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MEDIA IN ETHIOPIA : The beginning, developments and challenges ---------------------------------

MEDIA IN ETHIOPIA : The beginning, developments and challenges ---------------------------------. By Tadesse Zinaye. HISTORY---print. The history of media sector in Ethiopia dates back more than a century.

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MEDIA IN ETHIOPIA : The beginning, developments and challenges ---------------------------------

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  1. MEDIA IN ETHIOPIA: The beginning, developments and challenges--------------------------------- By Tadesse Zinaye

  2. HISTORY---print • The history of media sector in Ethiopia dates back more than a century. • Le Semeur d’Ethiopie (1905-1911) and Aimero (1902-1903) are widely considered as the original news papers • Some historical evidences suggests that the hand written sheet produced by Blata Gebre Egziabhere around 1900 probably preceded both of the above papers.

  3. History---print • Emperor Minilik, who is the founder of modern Ethiopia, played a significant role in establishing diplomatic relations with European states. This helped many foreigners to establish printing presses in the capital city, Addis Ababa. The starting of Minilik II School, first in the country had its share of increasing the literates among the people to enjoy the printed word.

  4. HISTORY---print • Haile Selassie I evinced interest in the establishment of a printing press as well as the publication of newspapers and educational materials. • During World War I, with the help of the allied powers, he disseminated the news to counter the German propaganda through an Amharic newspaper called ‘Yetor Wore’ “War News”.

  5. HISTORY---print • Berhanena Selam an Amharic newspaper was also founded in 1923 with its circulation to 500 copies and first monthly magazine consisting different European Languages including an Amharic section was founded by Mr. Weizinger. • Until the invasion of Italy, many small hand presses were continued to be imported from various countries of Europe. The government press published at least 30 books in Amharic.

  6. HISTORY---print • ‘L’ Ethiopie Commericale; a French business weekly, was established in 1932. In 1935 two newspapers were established, a quarterly Kasate Birhan (The Light Giver) and a political weekly Atibiya Kokeb (The Morning Star) but short-lived only for brief period.

  7. History---print • During the Italian invasion the printing facilities were put disordered and it took some time to restart it after liberation . • However, after taking some shape a number of weeklies, monthlies and periodicals stared being published in Addis Ababa and in Asmara. • News papers such as Addis Zemen,Sendek Alamachen were launched in 1941. • Publication of other popular two papers (Ethiopian Herald and Ye zareyito Ethiopia) was started in the subsequent years. • At this point the traditional means of message dissemination to the masses, drum biting and verbal shouting, totally replaced by news papers. In 1942, an official Negarit Gazetha was founded. • Until 1990’s running the mass media in general was the responsibility and function of the government.

  8. History---radio • The first provisional radio station was inaugurated in 1933 in a contract signed with an Italian Company. • The Italians handed over the installation , but retrieved it soon following the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1936. • Short wave broadcasting was resumed in 1941 and then in the subsequent years Radio Ethiopia operated from three locations –Addis Ababa,Harar and Asmara- broadcast in six languages • The World federation of Lutheran Churches broadcaster, Radio Voice of the Gospel aired religious and entertaining materials.

  9. History ---radio • Radio Ethiopia, which now has both national and external services broadcast its programs in eight vernacular languages (English, French and Arabic ). • Radio Fana in its short wave and medium wave programs putting news and various educational and entertaining programs which has the reach of all over the country. Fana’s FM 98.1 was also launched in March 2007 putting different news and programs to the audience of Addis and surrounding areas. • Educational Media Agency owned by Ministry of education broadcasts educational programs in more than 15 languages and in the English language for high school students.

  10. History---radio • Before 1991, there were no regional broadcast media and still now there is no television station. However, there are now more than three regional radio stations. These include: • Amhara regional radio station located in Bahar Dar • SNNP regional radio station located in Awassa • Dire Dawa FM • Dimtse Woyane radio station based in Mekele

  11. History---TV • Television broadcasting in Ethiopia begun in the early 1960’s. • An educational TV broadcasting project was initiated in 1965,and by 1971 there were five programs covering a range of topics for students up to grade eight. It gradually expanded in to adult education and to cover the whole of the country in 1981. • Since 1991,Ethiopian Television (ETV) broadcasts its programs in three vernacular languages and English. ETV also has started additional channel known as ETV2.At the start of this channel TV Africa was broadcasting its programs to Addis and its surrounding audience. But, currently is transmitting programs prepared by Addis Ababa city media agency.

  12. About content presentation • Both in print, Radio and Television during the monarchy era were putting news and programs emanated from the center. The lives and activities of the rulers of the time were prioritized and emphasized in news coverage. The participation of the larger audience was not given appropriate attention • Though, the focus of both of them is on the did of the monarchy's activities , the messages delivered are more of urbanized • During the Derg’s regime the content provided by both media were political oriented and propagandistic in nature.

  13. Content---2 • During both –the monarchy and Derg regimes- the media control is totally in the hands of the government ,and also the flow of information is checked and controlled by the governments of each period.

  14. ADVENT OF FM IN ETHIOPIA • FM broadcasting was launched for the first time in the country by radio Ethiopia (2000). • The launch of this FM programs opened the airwaves in that it started interactive radio by establishing live phone-in productions. These programs engaged the audience in discussions over significant issues and problems of the public. • The Addis Ababa city administration has started FM Radio broadcasting in the beginning of 2006 targeting Addis audience • Radio Fana also currently launched its FM transmission . • Both stations focus on social, business and trade, political, sports, traffic etc. issues. • Some other two privet owners (Zami and Adey) secured their license and currently are airing their programs by leasing air time from radio Ethiopia.

  15. Content Quality • Media in Ethiopia more or less even though they are equipping themselves with modern facilities: • There is lack of trained media writers, editors, broadcasters • Lack of professionalism • Geographical reach is large (radio more than 70%,television more than 50%) but audience reach is by large urban focused, especially FM broadcastings, but there is no available research out put.

  16. Technology • How much does it affected printing and broadcasting ? • Are we coping up with the digital facilities and the opportunity it provided in the media sector?

  17. WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? • How we are following the process and the effect of technological convergence? • In some countries even privet FM stations went up to using Satellite transmission facilities. They are doing this probably to widen the reception and to improve voice quality of transmissions. • Is this situation might be a challenge in the future to our broadcasters? • Providing and getting license to use the air wave enable the audience to get better choice, and also can contribute for transparency in governance and accountability. • Circulation of print out puts is more of traditional one and almost remained in the major cities only • Quality of content, professionalism, understandeing perfectly the environment etc all are challenges

  18. What does----2 • Ethiopian mass media are entirely urban based. The location of the stations and their content by and large is urban oriented and government activities focused . The participation of the larger audience, especially the rural people participation is not formulated based on known or contextualized communication models.

  19. What does---3 • An analysis or understanding of our media scenario must incorporate the following basic elements of journalistic process • The communicator • The content • The audience • The technology of communication

  20. FINALLY Very few points are forwarded to you with the aim to trigger discussion and interaction. THANK YOU

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