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Advanced Placement United States History

Advanced Placement United States History. Chapters Fourteen/Fifteen Kennedy /Cohen /Bailey The American Pageant Lecture Outline. Changes in the U.S. as of 1850. Half of Population Below 30 23 Million People in U.S.A. 43 Cities over 20,000 People

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Advanced Placement United States History

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  1. Advanced Placement United States History Chapters Fourteen/Fifteen Kennedy /Cohen /Bailey The American Pageant Lecture Outline

  2. Changes in the U.S. as of 1850 • Half of Population Below 30 • 23 Million People in U.S.A. • 43 Cities over 20,000 People • 1 Million Immigrants per Decade • Roman Catholics have become the Largest Denomination

  3. Changes in the U.S. Heavy Immigration from Germany and Ireland Frightened “Nativists” Worried about Cultural Pollution Order of the Star-Spangled Banner Know-Nothing or American Party

  4. Know-Nothing Party Platform • Anti-Catholic, Anti-Immigrant • Demanded 21-Year Residency for Naturalized Citizenship • Political Office Restricted to Native Born Citizens • Supported Legal Restrictions on Alcohol Consumption

  5. Industrial Revolution U.S. Slow To Industrialize

  6. Industrial Revolution U.S. Slow To Industrialize • Landownership so easy, few want to work in factories, prefer farming • 1850 – farm production more valuable than industrial production • Too few workers for industrialization • Too little capital to build factories • Too small a consumer market to support industrialization

  7. American Factory System Samuel Slater Moses Brown Samuel Slater New England as anIndustrial Center

  8. American Factory System Cotton Gin Interchangeable Parts Eli Whitney New England as anIndustrial Center

  9. American Factory System Isaac Singer Cyrus McCormick Samuel Morse Sewing Machine Mower Reaper Telegraph

  10. American Factory System Massachusetts Commonwealth v Hunt Lancaster Turnpike National Road (Cumberland Road)

  11. American Factory System Robert Fulton – Steam Boats The Clermont

  12. The Erie Canal Completed 1825 DeWitt Clinton, Governor of New York

  13. Railroads & Pony Express

  14. Continental Economy • East Supplies Manufactured Goods for Needs of West & South • West Supplies Grain & Livestock to Feed South and East • South Supplies Cotton for Textile Mills of the East & Export to Europe Henry Clay’s American System

  15. 2nd Great Awakening Western New York State called “The Burnt Over District” Methodists & Baptists Frontier Churches Peter Cartwright Methodist Circuit Rider

  16. 2nd Great Awakening Women Take Leadership Roles in Church Organization Charles Grandison Finny

  17. 2nd Great Awakening Congregationalists, Unitarians Episcopal Church, Presbyterians Upper Classes, Educated Baptists & Methodists Lower Classes Frontier , West, & South

  18. 2nd Great Awakening Anti-Slavery Split the Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists into Northern & Southern Churches Adventists or Millerites October 22, 1842

  19. 2nd Great Awakening Mormons or Church of the Latter Day Saints Utah Joseph Smith Brigham Young

  20. 2nd Great Awakening Reform Movements: Public Education Horace Mann – Massachusetts Women’s Education Emma Willard – Troy Female Seminary Horace Mann Emma Willard

  21. 2nd Great Awakening Reform Movements: Women’s Education Mary Lyon – Mount Holyoke SeminaryOberlin College– Women AdmittedDorothea Dix – Improved Mental Health Care in Massachusetts Dorothea Dix Mary Lyon

  22. Women’s Rights “Cult of Domesticity” Lucretia Mott London Anti-slavery Convention Elizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucretia Mott

  23. Women’s Rights Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention of 1848 Susan B. Anthony Declaration of Sentiments “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal….”

  24. Women’s Rights Sarah & Angelina Grimke Women’s Rights and Abolition Sarah Angelina

  25. Women’s Rights Amelia Bloomer Freedom in Clothing Amelia Bloomer Bloomer Pants

  26. Communal LIfestyles New Harmony Indiana, 1825 Oneida Community, New York State, 1848 Robert Owen

  27. Communal LIfestyles Shakers United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing Founded 1772 Mother Ann Lee

  28. Communal LIfestyles Shakers

  29. Communal LIfestyles Shakers

  30. Science Thomas Jefferson - plow John J. Audubon – naturalist, birds Lewis Agassiz – biology John J. Audubon

  31. Art Architecture – Greek Revival Thomas Jefferson

  32. Art Gilbert Stuart – Charles W. Peale Portraits of Famous Americans Stuart’s Washington Peale’s Jefferson

  33. Art Gilbert Stuart – Charles W. Peale Portraits of Famous Americans Stuart’s Washington Peale’s Jefferson

  34. Art John Trumbull Revolutionary War Battles Washington Before Trenton by Trumbull

  35. Art Hudson Valley School Artists Focused on Romanic Landscape

  36. Literature Kickerbocker GroupDutch Heritage of New York State Washington Irving “Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

  37. Literature James Fenimore Cooper “Leather Stockings Tales “ Last of the Mohicans Natty Bumppo William Cullen Bryant Poety – “Thanatopsis”

  38. Literature Ralph Waldo Emerson “The American Scholar” Henry David Thoreau “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass

