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Damian Gordon Gordon Bull

Blood from the Shoulder of Pallas: Using Learning Style as a guide when developing learning materials for a Virtual Learning Environment. Damian Gordon Gordon Bull. DIT e-Learning Research Group. Introduction. Computer-Assisted Learning 2003 “the medium is the message”

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Damian Gordon Gordon Bull

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  1. Blood from the Shoulder of Pallas:Using Learning Style as a guide when developing learning materials for a Virtual Learning Environment Damian Gordon Gordon Bull DIT e-Learning Research Group

  2. Introduction • Computer-Assisted Learning 2003 • “the medium is the message” • 3rd Level Topics can sometimes be complex and dense, for example ; • Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM)

  3. S.S.A.D.M. • A methodology to structure a project into small, well-defined activities and specify the sequence and interaction of these activities

  4. S.S.A.D.M. • A methodology to structure a project into small, well-defined activities and specify the sequence and interaction of these activities • Uses diagrammatic and other modelling techniques to give a more precise (structured) definition is understandable by both users and developers

  5. S.S.A.D.M.

  6. S.S.A.D.M.

  7. S.S.A.D.M. • One of the few ‘open’ methods available for information systems development • A very comprehensive ‘organisational’ method • Developed by the British civil service

  8. S.S.A.D.M.

  9. S.S.A.D.M.

  10. S.S.A.D.M.

  11. S.S.A.D.M. • Broken up into six stages, but because it is an ‘organisational’ methodology given the proper inputs a developer (or student) should be able to start at any stage.

  12. How to Teach it ? • In a theoretical fashion with worked out examples and analysing case studies • As a series of case studies for the students • A combination of both … • Each approach will appeal to some students and definitely not to others (customisation?)

  13. VLEs • Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) provide a range of tools to address a range of student styles, the question is, which tools for which styles ???

  14. Chat Utility Lecture Viewer Simple Assessment Active User List Metadata Portal Discussion Boards Whiteboard Calendar Virtual Learning Environment Utilities e-mail

  15. I E N P S J F T Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

  16. MBTI Extraversion E Introversion I Intuition N Sensing S Feeling F T Thinking Perceptive P J Judging

  17. Extraversion MBTI E I Introversion

  18. Wants to talk through their ideas in order to clarify them. LEARNS BY TEACHING OTHERS Extraversion MBTI E I Introversion

  19. Wants to talk through their ideas in order to clarify them. LEARNS BY TEACHING OTHERS Extraversion MBTI E I Gathers information from numerous sources. Likes to reflect and clarify before speaking CONCERNED WITH THEIR OWN UNDERSTANDING Introversion

  20. Wants to talk through their ideas in order to clarify them. LEARNS BY TEACHING OTHERS Group Work Extraversion MBTI E I Individual Work Gathers information from numerous sources. Likes to reflect and clarify before speaking CONCERNED WITH THEIR OWN UNDERSTANDING Introversion

  21. Chat Utility Active User List Metadata Portal Discussion Boards e-mail Whiteboard Extraversion MBTI E I Introversion

  22. Intuition MBTI N S Sensing

  23. Interested in the patterns and relationships between the facts, discovery learning, they try to develop new original solutions LIKE SIMULATIONS OR EXPERIMENTS Intuition MBTI N S Sensing

  24. Interested in the patterns and relationships between the facts, discovery learning, they try to develop new original solutions LIKE SIMULATIONS OR EXPERIMENTS Intuition MBTI N S Focus on facts and details. Like structured lectures, guidelines and objectives. Tend to apply standard solutions CONCERNED WITH WHAT MUST BE KNOWN Sensing

  25. Interested in the patterns and relationships between the facts, discovery learning, they try to develop new original solutions LIKE SIMULATIONS OR EXPERIMENTS CASE STUDY Intuition MBTI N S Focus on facts and details. Like structured lectures, guidelines and objectives. Tend to apply standard solutions CONCERNED WITH WHAT MUST BE KNOWN THEORY Sensing

