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GC 24 : Ser o Estar – Eso es la pregunta

GC 24 : Ser o Estar – Eso es la pregunta. In Chapter 2 you learned how to describe people using the verb “ ser ”: El es cómico . In Chapter 5 you learned how to say where people are using the verb “ estar ”: El está en casa.

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GC 24 : Ser o Estar – Eso es la pregunta

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  1. GC 24 : Ser o Estar – Esoes la pregunta • In Chapter 2 you learned how to describe people using the verb “ser”: El escómico. • In Chapter 5 you learned how to say where people are using the verb “estar”: El está en casa. • Both words “ser” and “estar” mean “to be” and in English translate as “am, is, are”. • Though these words mean the same thing, there are rules for which one to use when.

  2. SER Physical descriptions Personality descriptions Origin/Nationality Profession Religion Time/Date/Day Identity (name, relationship) ESTAR Emotions Physical states (sick/well) Location

  3. GC 24B : Ser o Estar – talking about food • Often, ser and estar is used to talk about food and drink. • Ser is used to describe what a food is normally like: • i.e. El heladoesfrío y delicioso. • Estaris used to say how a food looks, tastes, or feels at a particular moment: • i.e. ¡Ay! La sopaestácaliente.

  4. Yo soy Sr. Carpenter. Yo soy alto y simpatico. Soy tejano. Soy cristiano y soy profesor. Yoestoyaqui en el salon de clase. Estoymuybien.

  5. Yao esatletico, alto, y chino. Tambienesjugador de basquetbol. Yao está en la cancha de basquetboly estaganando.

  6. Seris generally used for permanent conditions. 1. One’s identity. 2. Physical and personal descriptions. 3. A person’s origin/nationality. 4. Profession 5. Religion 6. To say the time/date Estaris generally used for temporary conditions. One’s location. One’s physical/emotional state (well, sick, happy, etc.)

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