  39. Literature Emily Dickinson Poetry Edgar Allen Poe “The Raven” “The Fall of the House of Usher”

  40. Literature Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter “Young Goodman Brown” “The Minister’s Black Veil” Herman MelvilleMoby Dick

  41. Cited: Industrialization 1 - www.coe.ilstu.edu/ seat/UD/intunit.htm Isaac Singer - http://e3.uci.edu/clients/bjbecker/SpinningWeb/singerporta.jpg McCormick 1 - www.vahistorical.org/ sva2003/mccormick.htm McCormick 2 - www.pbs.org/.../features/ see_it_now/45.124.html Clermont – http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Cyberia/RiverWeb/Projects/Ambot/TECH/crlmt2.jpg Isaac Singer - http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyrensse/Singer.gif Samuel Morse - http://www.ausbcomp.com/~bbott/wik/smorbrad.jpg Samuel Morse 2 - http://www.onlinekunst.de/aprilzwei/27/foto_morse.jpg Samuel Slater - http://www.nmsi.ac.uk/piclib/imagerecord.asp?id=10305592 Samuel Slater 2 - http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/900/929/Slater_1_lg.gif&imgrefurl=http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/900/929/Slater_1.htm&h=700&w=560&sz=69&tbnid=GjWlBAYUFngJ:&tbnh=137&tbnw=110&start=2&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSamuel%2BSlater%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DN Slater Mill - www.ou.edu/.../ 1858andallthat.htm Eli Whitney - www.eliwhitney.org/ inventor.htm DeWitt Clinton - www.eriecanal.org/ UnionCollege/Clinton.html Erie Canal - http://www.uh.edu/engines/erieboat.jpg Pony Express - http://www.nps.gov/poex/hrs/images/fig5.jpg Pony Express 1 - http://www.rivertrailonline.org/express011024.jpg Peter Cartwright - http://www.cantonbaptist.org/halloffame/images/cartwright.jpg Joseph Smith - www.pbs.org/ americanprophet/joseph-smith.html Brigham Young - ghostdepot.com/rg/ history/utah%20history.htm

  42. Cited: Horace Mann - http://www.pbs.org/merrow/tv/trust/images/mann.jpg Horace Mann 2 - http://wwwman.lkwash.wednet.edu/Who_was_Horace_Mann_files/image002.jpg Horace Mann 3 – http://www.antioch-college.edu/antiochiana/Mann.jpg Emma Willard – 2 - http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyrensse/willard2.jpg Emma Willard - www.lib.rpi.edu/.../ willard_e_72.htm Dix 2 - http://www.civilwar.si.edu/leaders_images/dix_waugh.jpg Dix 3 - www.edinborough.com/ Life/Nurses/Dix.html Mary Lyon - : www.saao.ac.za/~wpk/ tov1882/tovwell.html Mary Lyon 2 - http://www.gis.net/~mtf/m-lyonw.jpg Stanton 2 - pblmm.k12.ca.us/.../ Women/special/vote4wmn.html Lucretia Mott - http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/pwwmh/mott.jpg Stanton 1 - www.undelete.org/library/ libpix-stanton-ec.html Stanton 2 - pblmm.k12.ca.us/.../ Women/special/vote4wmn.html Angelina Grimke - http://www.orgsites.com/tx/thinktank/TN_Grimke,_Angelina.jpg Sarah Grimke - http://www.historyswomen.com/sgrimke.jpg Robert Owen - http://www.econ.duke.edu/Economists/Gifs/Owen.gif Bloomers - http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/ub/ausstellungen/mode/images/HOSEN_W3.jpg Shaker Worship - http://www.designdictionary.it/images/cover/shakers.jpg Shaker Worship 2 - http://www.relst.uiuc.edu/Courses/110/Shakers.jpg Shaker Worship 3 - http://www.uwec.edu/Geography/Ivogeler/w188/utopian/shaker2.jpg Amelia Bloomer - http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~ulrich/RHE309/vicfembios/images/abloomer.jpg Mother Ann Lee - http://home.dayton.lib.oh.us/Archives/Shaker/Exhibit/Shaker4-ex.jpg

  43. Cited: Robert Owen - http://www.econ.duke.edu/Economists/Gifs/Owen.gif Shaker Worship 3 - http://www.uwec.edu/Geography/Ivogeler/w188/utopian/shaker2.jpg Greek Revival 2 - http://www.txinfo.com/brykerwoods/News/images_OWAHD/1853_PeaseMansionGreekRev.jpg Gilbert Stuart - http://www.fiona.co.jp/GENERAL_BOOKS/images/ART_BOOKS/GILBERT_STUART_ABRAMS.jpg Peale - www.tribuneindia.com/.../ spectrum/thomas.jpg Stuart 2 - museum.nist.gov/ object.asp?ObjID=23 Peale - www.tribuneindia.com/.../ spectrum/thomas.jpg Hudson Valley School - http://www.questergallery.com/gallery/im/8355.jpg John Trumbulln- http://www.cigarlabelart.com/auct%209/Images/094_John_Trumbull_I__TS__SL_MB175..jpg Hudson Valley School - http://www.questergallery.com/gallery/im/8355.jpg Trumbull - http://www.npg.si.edu/img2/gw/trenton.gif Trumbull 2 - www.cigarlabelart.com/ auct% Washington Irving 2 - http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/600/652/Irving_3_sm.gif

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