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CLIMATE CHANGE. ENERGY IN THE FUTURE. Meet Elhaloog Prep. School for Girls From EGYPT. Climate Change.

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  1. CLIMATE CHANGE ENERGY IN THE FUTURE Meet Elhaloog Prep. School for Girls From EGYPT

  2. Climate Change Human activities in our Planet have produced changes in our climate. As the human population increases, the demand for energy increases as well. A bigger demand for energy affects the Earth’s resources. Everything we consume (eg. food) and use (eg. cars) requires energy. In order to keep up with energy demands, power stations are burning more and more fossil fuels. This process is increasing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

  3. Choosing the correct energy source is nowadays as important as the rational use of it. Looking into the different energy sources will captivate your students and inspire them to adopt greener habits and a better use of energy. Revising their own use of energy can motivate them to search for more information and will build the conviction on the importance of taking care of the Planet’s resources. This knowledge and commitment will encourage them to become active, enthusiastic and responsible to overcome the actual trend in energy use which leads us to an unhealthy Planet.

  4. What Causes Climate Change !? !? !? • volcanic eruptions - When a volcano erupts it throws out large volumes of sulphur dioxide (SO2), water vapour, dust, and ash into the atmosphere. Large volumes of gases and ash can influence climatic patterns for years by increasing planetary reflectivity causing atmospheric cooling. Tiny particles called aerosols are produced by volcanoes. Because they reflect solar energy back into space they have a cooling effect on the world. The greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide is also produced however the CO2 produced is insignificant when compared to emissions created by humans.

  5. ENERGY Nothing can live without energy . People , animals and plants need energy to work.

  6. Forms of Energy _ Electrical energy _  solar energy _ fossil fuels _ Wind Energy _ Nuclear Energy

  7. Renewable Energy solar energy Wind Energy

  8. NONRenewable Energy fossil fuels

  9. The most widely used energy at home and school Electrical energy

  10. The least widely used energy at home and school Nuclear Energy

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