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Standard Mileage Method Form (SMM)

Standard Mileage Method Form (SMM). AA/FM Roundup July 27, 2011. SMM Form . Form should be completed when the employee’s first or last destination is not their homebase. Please attach the form to the Employee Mileage Reimbursement Authorization form or to the Travel Voucher. SMM Form.

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Standard Mileage Method Form (SMM)

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  1. Standard Mileage Method Form (SMM) AA/FM Roundup July 27, 2011

  2. SMM Form • Form should be completed when the employee’s first or last destination is not their homebase. Please attach the form to the Employee Mileage Reimbursement Authorization form or to the Travel Voucher.

  3. SMM Form 3.10 Standard Mileage Method • The Standard Mileage Method (SMM) is used to calculate the number of miles reimbursed for travel. This method will ensure that the normal commute is considered in determining the mileage reimbursement amount granted. Employees will receive a reimbursement for daily mileage according to the following guidelines: • Daily miles traveled must exceed the employee’s normal daily driving distance between home and regular work location. Any personal driving such as lunch and personal errands should be excluded.

  4. SMM Form • The SMM requires that you add all miles that you have traveled on that day, including miles from and to your residence to arrive at Daily Miles Traveled. Your normal commute miles are then subtracted from daily miles traveled to arrive at reimbursable miles. • The SMM is required to be calculated only the first time the employee travels that particular route. • The SMM Form (BO 6800) may be obtained at the Business Office or Business Office website. • http://finance.southtexascollege.edu/businessoffice/forms/SMM%20Form.xls

  5. Example • The employee’s homebase is Pecan Campus. Her normal commute (Residence to Homebase) is 8.40 miles round trip. • The employee travels from Residence to NAH (5.22 miles), then travels to Starr (61 miles), then her homebase (54 miles) then to her Residence (4.20 miles). • How many miles should be reimbursed?

  6. Start Residence NAH 5.22 61 4.2 (non-reimbursable) 54 Pecan (Homebase) Starr

  7. Calculating Miles Due to Employee

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