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Social Science of the Energy-Environment-Food Nexus Network Plus Town Meeting

Social Science of the Energy-Environment-Food Nexus Network Plus Town Meeting. An introduction to Social Science of the ‘Nexus’. Andy Gibbs, ESRC. What are the future Social Science challenges that cut across the Energy-Environment-Food Nexus?. RESILIENCE

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Social Science of the Energy-Environment-Food Nexus Network Plus Town Meeting

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  1. Social Science of the Energy-Environment-Food NexusNetwork Plus Town Meeting

  2. An introduction to Social Science of the ‘Nexus’ Andy Gibbs, ESRC

  3. What are the future Social Science challenges that cut across the Energy-Environment-Food Nexus?

  4. RESILIENCE (COPING WITH SHOCKS, AND PREPAREDNESS) ONE FACILITATES THE OTHER What Works Public policy shaping/framing Learning (evaluation and knowledge sharing) What national capabilities are required for a resilient society/economy and environment? Resilience and Conflict PUBLIC POLICY AND GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS, TOOLS, ORGANISATIONS THAT CAN HELP Risk, uncertainty, complexity Understanding the dynamics of the nexus at different spatial scales – or, geography matters Governance arrangements for sustainable and efficient overall resource use Interdependencies, trade-offs, values and decisions INTERNAL/EXTERNAL DRIVERS OF CHANGE RESOLVING RESOURCE CONFLICT CAN’T IGNORE WHAT’S HAPPENING Population dynamics: Demographic and location scales and trends Consumption is the major issue (we consume too many resources) INEQUALITY SUSTAINABLE BEHAVIOURS AND SOCIAL TRENDS (SYSTEM LEVEL) Trade STUDIES OF INNOVATION Behaviour and socio-cultural change Rethinking growth for a sustainable future Bioeconomy: New connections: New trade-offs Business (diverse group) Health Human Rights SOCIAL INNOVATIONS Methodological issues UNDERPINNING

  5. A flavour of the emergent questions: • How can we build a richer picture of value systems across the nexus? • How do we grow without consuming more? • Is GDP the right measure of prosperity? • What is and where is the green economy? • What new sectors would grow if policy was implemented? • What policy works in the interconnected space of nexus? • What new governance arrangements are necessary for sustainable overall resource use? • What does resilience look like through a nexus lens? • What are the new research questions around coping with shocks and preparedness? • What does current understanding of behaviour and socio-cultural change look like in the nexus space and where are the gaps? • What training, skills, data, methods and capacity is needed to support this research? • How can we continue the conversation?

  6. Social Science of the Energy-Environment-Food Nexus:What Next? Nexus thinking: Interdependencies, trade-offs, values, decisions… Re-thinking growth for a sustainable future Consumption, behaviour and socio-cultural change Resilience, coping with shocks and preparedness Public policy shaping, framing and learning What is and Where is the Green Economy? Governance arrangements for sustainable overall resource use Methodological Issues Scale and context: spatial, political, demographic…

  7. Our Vision for this Network Plus Hannah Collins, ESRC

  8. Social Science of the Energy-Environment-Food Nexus:What Next? Nexus thinking: Interdependencies, trade-offs, values, decisions… ‘Social Science of the Nexus’ Network Plus Re-thinking growth for a sustainable future Consumption, behaviour and socio-cultural change Resilience, coping with shocks and preparedness Public policy shaping, framing and learning What is and Where is the Green Economy? Governance arrangements for sustainable overall resource use Methodological Issues Scale and context: spatial, political, demographic…

  9. ‘Social Science of the Nexus’ Network Plus • Create a space for ‘Nexus thinking’ to happen; • Foster linkages between research activities that can contribute to addressing the challenges of the Social Science of the Nexus; • Engage the research community with business and other users of research; • Encourage interdisciplinary conversations and perspectives; • Develop richer thinking across the nexus through establishment of a well-resourced networking capacity and leadership; • Unearth future research challenges.

  10. Characteristics of the NW+ • Open, interdisciplinary membership; • Engage a wide range of relevant stakeholders, from academia, business, policy and other sectors; • engage, build and support a new research community, drawing on existing and future investments; • be led by a strong, interdisciplinary team who can articulate a clear shared vision for the NW+; • Dedicated pot for pilot projects and placements to be administered by the NW+; • Strong relationship with ESRC, working with us to unearth new challenges, inform our strategy and build capacity.

  11. NW+ Leadership Team • Anew grouping of researchers? • Draw on strong, existing leadership in the social sciences across related areas • Inspirational leaders! Credible figureheads! Advocates for the role of the social sciences in addressing the challenges of the nexus! • Experience of working with a range of partners • Novel approaches to emerging problem spaces • Unbiased and independent.

  12. The call details Up to £1.875M (100 per cent fEC), 3 year grant Of which, £500,000 (100 per cent fEC) ring-fenced for:Pilot Projects and Placements(Administered by the NW+ through open competition with robust selection process) • And the remainder:Employ an academic Network Coordinator Principal Investigator 1-2 days per weekClear management structure for the NW+, events, publicity etc.

  13. Your Expression of Interest • The names and affiliations of the leadership team members and why this is the right team; • A clear articulation of the leadership team’s vision for the NW+; • How the leadership team will build a community of practice (including user engagement) and facilitate emergent thinking around the challenges of the nexus. • 2 pages: no other documentation will be accepted! We will be assessing: • Why you? Appropriateness, expertise and track record of the leadership team. • Are we convinced? The power of the leadership team’s vision for the NW+, and alignment with ESRCs stated aims for the NW+. • Is it exciting? Articulation and creativity in how the leadership team will build a community of practice and facilitate emergent thinking around the challenges of the nexus. N.B. Please see the call document for full details.

  14. Timetable Closing date for Expressions of Interest: 16.00 on 3 October 2013 Via email: esrcnexusnetworkplus@esrc.ac.uk Decisions by mid-October (we hope Friday 18!) Full proposals stage closes: 12 December 2013 Formal decisions: 31 January 2014 NW+ grant will commence by 1 April 2014

  15. Some things to think about: • How your Network Plus will drive forward ‘social science of the nexus’; Nexus thinking: Interdependencies, trade-offs, values, decisions… Resilience, coping with shocks and preparedness Public policy shaping, framing and learning Re-thinking growth for a sustainable future Consumption, behaviour and socio-cultural change What is and Where is the Green Economy? Governance arrangements for sustainable overall resource use Methodological Issues Scale and context: spatial, political, demographic…

  16. Some things to think about: • Your vision for how you would position and embed this NW+ in the current landscape; • The USP of your leadership team and their vision for this network in the context of the call; • Strategies for how you will engage members and stakeholders; • How you will unearth new research challenges in the nexus space; • How you would administer the pilot projects and partnerships; • Other creative approaches and ideas that we haven’t thought of! Speaking of which…

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