  26. Chat Utility Active User List Discussion Boards Whiteboard Intuition MBTI N S Sensing e-mail

  27. Feeling MBTI F T Thinking

  28. Subjective in their decision making and consider how their decisions affect others, like small group exercises OPEN-ENDED CONSTRUCTIVISTIC FORMATS Feeling MBTI F T Thinking

  29. Subjective in their decision making and consider how their decisions affect others, like small group exercises OPEN-ENDED CONSTRUCTIVISTIC FORMATS Feeling MBTI F T Reply on analysis, logic and existing principles. Like tests to measure progress. ANALYSE CASE STUDIES Thinking

  30. Subjective in their decision making and consider how their decisions affect others, like small group exercises OPEN-ENDED CONSTRUCTIVISTIC FORMATS CASE STUDY Feeling MBTI F T Reply on analysis, logic and existing principles. Like tests to measure progress. ANALYSE CASE STUDIES THEORY Thinking

  31. Chat Utility e-mail Simple Assessment Active User List Discussion Boards Whiteboard Feeling MBTI F T Thinking

  32. Perceptive MBTI P J Judging

  33. Prefer flexibility and adaptability, often postpone doing work until the very last minute SEEK INFORMATION UNTIL THE DEADLINE (AND OFTEN BEYOND) Perceptive MBTI P J Judging

  34. Prefer flexibility and adaptability, often postpone doing work until the very last minute SEEK INFORMATION UNTIL THE DEADLINE (AND OFTEN BEYOND) Perceptive MBTI P J Prefer structure and organisation, appreciate any resources that can help them plan their work DEADLINES ARE SACRED Judging

  35. Prefer flexibility and adaptability, often postpone doing work until the very last minute SEEK INFORMATION UNTIL THE DEADLINE (AND OFTEN BEYOND) Do NOT group with Js Perceptive MBTI P J Prefer structure and organisation, appreciate any resources that can help them plan their work DEADLINES ARE SACRED Do NOT group with Ps Judging

  36. Metadata Portal Calendar Perceptive MBTI P J Judging

  37. Algorithm Solo Work Case Study Case Study N F I S T E Group Work all Ps Theory Theory P J Group Work all Js

  38. Chat Utility Lecture Viewer Simple Assessment Active User List Metadata Portal Discussion Boards Whiteboard Calendar Virtual Learning Environment Utilities (revisited) e-mail

  39. Chat Utility Case Study Simple Assessment Active User List Metadata Portal Discussion Boards Whiteboard Calendar Learning Style = ENFP e-mail

  40. Chat Utility Simple Assessment Active User List Metadata Portal Discussion Boards Whiteboard Calendar Learning Style = ISTJ e-mail Theory

  41. Chat Utility Simple Assessment Active User List Metadata Portal Discussion Boards Whiteboard Calendar Learning Style = ENTJ e-mail Case Study & Theory

  42. Chat Utility Lecture Viewer Simple Assessment Active User List Metadata Portal Discussion Boards Whiteboard Calendar Alternative View e-mail

  43. Chat Utility Lecture Viewer Simple Assessment Active User List Metadata Portal Discussion Boards Whiteboard Calendar Alternative View Constructivist e-mail

  44. Chat Utility Lecture Viewer Simple Assessment Active User List Metadata Portal Discussion Boards Whiteboard Calendar Alternative View Constructivist Behaviorist e-mail

  45. Chat Utility Lecture Viewer Simple Assessment Active User List Metadata Portal Discussion Boards Whiteboard Calendar Alternative View Constructivist Behaviorist e-mail Case Study Theory Lecturer Generated Materials

  46. S.S.A.D.M.

  47. Little Owl The Little Owl’s claws point in an inward direction, therefore to rest upon Athena’s shoulder, the Little Owl must have drawn blood Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, had a companion Owl on her shoulder which revealed unseen truths to her. Her owl had the ability to light up Athena’s blind side, enabling her to speak the whole truth

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