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Leone Hinton Head, Academic Staff Development Unit

The Evaluative Event: A Study of Academics Engaging in Evaluation Practices. Leone Hinton Head, Academic Staff Development Unit. Jo Miller Project Officer, Quality Unit. Context. What is this presentation about?.

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Leone Hinton Head, Academic Staff Development Unit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Evaluative Event: A Study of Academics Engaging in Evaluation Practices Leone Hinton Head, Academic Staff Development Unit Jo Miller Project Officer, Quality Unit

  2. Context

  3. What is this presentation about? This presentation focuses on course (unit) evaluation reports (CER) and how academics conceive of the ‘evaluative event’ and what impact/s on their teaching practice occurs as a result. AHEEF Presentation

  4. ‘Evaluative Event’ A phenomenon where academics experience the receipt of the CER, review and act on the CER. When academics encounter the CER, it sets in motion a set of behaviours and actions that constitute this event. AHEEF Presentation

  5. Receiving the report is kinda like when you have been going out with someone for many years and they give you a small box and you want to open it because it might be an engagement ring but if it’s not your life is about to become very bad … you get the report and it is a very scary thing. [Participant 5]. AHEEF Presentation

  6. Literature student evaluations quality assurance academic teaching practices

  7. How academics conceive of quality? ZZzzzzzz…. AHEEF Presentation

  8. Stakeholders of evaluation outcomes student academics accrediting bodies faculty management university management community state and federal government AHEEF Presentation

  9. Project design - Phenomenography Categories of meanings Conceptions derived Dimensions: Structural Referential OUTCOME SPACE Illustrating the variation of experiences of the Evaluative Event

  10. Data Analysis

  11. Outcome space Academic teaching practices affected by changing structures within the university and sector changes Academic teaching practices affected by changing student cohorts AHEEF Presentation

  12. I find this job is like the agony and the ecstasy … (laugh) with what I have to do, so much and everyone wants a piece of me …(laugh). [Participant 24].


  14. SOLUTION…. What to do? COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE Community participation


  16. Thank you Leone Hinton l.hinton@cqu.edu.au AHEEF Presentation

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