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Inside Haiti – Red Cross EQ operation

Inside Haiti – Red Cross EQ operation. ?. Martha Wirtenberger. General complex conditions in Haiti More than 280.000 persons died in the earthquake of January 12th 2010 P olitical instability and low national capacity to coordinate EQ assistance / recovery

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Inside Haiti – Red Cross EQ operation

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  1. Inside Haiti – Red Cross EQ operation ? Martha Wirtenberger Internationale Hilfe

  2. General complexconditions in Haiti • More than 280.000 personsdied in theearthquakeofJanuary 12th 2010 • Political instabilityandlow national capacitytocoordinate EQ assistance/recovery • 2/3 ofthepopulationliveswithlessthan 2 USD/day, onefourthin slumsofthedensely • populated, andhighlydamagedcapital Port-au-Prince (PaP) • Biggestsourceofincomeare private moneyremittancesfromabroad, • qualifiedmanpowerisscarce due tobraindraintowealthier countries Internationale Katastrophenhilfe

  3. General complexconditions in Haiti • International Community pledged 8,75 bn. USD fortherecovery– 1,8 bn. USD allocatedtodate via the Interim Haiti RecoveryCommission • NewlyelectedPresident Michel Martellyhasbeentryingsincemonthsto form a functionalgovernment, Haitianstateinstitutionsareweak, thesecuritysituationremainschallenging • Main strategicdirectionistofaciliatepeople (appr. 630.000) tomovefromcamps back tosafecommunitiesin an „integratedneighbourhoodapproach“ • Prolongedemergencyphase parallel torecovery • Heavy rainsandhurricanseasonfromJulytoNovember, Cholera • todate Internationale Hilfe

  4. RC/RC Movement in HaitiBiggestassistanceoperationin thehistoryofthe RC/RC Movement supportingonesinglecountry3 operational pillars: EQ Operation, DisasterRiskReduction, CapacityBuildingRC total budgetfor Haiti CHF 1,142 bn. (= EUR 1,01 bn.) – 40% spentforreliefandrecoveryactivities (shelter, watSan, health, livelihood, DRR), andmorethan 1.700 RC delegatesdeployedto Haiti todateFederationwidestrategy: „Fromcampstocommunities“ - alignedwiththeHaitiangovernment, andthe Interim Haiti RecoveryCommissionVision: „Strengtheingtheresilienceofthecommunities“ Internationale Hilfe

  5. AutRC Assistance for Haiti Internationale Hilfe Disaster Relief operation • Deployement of the ERU Mass Sanitation Module (MSM 20) • Relief goods to IFRC/ICRC – through AutRC E&S • Restoring family links (AutRC personnel seconded to ICRC) • Deployment of bilateral delegates to IFRC and GRC field hospital Recovery Rehabilitation of selected earthquake affected villages • 3 year recovery programme with the GRC ________________________ • AutRC programme Location: Leogane, west of PaP 5

  6. AutRC Assistance for Haiti - Partners Internationale Hilfe The AutRCworksaspartofthe International Red Cross andRed Crescent Movement andcoordinateswiththe UN cluster in Haiti. PrincipalAutRCsupporters: the Austrian Government, Neighbour in Need, ECHO, the Austrian Youth RC, theprovincialgovernmentsandprovincial RC organisations in Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Vorarlberg, Vienna; theCroatian RC, Hungarian RC, Raiffeisen Zentralbank, Swarovski, private donorsandcompanies. AutRC Haiti Reports: www.roteskreuz.at/entwicklungszusammenarbeit/haiti/ 6

  7. AutRC Assistance for Haiti - Figures Disaster Relief: ERU MassSanitation (MSM 20): € 1.032.000 AutRCreliefgoods/financialsupport via IFRC, ICRC € 1.230.000 Deploymentofpersonnel€ 175.000 Total Disaster Relief € 2.437.000 Recovery Total budget GRC-AutRC € 19.700.000 AutRCsharerecovery € 5.500.000 Total AutRC € 7.937.000 7

  8. AutRC Assistance for Haiti – personnel • Deploymentof 54 AutRCdelegatestodate • 6 ERU teamrotationswith 28 delegates (regional branches Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Vienna, andStyria; Cameroon, Canada andCroatia) • Secondmenttothe IFRC/ICRC: 1 • Secondmenttothe GRC fieldhospital: 3 • Other bilateral AutRCpersonneldeplyoment: 9 • Recovery Programme: 3 WatSanpositions, 1 Financepositionduring 3 years Internationale Hilfe

  9. ERU Mass Sanitation Module 20 Internationale Hilfe Mission: Preventionofdiseases • Constructionoflatrines • Wastemanagement • Hygiene trainings Usualcapacityfor 20.000 persons - ERU provisionfor 50.000 persons in Haiti July 2010: Phase-Out + handoverofthe ERU activitiesto IFRC (+ WatSanDelegate) Prolongedemergencyphase: rainy- andhurricanseason, Cholera 9

  10. Haiti Recovery - experts and endurance Abteilung The Austrian Red Cross supports 3.000 families in a rehabilitationprogramme: - Provision of 3.000 shelters (2.000 built, further 1.000 finaliseduntilbeginningof 2012) - Water- andsanitationactivities, hygienepromotion/Cholera prevention (AutRClead) - Reconstructionofsocialandcommunalinfrastructure (schools, communitycenters) - Strengtheningthecopingmechanismsofthepopulation (capacitybuilding, First Aid, DRR) - Livelihood - integrated in shelter/WatSanactivities/teams (medium-) + VCA/KAP (longterm) 10

  11. Haiti Recovery – experts and endurance Abteilung Kindergarten, schoolandfacultybuildingreconstructedandhandedover Ongoing large scale material procurementwithinstallmentstofinalise 400 progressive shelters/monthfrom August 2011 onwards + large scalelatrineimplementation Further constructionofcommunalinfrastructure(schools, healthposts) ongoing GRC-AutRCdelegationLeogane in placewith 10 delegates (3 AutRCWatSan- and 1 AutRCFinanceDelegate; 1 AutRCWatSanDelegatesecondedtotheFederation) 11

  12. Recovery programme - timetable Abteilung 2011 - 2012: Implementation of all programmecomponentswiththeinvolvementofthecommunities: - Progressive shelter, communalinfrastructure - Constructionoflatrines, hygienepromotion, rehabilitationofwells/washingplatforms/watersystems - Disasterriskreductionandcapacitybuilding 2013: Handoverof all activitiesandtransitiontolongtermdevelopmentwork (HaitianRed Cross and German Red Cross) 12

  13. …with the power of humanity… …The Red Cross in Haiti

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