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Welcome to the 17 th Annual Oral Health Forum

Welcome to the 17 th Annual Oral Health Forum. Opening Remarks. Nick Davidson Interim Director of Public Health. The State of Oral Health in South Carolina. 2018-19. THE MOUTH.

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Welcome to the 17 th Annual Oral Health Forum

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  1. Welcome to the 17th Annual Oral Health Forum

  2. Opening Remarks Nick Davidson Interim Director of Public Health

  3. The State of Oral Health in South Carolina 2018-19

  4. THE MOUTH The mouth in its entirety is an important and even wondrous part of our anatomy, our emotion, our life; it is the site of our very being. When an animal loses its teeth, it cannot survive unless it is domesticated; its very existence is terminated; it dies. In the human the mouth is the means of speaking, of expressing love, happiness and joy, anger, ill temper, or sorrow…It deserves the greatest care it can receive at any sacrifice. --- F. Harold Wirth, DDS

  5. Highlights 2018-19 • NEW CDC Grant • Preliminary Oral Health Needs Assessment Results • Dental Prevention Program Update • Perinatal Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement Initiative • Partnership Spotlight

  6. NEW! CDC Grant • South Carolina applied and received funds to implement Component 1 and Component 2 of the CDC State Actions to Improve Oral Health Outcomes • Competitive process…20 states received awards and only 5 of those were funded for both components • $570,000

  7. Component 1 • Strategy 1: Expand the reach of School-Based Dental Sealants and the DHEC Public Health Dental Prevention Program providers • Strategy 2: Expand access to optimally fluoridated water for populations currently served by community water systems • Strategy 3: Enhance SC’s Oral Health Surveillance System to more effectively produce and disseminate timely data and information

  8. Component 2 Medical Dental Integration • The primary goals: • to build a statewide system that provides education and outreach to assure the provision of population-based, integratedoral health and chronic disease services, using evidence-based practices. • to reduce the prevalence of dental diseases in people with diabetes, to improve glycemic control and health outcomes, and to reduce health care costs for people with co-morbid conditions.

  9. Key Partners • DHEC Division of Oral Health • Dental Prevention Program Providers • School Nurses • SC Early Head Start/Head Start • SC Rural Water Association • SC Dental Association • SC Oral Health Coalition • DHEC Division of Diabetes and Heart Disease Management • SC Primary Healthcare Association • SC Office of Rural Health • Arnold School of Public Health • MUSC • Blue Cross Blue Shield SC

  10. Oral Health Needs Assessment

  11. Oral Health Needs Assessment 4 Indicators • Dental Sealants Present • Treated Decay Present • Untreated Decay Present • Treatment Urgency

  12. Percent Year

  13. Oral Health Needs Assessment results 2017-2018 128 schools in 45 counties

  14. High and Low risk groups in Urban and Rural schools

  15. Dental Prevention Program Update

  16. Public Health Dental Prevention Program • Public Health Settings • Primary Preventive Services that are reversible • School-based dental sealants • 524 Schools Served • 37 Counties • 20,930 Children served • 7,729 Children Received Sealant

  17. Perinatal Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement Initiative Initial Results and Sustainability

  18. Perinatal Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement Grant Goals • Increase capacity of providers to provide preventive oral health messages to target population • Provide dental staff with best practices in treating pregnant women and infants • Improve the oral health network (medical/dental/community) to enable referrals and warm handoffs • Create a stronger community-based oral health network and safety net

  19. Initial Results of PIOHQI… • Stronger relationships with the Health Regions • Internal and externalintegration activities with community-based organizations through DHEC Regions • Updated the Guidelines for the treatment of pregnant women and aligned them with national consensus statement. • Expanded the provider network • Expanded resources for pregnant women and infants. www.connectingsmilessc.org • Fluoride Policy and Program Change

  20. Medicaid Policy Change • Increased frequency for fluoride varnish application specially for early childhood. Ages 0 through 6 may receive a maximum of 4 applications per year; ages 7-21 may receive 1 application per year. • Expanded coverage by removing the age 12 limitation. All children ages 0-21 years (from the eruption of first tooth) can receive Fluoride varnish during well visits or sick visits • Statewide increase of FV applications from 2016-2018 from 15,207 to 18,439 children 0-4.

  21. DHEC Fluoride Varnish Initiative • Pilot counties • Jasper • Barnwell • Worked with State Nurse Consultant to develop Standing Orders and DHECFV Policy • Trained staff in Pilot counties Long-term Goal Statewide Implementation

  22. Sustainability of PIOHQI • Continued integration through the DHEC Health Regions • Focused efforts in 2019-20 to integrate within home visitation programs including Nurse Family Partnership and DHEC Postpartum Newborn Home Visitation. • Continued outreach through social media and the Connecting Smiles site.

  23. Partnership Spotlight

  24. Columbia Marionette Theater Milestone • Statewide traveling puppet show since 2007 • Joint venture with the SC Dental Association and the Division of Oral Health. DentaQuest joined as a new sponsor this year. • Engages PreK-3rd grade students in a live performance with an oral health prevention message. • Key messages include home prevention, healthy eating, fluoridated water and dental sealants • The 2018-19 Tour reached over 10,000 students in South Carolina. This represents the largest number of students reached in the history of the show!

  25. Thank you

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