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Introduction to Psychological Disorders

Introduction to Psychological Disorders “To study the abnormal is the best way to understand the normal”. Psychological Disorder Mental health workers label thoughts, feelings and actions disordered when they are: maladaptive unjustifiable disturbing atypical. Insanity in the Courts.

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Introduction to Psychological Disorders

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  1. Introduction to Psychological Disorders “To study the abnormal is the best way to understand the normal”

  2. Psychological Disorder • Mental health workers label thoughts, feelings and actions disordered when they are: • maladaptive • unjustifiable • disturbing • atypical

  3. Insanity in the Courts • Insanity is a legal term • The insanity plea is used in situations where the defendant is judged to be incapable of knowing right from wrong because of a mental disorder. • Not placed in prisonmental hospital

  4. John Hinkley, Jr. – assassination attempt of President Reagan in 1981 Not guilty by reason of insanity mental hospital Jeffrey Dahmer Serial killer & sexual offender Sane and found guilty prison

  5. Early Mental Hospitals • They were nothing more than barbaric prisons. • The patients were chained and locked away.

  6. Supernatural Model • Belief that abnormal behavior is caused by possession by gods, demons, or the devil • A full moon  • Trephining

  7. Medical Model • concept that diseases have physical causes • can be diagnosed, treated, and in most cases, cured

  8. CurrentPerspectives • Bio-Psycho-Social Perspective: assumes biological, psychological and sociocultural factors combine to interact causing psychological disorders. • Used to be called Diathesis-Stress Model: • diathesis meaning predisposition and • stress meaning environment.

  9. Classifying Psychological Disorders • DSM-IV (TR) (4th ed., Text Revision) • American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders • widely used system for classifying psychological disorders

  10. Multiaxial Classification of the DSM IV Axis I Is a Clinical Syndrome (cognitive, anxiety, mood disorders [16 syndromes]) present? Axis II Is a Personality Disorder or Mental Retardation present? Axis III Is a General Medical Condition (diabetes, hypertension or arthritis etc) also present? Are Psychosocial or Environmental Problems (school or housing issues) also present? Axis IV What is the Global Assessment of the person’s functioning? Axis V

  11. Axis I • Adjustment Disorders Anxiety Disorders • Cognitive Disorders • Dissociative Disorders • Eating Disorders • Factitious Disorders • Impulse Control Disorders • Mood Disorders • Psychotic Disorders • Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders • Sleep Disorders • Somotoform Disorder • Substance-Related Disorders

  12. Labeling Psychological Disorders • Labels can be helpful for health care professionals, communicating with one another and establishing therapy. • David Rosenhaun (1973): went to mental hospital complaining of hearing • Diagnosed with mental illness • Help changed standards

  13. Neurotic Disorders • Distressing but one can still function in society and act rationally

  14. Psychotic Disorders • Person loses contact with reality, experiences distorted perceptions Charles Manson Son of Sam

  15. Anxiety Disorders • the patient fears something awful willhappen to them. a group of conditions where the primary symptoms are anxiety or defenses against anxiety.

  16. Anxiety Disorders • Generalized anxiety disorders • Panic disorders • Phobias • Obsessive-compulsive disorders • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

  17. Generalized Anxiety Disorder • An anxiety disorder in which a person is continuously tense, apprehensive and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal. The patient is constantly tense and worried, feels inadequate, is oversensitive, can’t concentrate and suffers from insomnia.

  18. Panic Disorder • An anxiety disorder marked by a minutes-long episode of intense dread in which a person experiences terror and accompanying chest pain, choking and other frightening sensations. • person experiences sudden episodes of intense dread.

  19. Phobia • is an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals, or people ophidiophobia arachnophobia Coulrophobia

  20. Kinds of Phobias Social Phobia Agoraphobia Phobia of open places. Specific Phobia Acrophobia Phobia of heights. Claustrophobia Phobia of closed spaces.

  21. Some Unusual Phobias(Specific) • Ailurophobia - fear of cats • Algobphobia - fear of pain • Anthropophobia - fear of men • Monophobia - fear of being alone • Pyrophobia - fear of fire • Coulrophobia – fear of clowns • Arachityrophobia – fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one’s mouth • Triskaidekaphobia – fear of #13

  22. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder • Persistence of unwanted thoughts • obsessions • urge to engage in senseless rituals • Compulsions • that cause distress.

  23. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder • Victims of traumatic events experience the original event in the form of dreams and flashbacks • Common in military veterans, survivors of natural disasters, plane/car crashes, and human aggression Haunting memories. Nightmares. Social withdrawal Jumpy anxiety Sleep problems.

  24. Module 47 Dissociative and Personality Disorders

  25. Dissociative Disorders • disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts and feelings. • sudden loss of memory or change in identity

  26. Dissociative Amnesia • This disorder is characterized by a blocking out of critical personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature.

  27. Dissociative Fugue • An individual suddenly and unexpectedly takes physical leave of his or her surroundings • in a fugue state: unaware of or confused about his identity, and in some cases will assume a new identity (rare!)

  28. Dissociative Identity Disorder • A rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities. • 3 Faces of Eve • Also called multiple personality disorder.

  29. Personality Disorders • disorders characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning • Need not involve anxiety, depression or loss of contact w/reality

  30. Personality Disorders Rader was a deacon who tortured animals as a child Dennis Rader – BTK Bind, Torture & Kill

  31. Antisocial Personality Disorder • disorder in which the person (usually man) exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing • Lie, cheat, steal & unrestrained sexual behavior • Express little regret

  32. Module 48 Mood Disorders

  33. Mood Disorders • characterized by emotional extremes. • Dysthymic/Cyclothymic Disorder • Major Depressive Disorder • Seasonal Affective Disorder • Bipolar Disorder

  34. Major Depressive Disorder Major depressive disorder occurs when signs of depression last two weeks or more and are not caused by drugs or medical conditions. Signs include: 1. Lethargy and tiredness 2. Feelings of worthlessness 3. Loss of interest in family & friends 4. Loss of interest in activities

  35. Who suffers from Depression? • Depression can effect anyone but there is a significantly higher rate of depression among women than men. • 17 million Americans develop depression each year. • 8.6% of adults over 18 have a mental health problem for at least 2 weeks a year.

  36. What is Depression? • Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood and thoughts • It impacts the way a person functions socially, at work, and in relationships. • It is more than feeling blue, down in the dumps or sad about a particular issue or situation. • It is a medical condition that requires diagnosis and treatment

  37. Blue Mood Dysthymic Disorder Major Depressive Disorder Dysthymic Disorder • lies between blue mood and major depressive disorder. • A disorder characterized by daily depression lasting two years or more. • No manic episodes

  38. Dysthymia • People with this illness are mildly depressed for years. • They function fairly well on a daily basis but their relationships suffer over time.

  39. Dysthymic disorder: • “down in the dumps” mood most of day • Chronic low energy & self-esteem • Difficulty making decisions/concentration • Sleep/eattoo little or too much • Less disabled than major depression

  40. Manic Episode • marked by a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state

  41. Cyclothymic Disorder: mood disorder lasting a year • Include numerous manic epidsodes

  42. Season Affective Disorder • This is a depression that results from changes in the season. Most cases begin in the fall or winter, or when there is a decrease in sunlight.

  43. Bipolar Disorder • a mood disorder in which the person alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania • formerly called manic-depressive disorder

  44. Bipolar Disorder Depressive Symptoms Manic Symptoms Gloomy Elation Withdrawn Euphoria Inability to make decisions Desire for action Tired Hyperactive Slowness of thought Multiple ideas

  45. Bipolar Disorder The Rich and Famous

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