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Diplomas Round 2 Gateway Support

Session Outline. Introduction, expectations re gateway process Overview of diploma requirements / QCA criteria / self assessment formPartnership / individual activity. Key messages:. Success will be dependent on partnerships demonstrating they have rigorous and compelling plans to prepare for delivery of the diplomasDCSF expect providers to deliver diplomas as part of a collaborative local partnership, rather than acting in isolationEach partnership submits proposal to LA LA likely to have 30167

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Diplomas Round 2 Gateway Support

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    1. Diplomas Round 2 Gateway Support Hospitality and Catering people1st.co.uk www.qca.org.uk

    2. Session Outline Introduction, expectations re gateway process Overview of diploma requirements / QCA criteria / self assessment form Partnership / individual activity

    3. Key messages: Success will be dependent on partnerships demonstrating they have rigorous and compelling plans to prepare for delivery of the diplomas DCSF expect providers to deliver diplomas as part of a collaborative local partnership, rather than acting in isolation Each partnership submits proposal to LA LA likely to have to make judgment on bid prior to forwarding to DCSF (ie determine strengths and rationale) Submission to Eileen Chapman (email echapman@cfbt.com) BY 21st NOVEMBER 2007

    4. Essential features: Need to demonstrate clear understanding of each diploma line to be offered Asked to provide a lead contact for the gateway process for single channel of communication (this does not mean a lead institution) Can concentrate on particular diplomas – do not have to deliver all 5 new lines (or all 5 from round 1) Keen to see partnerships offer all 3 levels at the same time, but not ‘absolute’ requirement. Expect progression routes to be in place by the time young people complete their diplomas

    5. What will you need to provide? 1 and 2 need to be looked at at partnership level and communicated to the lead for part 3 1 and 2 need to be looked at at partnership level and communicated to the lead for part 3

    6. What do you have to do? Remember that the bid is being prepared on behalf of the whole partnership – the bid does not belong exclusively to the lead contacts or their institution Clarity of roles and responsibilities - ensure that roles of FE / WBL/ Schools / employers are appropriately identified Check you understand what the diploma requirements are – use statements of content and QCA criteria Carry out an internal self assessment against the 5 criteria – identify what is happening now – an honest appraisal of where you are now – grade each criteria Identify where the gaps are between what you have in place / are doing now, and what is needed State what you intend to do to in order to address those areas – ie a development plan Clear statements with factual examples Ensure that all gateway criteria are addressed Assume no knowledge by reader! Essential that each bid is ‘signed off’ by strategy group Get someone to proof read Continue with your planning once bid submitted – don’t wait for results

    7. Components of Diploma C to all diplomasommon structure Project – separate? embedded in principal learning? supported self study using learning mentors / tutors? Part of key skills time? How to timetable? – long thin? Short fat? Diploma project days / sessions? C to all diplomasommon structure Project – separate? embedded in principal learning? supported self study using learning mentors / tutors? Part of key skills time? How to timetable? – long thin? Short fat? Diploma project days / sessions?

    8. Composite Diploma Structure

    9. What is the Hospitality and Catering Diploma about? Breadth, similar to GNVQ – process based different types of learningBreadth, similar to GNVQ – process based different types of learning

    10. Structure

    11. Principal learning Personal, learning and thinking skills – embedded in principal learningPersonal, learning and thinking skills – embedded in principal learning

    12. Level 1 - Principal Learning QCA Criteria 4 Topics Introducing the Hospitality Industry Working in the Hospitality Industry Developing skills to work in the Hospitality Industry 4 Preparing and serving food and beverages

    13. Structure of diploma L1

    14. Level 2 QCA criteria 7 Compulsory Topics Exploring the Hospitality Industry Customer Service Standards in Hospitality Working safely in Hospitality Working in a hospitality team Dealing with costs and income in hospitality Providing a Hospitality Service Food Preparation and Cooking

