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This report discusses the main objectives and recommendations for conducting housing censuses in the 2020 round, including collecting information on housing units, benchmark statistics, and up-to-date data. It also analyzes the implementation of housing topics in the 2010 round and provides recommendations for revisions and additional topics for the 2020 round.

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  1. INTERNATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS ON HOUSING TOPICS for the 2020 Round of Population and Housing Censuses United Nations Statistics Division

  2. Content • Main objectives of conducting housing censuses • Implementation of housing topics in the 2010 round of censuses • Recommendations for the 2020 round of censuses

  3. Main goals of conducting housing censuses • Collecting information on: • supply of housing units • size of housing units and collective living quarters • structural characteristics and facilities • of living quarters, buildings, households • Developing benchmark statistics for building and construction statisticscollected through administrative registers • Continues up-to-date statistics

  4. Implementation of housing topics -2010 round • Census questionnaires of 124 countries - 27 in Africa, 18 in North America, 6 in South America, 27 in Asia, 24 in Europe, 22 in Oceania – were compared with the recommended housing topics based on the questions and classifications • National census questions were matched with the recommended topics in accurate manner to analyze what extent the recommended topics is implemented by the countries

  5. Main findings – core topics

  6. Main findings – non-core topics

  7. Main findings – regional pattern • Both topics are core • Very low interest for ownership status except Europe • Europe collected information on both topics

  8. Main findings – regional pattern • Both topics are core • Only in Asia, more countries are interested in collecting data on source of drinking water, rather than the type of the water supply system • Quite a few countries collected additional information on source of drinking water referring to special treatments-boiling, filtering - and the frequency of accessing water

  9. Additional topics covered by countries- not in the P&R • Availability of space for car parking • Position of dwelling in the building • Availability of recycling system for disposing garbage • Year of moving in the housing unit • Sources of income • Ownership of secondary/other housing unit

  10. Recommendations for the 2020 round ♦ Core topic □ Core topic, derived ○ Additional topic

  11. Recommendations for 2020 round of censuses Main revisions • Two new topics – additional (non-core) topics • Position of dwelling in the building • Accessibility to dwelling • Revisions in the classification of : • Bathing facilities • Building by type • Construction materials of outer walls, roof and floor • Tenure

  12. Main revisions –New topics Position of dwelling in the building (Non-core )  The following classification of dwellings by position in the building is recommended: 1. Dwelling on one floor only 1.1 Dwelling below the ground floor 1.2 Dwelling on the ground floor of the building 1.3 Dwelling on the 1st or 2nd floor of the building 1.4 Dwelling on the 3rd or 4th floor of the building 1.5 Dwelling on the 5th floor of the building or higher 2. Dwellings on two or more floors 2.1 Dwelling on the ground floor of the building or below ground level 2.2 Dwelling on the 1st or 2nd floor of the building 2.3 Dwelling on the 3rd or 4th floor of the building 2.4 Dwelling on the 5th floor of the building or higher For dwellings on two or more floors, information should be provided with reference to the lowest floor level of the dwelling.

  13. Main revisions –New topics Accessibility to dwelling (Non-core topics) The following classification of accessibility to the front door of the dwelling/housing unit is recommended, based on the presence of ramps, steps, and lifts: 1. Access with no steps or ramp 2. Access by ramp 3. Access by disabled stair lift 4. Access using lift only (though the building may have staircases as well) 5. Access by using only steps 6. Access only by using both lift and steps

  14. Main revisions- Classifications Bathing facilities (Core topic) Alternatively, the following classification may be more appropriate in certain circumstances:  1. Separate room for bath or shower within the housing unit 2. No separate room for bath or shower but bathing space available within the housing unit (for example it may be in an open area around the well within the housing unit, in the courtyard) 3. Bathing room available but outside the housing unit for exclusive use 4. Shared bathing room outside the housing unit 5. No specific bathing room available The recommended classifica­tion of housing units by availability and type of bathing facilities is as follows: 1. With fixed bath or shower within housing unit 2. Without fixed bath or shower within housing unit 2.1 Fixed bath or shower available outside housing unit 2.1.1 For exclusive use 2.1.2 Shared 2.2 No fixed bath or shower available

  15. Main revisions- Classifications Buildings by type (Core topic) • Additional categories for non-residential buildings 1. Residential buildings 1.1 . Buildings containing a single housing unit 1.1.1 Detached 1.1.2 Attached 1.2 Buildings containing more than one housing unit 2.2.1 Up to 2 floors 2.2.2 From 3 to 4 floors 2.2.3 From 5 to 10 floors 2.2.4 Eleven floors or more 1.3 Buildings for persons living in institutions 1.4 Other residential buildings 2. Non-residential buildings

  16. Main revisions- Classifications Construction materials of floor and roof (Non-core topic) Construction material of outer walls (Core topic) 1. Burnt clay (bricks, blocks, panels), stone, concrete 2. Unburnt clay, mud, earth 3. Wood 4. Bamboo 5. Corrugated sheets 6. Prefabricated units 7. Other materials 1. Tile 2. Concrete 3. Metal sheeting 4. Wood 5. Bamboo 6. Palm, straw 7. Mud 8. Plastic sheeting 9. Other materials Classifications for two topics are introduced

  17. Main revisions- Classifications Tenure (core topic) 1. Household owns housing unit 2. Household rents all or a part of hous­ing unit 2.1 As a main tenant 2.2 As a subtenant 3. Household occupies housing unit partly free of rent 4. Household occupies housing unit wholly free of rent 5. Household occupies housing unit under some other arrangement • Simplification of the exiting categories – member of household owns housing unit or rents housing unit • New category for distinguishing partly or wholly free of rent

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