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  1. Do you Want to Prepare Your Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop CCA-500 Exam?? https://www.dumps4download.us/free-cca-500/cloudera-question-answers.html

  2. About Our Dumps……! Number of Questions :8–12 performance-based (hands-on) tasks on pre-configured Cloudera Enterprise cluster. Time Limit : 120 minutes Passing Score : 70% Language : English Price : USD $295

  3. Exam Question Format Each CCA question requires you to solve a particular scenario. Some of the tasks require making configuration and service changes via Cloudera Manager, while others demand knowledge of command line Hadoop utilities and basic competence with the Linux environment. Evaluation, Score Reporting, and Certificate Your exam is graded immediately upon submission and you are e-mailed a score report the same day as your exam. Your score report displays the problem number for each problem you attempted and a grade on that problem. If you fail a problem, the score report includes the criteria you failed (e.g., “Records contain incorrect data” or “Incorrect file format”). We do not report more information in order to protect the exam content. If you pass the exam, you receive a second e-mail within a few days of your exam with your digital certificate as a PDF, your license number, a Linkedin profile update, and a link to download your CCA logos for use in your personal business collateral and social media profiles. Audience and Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for taking any Cloudera certification exam; however, a background in system administration, or equivalent training is strongly recommended. The CCA Administrator exam (CCA131) follows the same objectives as Cloudera Administrator Training and the training course is an excellent part of preparation for the exam. CCA-500 Study Material Cloudera CCA-500 Dumps

  4. Dumps4downlaod.us has become the foremost priority of all IT students for the preparation purposes. You will get here the most demanded study material in the form of questions and answers series for the best description of all syllabus topics. CCA-500 braindumps is exceptional in its style which is the most suitable according to students mind sets and background knowledge. Validity of this guidebook cannot be challenged as it has been created by qualified experts Prepare CCA-500 Real Exam Questions – Cloudera CCA-500 2018 Dumps With Dumps4download.us

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  6. Question NO :01 Your cluster's mapred-start.xml includes the following parameters <name>mapreduce.map.memory.mb</name> <value>4096</value> <name>mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb</name> <value>8192</value> And any cluster's yarn-site.xml includes the following parameters <name>yarn.nodemanager.vmen-pmen-ration</name> <value>2.1</value> What is the maximum amount of virtual memory allocated for each map task before YARN will kill its Contain? A. 4 GB B. 17.2 GB C. 8.9 GB D. 8.2 GB E. 24.6 GB Correct Answer: D CCA-500 Study Material Cloudera CCA-500 Dumps

  7. Question NO :02 Assuming you're not running HDFS Federation, what is the maximum number of NameNode daemons you should run on your cluster in order to avoid a "split-brain" scenario with your NameNode when running HDFS High Availability (HA) using Quorum-based storage? A. Two active NameNodes and two Standby NameNodes B. One active NameNode and one Standby NameNode C. Two active NameNodes and on Standby NameNode D. Unlimited. HDFS High Availability (HA) is designed to overcome limitations on the number of NameNodes you can deploy Correct Answer: B CCA-500 Study Material Cloudera CCA-500 Dumps

  8. Question NO :03 Table schemas in Hive are: A. Stored as metadata on the NameNode B. Stored along with the data in HDFS C. Stored in the Metadata D. Stored in ZooKeeper Correct Answer: B CCA-500 Study Material Cloudera CCA-500 Dumps

  9. Question NO :04 You have a cluster running with the fair Scheduler enabled. There are currently no jobs running on the cluster, and you submit a job A, so that only job A is running on the cluster. A while later, you submit Job B. now Job A and Job B are running on the cluster at the same time. How will the Fair Scheduler handle these two jobs? (Choose two) A. When Job B gets submitted, it will get assigned tasks, while job A continues to run with fewer tasks. B. When Job B gets submitted, Job A has to finish first, before job B can gets scheduled. C. When Job A gets submitted, it doesn't consumes all the task slots. D. When Job A gets submitted, it consumes all the task slots. Correct Answer: B CCA-500 Study Material Cloudera CCA-500 Dumps

  10. Question NO :05 You want to node to only swap Hadoop daemon data from RAM to disk when absolutely necessary. What should you do? A. Delete the /dev/vmswap file on the node B. Delete the /etc/swap file on the node C. Set the ram.swap parameter to 0 in core-site.xml D. Set vm.swapfile file on the node E. Delete the /swapfile file on the node Correct Answer: D CCA-500 Study Material Cloudera CCA-500 Dumps

  11. Download CCA-500 Exam Dumps Questions & Answers - CCA-500 Braindumps Dumps4downlaod.us https://www.dumps4download.us/free-cca-500/cloudera-question-answers.html

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