    15. Structure of diploma L2

    16. Level 3 QCA criteria 10 Topics 1. Investigating the Hospitality Industry Legislation and Procedures in the Hospitality Industry Customer Service in the Hospitality Industry Building and developing effective hospitality teams Managing People in the Hospitality Industry 6. Finance and Budgetary control 7. Running a Hospitality Business 8. Sales and Marketing 9. Managing a Food Operation in Hospitality 10. Hospitality Services

    17. Structure of diploma L3 DDP pushing for project to be mandatory IT relatedDDP pushing for project to be mandatory IT related

    18. Specialist Learning Topics

    19. Generic Learning Functional skills assessed as discrete units or as part of GCSE Personal learning and Thinking Skills contextualised and embedded in principal learning Evidence related to planning and reviewing learning Minimum 10 days work experience level 1, level 2 and level 3 Project

    20. Resources and Facilities Must provide a Realistic Learning Environment (RLE) reflecting that found in a commercial workplace Conform to H&S legislation and commercial practice Range of services, equipment and products up to date and available for use Learners need to dress appropriately for a professional environment

    21. Workforce Audit current workforce experience and qualifications against each principal learning topic – identify strengths and shortfall What additional training will be needed – plans for doing this eg updating with regard to current practice by time in professional establishment What new recruits needed? – plans for this

    22. Local Employer engagement EBP: Raising awareness amongst employers Running diploma ready campaign 100 employers across the county – encouraging them to provide support for schools Will broker placements for teachers in business – eg for resource development Will broker placements for students Will ensure that H&S and CRB checks carried out Develop curriculum projects / resources 100 employers, EBP have appointed member of staff to work on this Tell the EBP what you need – they will work with employers to supply it as far as possible Build on existing work – both generic and diploma specific100 employers, EBP have appointed member of staff to work on this Tell the EBP what you need – they will work with employers to supply it as far as possible Build on existing work – both generic and diploma specific

    23. Potential Employer Activity Encouraging young people to choose a specific diploma – at all levels there will be parent/student nights; taster sessions; marketing materials to support the young person’s selection Offering work experience placements Providing professional development opportunities for teachers and other deliverers. Engaging in work related learning opportunities (e.g. employability workshops; workplace simulation/role play; work shadowing; debating sessions; industry days; survey investigation/case studies; job application and interview simulation; careers investigation; and school ambassadors) Contributing to the development of learning materials to support the diploma. Sponsorship of or involvement in the project element of the diploma Becoming a mentor to learners (either face to face or virtually) Fielding employees to Summer Schools run at local universities for level 3 learners Fielding employees to attend regional awards ceremonies for project groups Donating tools and equipment to give learners as realistic an experience as possible Not just about work experience, but applying learning to real contexts as in BTEC/GNVQNot just about work experience, but applying learning to real contexts as in BTEC/GNVQ

    24. Information, Advice and Guidance ` Use the overview provided by Connexions as a starting point - this focuses on generic current activity. BUT, you will also need to: Show how you are keeping IAG current and up to date Demonstrate that you are providing current and relevant IAG on range of careers and opportunities available including employment across the diploma sector Demonstrate how you will ensure equality of access for all learners – see page 5 of the QCA criteria. How will you tackle stereotyping eg use of role models? Demonstrate effective links with the relevant sectors to ensure that IAG reflects local provision and opportunities All staff delivering the diploma, even if only a single unit will need to understand the diploma and the potential progression routes This needs to be considered Generically, from the point of view of students advice and support, teachers and connexions staff, and deliverers to know opportunities in sectors and progression routes Specifically from point of view of students tailoring their diploma to meet their needs Use Cxs overview Show what training taking/planning to take placeThis needs to be considered Generically, from the point of view of students advice and support, teachers and connexions staff, and deliverers to know opportunities in sectors and progression routes Specifically from point of view of students tailoring their diploma to meet their needs Use Cxs overview Show what training taking/planning to take place

    25. Contact Details

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