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Aki AKITANI Deputy Secretary General

Review of Current Economic Trends in Breeding & Racing. Aki AKITANI Deputy Secretary General. Contents. Review of Current Economic Trends How the industry is coping with severe business environment How to utilize new communication methods . Europe 75.4%. North America 81.5%.

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Aki AKITANI Deputy Secretary General

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  1. Review of Current Economic Trends in Breeding & Racing Aki AKITANI Deputy Secretary General

  2. Contents • Review of Current Economic Trends • How the industry is coping with severe business environment • How to utilize new communication methods

  3. Europe 75.4% North America 81.5%

  4. 2008 85.2 Billion Euros 2009 84.2 Billion Euros (1.2% decline) Japan 5.5% US 9.8% France 0.4% Australia 12.8% Hong Kong 9.8% Korea 9.2% Ireland 15.8% World Total Betting Turnover(2009)

  5. World Economic Outlook 2010 (IMF)

  6. World WageringFirst Half of 2010 France (PMU) + 0.6 % Hong Kong (*Jan-Jul) +14.1 % Italy (AAMS) - 13.3 % Japan (JRA) - 5.0 % Korea + 6.7 % Singapore - 7.0 % Sweden (ATG) + 3.1 %

  7. Coping with Economic Downturn Cutting Cost & Increase Income Recipe for Disaster Dwelling on the past success & Doing Nothing

  8. Rebate Scheme(Hong Kong Jockey Club) Losing bet exceed HK$10.000 Rebate: 10% of losing bet Target:core customers Pareto Principle (80-20 rules)

  9. Lower Take-Out Rate(PMU) Take-out rate of Win & Place bet (April 2007) 18.5% 15% Monthly total betting increase Jun 18.9% Jul 22.1% Aug 10.7% Sep 15.5% Oct 11.9% Nov 11.2% (Nov: Win & Place +29.2%)

  10. Number of Attendance 2005 Apr Satsuki Sho (GI) 85.146 (+ 6.2%) May Japan Derby(GI) 140.143 (+14.8%) Oct Kikuka Sho (GI) 136.701 (+82.0%) Dec Arima Kinen (GI) 162.409 (+29.6%) 2006 Apr Emperor’s Cup (GI) 93.944 (+ 6.2%) Jun Takarazuka Kinen(GI) 80.382 (+21.9%) Nov Japan Cup (GI) 120.182 (+25.7%) Dec Arima Kinen (GI) 117.251 (-27.8%) Deep Impact

  11. Coping with Economic Downturn Cutting Cost & Increase Income Innovation (think out of the Box) Taking necessary risks & Back to Basics

  12. Racing For Change (BHA)

  13. How to target the new customers on internet(by Mr. John Della Volpe)

  14. How tosocial-network

  15. Essence of Social Network ‘Social networks can never be a cure-it-all. Social media networks, Apple iPhone and other trends are useful when we have the right products to sell’ (Singapore Turf Club)

  16. Twitter I followed

  17. New definition of‘Crisis’ Crisis (by Oxford Dictionary) ‘A time of intense difficulty or danger’ 危  機 Ki Ki 危   crisis or danger 機   opportunity

  18. Review of Current Economic Trends in Breeding & Racing Aki AKITANI Deputy Secretary General

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