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Genital Herpes

Genital Herpes. By: Katie Redinger. History. Known for at least 2,000 years Emperor Tiberious banned kissing due to cold sores. History. “Vocational disease of women” Not found to be a virus until the 1940s. History. Disease became stigmatized during the 1970s

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Genital Herpes

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  1. Genital Herpes By: Katie Redinger

  2. History • Known for at least 2,000 years • Emperor Tiberious banned kissing due to cold sores

  3. History • “Vocational disease of women” • Not found to be a virus until the 1940s

  4. History • Disease became stigmatized during the 1970s • Merely a cold sore in an odd place

  5. What is Genital Herpes? • STD caused by Herpes Simplex Virus – Type 1 or 2 • Most caused by HSV-2

  6. What is Genital Herpes? Herpesviridae family Similar to Hand, Foot and Mouth disease

  7. What is Genital Herpes? • Lays dormant in ganglion • Never goes away • Flare ups occur in location of exposure

  8. What is Genital Herpes? • Infection at one site prevents infections starting in another site. (Genital, Oral, Ocular, Whitlow) • Creates antibodies

  9. Structure • Double stranded DNA virus • Uses RNA polymerase II to create viral DNA

  10. Symptoms • Break outs of blisters, chancres, and tender ulcers • More serious cases affect the eye and central nervous system

  11. Symptoms • First outbreak usually occurs within 2 weeks of exposure • May also include flu-like symptoms • Frequency decreases overtime (4-5 within a year)

  12. Complications • Bell’s Palsy, facial paralysis, may be caused by HSV-1 • Proposed Alzheimer's.

  13. Transmission • Contact with ruptured sores • Skin to skin contact • Sexual contact

  14. Transmission • Can occur between outbreaks • Skin may contain virus without sores (small rash)

  15. Transmission • HSV-2 Genital to Genital • HSV-1 Oral to Oral, Hand to Oral, Oral to Genital

  16. Demographics • 16.2 % (1/6) Americans ages 14-49 have HSV-2 • More common in women • Transmission is more common Male  Female (8-10%)

  17. Demographics • Worldwide rate of infection 60-90%

  18. Prevention • Use of condoms • Abstinence

  19. Living with Herpes • Topical creams • Vaccines are in clinical trial • Antivirals

  20. Sources

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