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Satisfactory academic progress & recent financial aid changes

Satisfactory academic progress & recent financial aid changes. Nick Kilmer Scholarships & Financial Aid Texas A&M University. Agenda. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Eligibility High Level Overview of the Process (Including R ecent Changes to the Process)

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Satisfactory academic progress & recent financial aid changes

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  1. Satisfactory academic progress & recent financial aid changes Nick Kilmer Scholarships & Financial Aid Texas A&M University

  2. Agenda Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Eligibility High Level Overview of the Process (Including Recent Changes to the Process) The Academic Advisor Appeal Questionnaire (AAAQ) Recent Financial Aid Changes Repeated Coursework Cost of Attendance and Financial Aid Proration

  3. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Eligibility What is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)? Minimum academic requirements a student must meet at the end of each semester in order to continue to receive financial aid. Why Must a Student Meet the Minimum SAP Requirements to Receive Aid? The Department of Education requires that, as stewards of the financial aid funds provided to us as an institution, Texas A&M must monitor the degree progress of financial aid recipients. Students not making progress towards earning their degree (according to the standards set by the Department of Education) are ineligible for future aid unless they have completed the appeal process and have had their appeal approved.

  4. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Eligibility What are the SAP Requirements? Minimum GPA: 2.0 (UG), 3.0 (GR) SAP GPA is calculated as if FYGEs never occurred Minimum Completion Rate: 75% of attempted hours Cumulative. Includes all hours (even transfer hours). Only grades of A, B, C, D, or S will be considered as complete. Failed courses, Q-drops, No Grades, Incomplete, Withdrawals, FYGE and repeated courses are not considered complete. Maximum Total Attempted Hours: 180 (UG), 150% of student’s degree plan (GR)

  5. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Eligibility How is the Student Notified? After grades are posted at the end of each semester, all current financial recipient’s SAP status will be evaluated. Student’s Financial Aid Portal will be updated to reflect their SAP status. Met SAP – Met the SAP requirements and is eligible for aid in the upcoming semester. Warning – Previously student was either not enrolled or was meeting SAP, and now is no longer meeting SAP. Does not need to appeal and is eligible for aid in the upcoming semester. Appeal Required – Second semester in a row that student has not met SAP. Student must appeal to receive aid in the upcoming semester.

  6. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Eligibility What are the Steps for Appealing for Aid? Complete online requirements Meet with Academic Advisor Academic Advisor fills out the Academic Advisor Appeal Questionnaire (AAAQ) and signs it. Student schedules a SAP Appeal Meeting with a financial aid advisor. Student brings AAAQ to the meeting. Have SAP Appeal Meeting Financial Aid Advisor determines if appeal can be granted. Quantitative Factors SAP Academic Plan Agreement Form Qualitative Factors

  7. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Eligibility What Are the Possible Appeal Meeting Outcomes? Probation – Eligible for aid in the upcoming semester. Must meet the requirements stated on the SAP Academic Plan in the upcoming semester in order to be eligible for aid in the following semester. Semester SAP GPA of at least 2.0 (UG), 3.0 (GR) Semester Completion Rate of at least 75% Appear to still be capable of meeting SAP by the end of the SAP Academic Plan. Appeal Denied – ineligible for aid until minimum SAP requirements are met.

  8. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Eligibility Will a Student on Probation Have to Appeal Again? If Student meets the requirements on the SAP Academic Plan: Automatically granted aid for the following semester. If Student does not meet the requirements on the SAP Academic Plan: Automatically denied aid for the upcoming semester. Ineligible for aid until student once again meets SAP

  9. Other Recent Financial aid changes Repeated Coursework Courses previously passed that are repeated for a third time will not be included in students’ enrollment in association with financial aid. Cost of Attendance (COA) Proration Prior to the disbursement date, students’ COA will be prorated for students enrolled less than full time. After the 12th class day, students’ COA will be adjusted again (downward or upward) if their enrollment subsequently changed. Financial Aid Proration Most financial aid is prorated at disbursement for students enrolled less than full time.

  10. Have Questions? Upcoming 1 Hour SAP Presentation October UAC Monthly Meeting Q&A Following Presentation Come With Your Questions Or Contact Nick Kilmer – Advisor nkilmer@tamu.edu, 979-458-5323 Erin Porter – Assistant Director eporter@tamu.edu, 979-458-5401 Nora Cargo – Associate Director ncargo@tamu.edu, 979-458-5310

  11. Thank you!

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