostris - northern elephant seal

  39. Subfamily Phocinae Phoca vitulina - harbor (common) seal Phoca largha - largha (spotted) seal Phoca hispida - ringed seal Phoca sibirica - Baikal seal Phoca caspica - Caspian seal

  40. Subfamily Phocinae Histriophoca fasciata - ribbon seal Halichoerus grypus - grey (gray) seal Erignathus barbatus - bearded seal Pagophilus groenlandicus - harp seal Cystophora cristata -hooded seal

  41. Where’s Walrus The study of pinniped evolutionary relationships has identified a group of fossil pinnipeds – Desmatophocids

  42. I am the Eggman Desmatophocids have recently been determined to be the common ancestors of phocids Contradicts previous works which recognized Desmatophocids as otariid pinnipeds

  43. GOO GOO GOO JOOB “I haven't been this slim since High School” – Homer Simpson Most morphological data support a phocid & walrus alliance Molecular data consistently supports uniting otariids & walrus

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